
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 00:39:42


1.there is a large amount of white stains on the backboard produced by our company
after confirmation,the backboards are usable.are there any further problems concerning backboards after that?should we start applying the backboards after your reconfirmation?
2.the white stains should not be appearing on the backboards as required.what is the cause of the problem?
3.the requirements of appearance of the backboard of our company are:clean,stainless,no folding,and uniform color.

Dear Mr **
I am very sorry to inform you that there is lots of white stains on the back-board.
We have confirmed with you before, and they can be used well. If there is any ...


Dear Mr **
I am very sorry to inform you that there is lots of white stains on the back-board.
We have confirmed with you before, and they can be used well. If there is any problem aftermath? If it should be confirmed by you before using?

By the way , the white stains should not be on the board, what is the reason?
Our requirments for the borad is: clean surface, no stains, no folding, and evenly-colored.
Best Regards
Yours ***


It is my great pleasure to write to you.
I have confirmed with you about the white stain on the back of the goods is ok and can be functional well. After that is there any other problem on the bac...


It is my great pleasure to write to you.
I have confirmed with you about the white stain on the back of the goods is ok and can be functional well. After that is there any other problem on the back of the rest goods, should we confirm with you before they be used?
It is not allowed that white stain present on the back, what is the reason that causes so many stains on the back?
My company would request that the goods’ surface is clean, stainless, pure color, no rumple


1。Now there is a lot of white blot in our rear panel. We have asked for your confirmation before and was told that it can be used. What about the rear panels after? Should we wait for your permission ...


1。Now there is a lot of white blot in our rear panel. We have asked for your confirmation before and was told that it can be used. What about the rear panels after? Should we wait for your permission before we use it?
2.The white blot shouldn't have been there in the rear panels. What do you think is the reason for so much white blot?
3.Our requirement for the appearance is : clean surface,free of blot, free of wrinkles and uniform color.


英语翻译1.我司目前背板中有大量白色污渍翻译成英文邮件之前与你们确认过,可以使用.那之后的背板是否也没问题?是否需要等你们确认后才能使用?2.白色污渍是不应该出现在背板中的,是 酒精的污渍怎么去我的桌面被滴上酒精,有一摊白色的污渍,有什么办法去除吗 太阳能电池中背板膜有何作用 太阳能电池背板膜是太阳能电池背膜吗? 白色石英石厨房台面有污渍怎么去掉 怎么去掉白色塑料的污渍我的表带是白色塑料制品 求问 怎么才能去掉污渍 太阳能电池板有背板毛刺, 怎样清洗橡胶表带上污渍白色的,橡胶表带,上面有平时摩擦的污渍,怎样清洗? 怎样清洗橡胶表带上污渍白色的,橡胶表带,上面有平时摩擦的污渍,怎样清洗? 我有件白色的衣服,怎么去除上面的污渍别跟我说用什么醋 盐 漂白剂和什么化学东西的 白色的校服上有黑色的中性笔怎样洗?(污渍染得有点深)急!我现在已经在污渍上涂了一层那种洗衣服污渍的蓝月亮,又涂了一层牙膏,还涂了一层沐浴露,都还没干净,我该怎么办啊? 白色橡胶污渍如何清除最紧买了双Y3鞋子·穿了一次·鞋底边上很有些污渍·以前的鞋子拿湿抹布一擦就没了·这鞋子我拿牙刷用肥皂用牙膏刷都刷不干净·有谁知道怎么清除这种污渍! 不绣钢材质用过去渍油后表面有白色污渍应如何处理 目前大量运输氢气有什么困难 白色手机壳上污渍怎么清理 英语翻译:水在沸腾过程中有大量气泡产生 英语翻译“我穿着白色有帽子的衣服” 不锈钢有污渍怎么处理 目前人类可以大量使用的淡水资源有哪些