英语翻译1)Christmas was an exciting season for my six-year-old son.For weeks,he’d been memorizing songs for the “Winter Ceremony” in his kindergarten class.I went to see their rehearsal(排练,演练预演).(2)As I waited,students

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 13:29:19

英语翻译1)Christmas was an exciting season for my six-year-old son.For weeks,he’d been memorizing songs for the “Winter Ceremony” in his kindergarten class.I went to see their rehearsal(排练,演练预演).(2)As I waited,students
1)Christmas was an exciting season for my six-year-old son.For weeks,he’d been memorizing songs for the “Winter Ceremony” in his kindergarten class.I went to see their rehearsal(排练,演练预演).
(2)As I waited,students were led into the room.Each class,accompanied by their teacher,sat cross-legged on the floor.Then,each group,one by one rose to perform their song.I didn’t expect anything other than fun.
(3)My son’s class rose to sing “Christmas Love”.Those in the front row on the center stage held up large letters,one by one,to spell out the title of the song.When the class sang “C is for Christmas,” a child would hold up the letter C.Then another would hold up “H” for Happy,and on and on,until each child was holding up a letter,presenting the complete message,“Christmas Love”.
(4)The performance was going smoothly until suddenly we noticed a small,quiet girl in the front row holding the letter “M” upside down—totally unaware that her letter “M” appeared as a “W”.The audience began to laugh at this little girl’s mistake.But she had no idea that they were laughing at her,so she stood tall,proudly holding her “W”.Although many teachers tried to quiet the children,the laughter continued until the last letter was raised,and we all saw it together.【A hush came over the audience】and eyes began to widen.In that instant 【we understood the reason we were there,and even though it was such a busy holiday,there was a purpose of celebrating Christmas.】 For when the last letter was held high,the message read loud and clear:“CHRISTWAS LOVE”.And I believe that this is why Christmas is so important.
第1句:A hush came over the audience,解释come over的意思.然后标准翻译本句.

英语翻译1)Christmas was an exciting season for my six-year-old son.For weeks,he’d been memorizing songs for the “Winter Ceremony” in his kindergarten class.I went to see their rehearsal(排练,演练预演).(2)As I waited,students
(4)表现都很顺利,直到突然间,我们注意到一个小的,文静的女孩在前排持有的字母“M”倒挂完全不知道她的字母“M”,出现一个“W”.观众开始笑了起来,这个小女孩的错误.但她不知道,他们都在笑她,让她站在高高的,骄傲地握着她的“W”.尽管许多教师试图安静的孩子,笑声不断提高,直到最后一个字母,我们都看到了一起.【A嘘多名观众前来】和眼睛开始扩大.就在这一刹那【我们理解的原因,我们在那里,即使它是这样一个繁忙的假日,目的是庆祝圣诞节.】的最后一个字母时举行,读取的信息响亮而清晰:“CHRISTWAS LOVE “.我相信,这就是为什么圣诞节是 观众嘘走了过来,





1. A字母。 come over,突然感到,在上方经过,然后这句的意思应该是。A使所有的观众顿时平静下来。看最后一句,这里的“M”翻过来后,就变成christ was love了。不知道这样理解对不对。
2. 第二句,那一瞬间我们明白,即使是繁忙的假期,我们仍然需要有颗庆祝圣诞节的心,这就是我们为什么要出现在那里的原因。...


1. A字母。 come over,突然感到,在上方经过,然后这句的意思应该是。A使所有的观众顿时平静下来。看最后一句,这里的“M”翻过来后,就变成christ was love了。不知道这样理解对不对。
2. 第二句,那一瞬间我们明白,即使是繁忙的假期,我们仍然需要有颗庆祝圣诞节的心,这就是我们为什么要出现在那里的原因。
