check examine test 的区分

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 16:52:07

check examine test 的区分
check examine test 的区分

check examine test 的区分
check 指核对...票之类的 检查的意思
examine检查,检验 调查 检测,考试
test试验,检验 考试

check 核实 examine 检查问题所在 test 测试性能

check examine test 的区分 examine和test的区别,check out和check examine和test的区别,check out和check的区别分别是什么? examine和test的区别,check out和check的区别分别是什么? examine/test/check辨析可以各举几个常见,易混用法的例句吗? measure,examine,check的区别 examine和test的区别 区分examine check test我先把区分打出来吧.examine check test都可以当检查讲.但是examine着重指通过仔细观察之后找到问题的所在,也可以指通过测验来了解某人或者某物.check侧重指核实判断事物的 check 和examine 的区别是什么check 和examine 都是检查,核对,有什么区别? 问一下check与examine的区别请举例说明 look over,examine和check over的区别 -I don't know whether the answer is right.-You can ___ your teacher about it.A.examine B.check C.ask D.test test 和 examine 的区别?还有 的意思是? the doctor will examine your throat ,fell your pulse,test your blood pressurethe doctor will examine your throat ,fell your pulse,test your blood pressure ,take your temperature ,sound your heart and lungs ,test your eyes ,check your teeth or have yo examine与check的区别都有检查的意思,有何区别呢?最好有例句! look over、check over、examine有什么区别 软件测试中 check in test 是什么 1、When you finish doing the exercises,you may __ your answers with your teacher.A、examine B、test C、check D、correct 2、She __ me that it was no use trying to __ him to give up smoking-he just wouldn’t listen.A、reportde;make B、suggeste