一个很简单的英语填空I think that she____ on time tomorrow(arrive)你对你的新电脑满意吗,翻译这句话

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 12:28:26

一个很简单的英语填空I think that she____ on time tomorrow(arrive)你对你的新电脑满意吗,翻译这句话
I think that she____ on time tomorrow(arrive)

一个很简单的英语填空I think that she____ on time tomorrow(arrive)你对你的新电脑满意吗,翻译这句话
1.will arrive 或 is arriving
从句意来看,从句应该使用一般将来时,所以用will arrive;
而且arrive的进行时可以表示将来时,所以也可以用is arriving.
2.翻译:Are you satisfied/pleased/content/happy with your new computer?

I think that she ____will arrive____ on time tomorrow(arrive)

will arrive

1. will arrive 或 is arriving
解释:从句意来看,从句应该使用一般将来时,所以用will arrive;
而且arrive的进行时可以表示将来时,所以也可以用is arriving.
2. 翻译:Are you satisfied/pleased/content/happy with your new computer?

一个很简单的英语填空I think that she____ on time tomorrow(arrive)你对你的新电脑满意吗,翻译这句话 一到简单英语填空 谢谢 (求详解)I was born__June 6 th 2002 一个超级简单的英语填空题Can you play th violin?Yes,I can ____ _____ not very well.这里有两个空格啊,如果只有一个空格,会不会相近于Yes,I can but not very well.一楼的,可是它中间没有逗号啊,是这样的( 英语填空(很简单) 英语对话填空(很简单的)乙:( ) is your ( ) ( 甲:( ) favorite subject is science.乙:Really?I like science.( ).每一个( )填一个单词 很简单的一个语文填空题 一个很简单的语文填空题 很简单的一个语文填空题 英语填空---th要两个---th i like english very much.i think is very important and.一个英语完形填空 求全文 我要的是英文全文 一个简单英语句子,英语一句话中只能有一个谓语动词.I think he is a boy.这句话中think和is不都是动词 几个简单的英语填空 几个简单的英语填空 我认为用英语怎么说?不要I think,in my opinion 之类的太简单说法 简单英语填空 急用啊 John is () birthday is on August 12th 快!很简单的英语选择题!I don't think he is right,____?A.do I B.isn't he 英语填空I think your parents are (s ) with you 英语的完型填空,(根据首字母提示补全单词)谢谢了Dear Sally,I'm sorry to hear that you're not feeling well.I think you should take it e_____,and you n______ to take some time o______ to relax.You should eat m______ beef and lamb.Th