求英语大神来翻译一下下.美属维京群岛(U.S. Virgin Islands)的25美分硬币硬币上,左边两棵高大的树是Tyre Palm,维京群岛和波多黎哥特有的一种棕榈树.树下的三朵花是这种棕榈树所开的花,淡黄

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 02:58:06

求英语大神来翻译一下下.美属维京群岛(U.S. Virgin Islands)的25美分硬币硬币上,左边两棵高大的树是Tyre Palm,维京群岛和波多黎哥特有的一种棕榈树.树下的三朵花是这种棕榈树所开的花,淡黄
美属维京群岛(U.S. Virgin Islands)的25美分硬币
硬币上,左边两棵高大的树是Tyre Palm,维京群岛和波多黎哥特有的一种棕榈树.树下的三朵花是这种棕榈树所开的花,淡黄色,会结果实,熟透的果实为紫黑色.花上有一只Bananaquit(蕉森莺),估计就是吃这花蜜和果实为生的.如果说代表国家的树叫国树,代表国家的花叫国花,代表国家的鸟叫国鸟,那么这些分别就是岛树、岛花和岛花了.硬币的右边,由构成美属维京群岛的三大岛屿(圣约翰、圣汤姆斯、圣诺克斯)来代表.顺时针方向.下面用英语写着美属维京群岛的座右铭: “United in Pride and Hope 在自豪和希望下联合”.最最底下是美国国徽上出现的一排拉丁文,写着“E Pluribus Unum 合众为一”.

求英语大神来翻译一下下.美属维京群岛(U.S. Virgin Islands)的25美分硬币硬币上,左边两棵高大的树是Tyre Palm,维京群岛和波多黎哥特有的一种棕榈树.树下的三朵花是这种棕榈树所开的花,淡黄
The U.S.Virgin Islands (U.S.Virgin Islands) of the 25 cent coin
Coins,left two tall tree is Tyre Palm,a palm tree in the Virgin Islands andPuerto Rico brother special.Three flowers under the tree is the palm trees bloom,pale yellow,will bear fruit,ripe fruit is dark purple.The Bananaquit has only one flower (Qiao Senying),is estimated to eat thenectar and fruit for a living.If that represent the state of the tree calledtree,representing national flower is called the national flower,on behalf of the state bird is the national bird,so these are the tree island,islandand island spent flowers.The right side of the coin,is composed of threelarge islands United States Virgin Islands (Sanjohn,St.Thomas,Shengnuokesi) to represent.Clockwise direction.The following write US Virgin Islands motto in English:"United in Pride and Hope united in Pride and hope".Most is under a row of Latin American national emblem on the emergence,write "E Pluribus Unum e pluribus unum".