英语翻译1.If the earth’s temperature rises,it will be a disaster for all mankind.2.After the accident,Bill learned to walk again through hard work and determination.3.I have bought myself insurance for I don’t want to be a(n) burden to my chi

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 10:09:12

英语翻译1.If the earth’s temperature rises,it will be a disaster for all mankind.2.After the accident,Bill learned to walk again through hard work and determination.3.I have bought myself insurance for I don’t want to be a(n) burden to my chi
1.If the earth’s temperature rises,it will be a disaster for all mankind.
2.After the accident,Bill learned to walk again through hard work and determination.
3.I have bought myself insurance for I don’t want to be a(n) burden to my children when I’m old.
4.The job involves a lot of writing,typing,and even traveling so its duties are difficult to define.
5.The amount of financial aid offered has influenced students decisions about which school to attend.
6.We need to devote more time and resources to this important project.
7.She’s doing research into the connection between crime and poverty.
8.Scientists have agreed on the cause of the disease but still haven’t found a cure for it.
9.Life can be seen as an endless struggle between good and evil.
10.Rising food prices caused great hardship for most of the population.
11.The police denied any responsibility and suggested that many of those who died had
committed suicide.
12.An examination revealed that the driver had suffered a heart attack at the time of the accident.
1.All the worry and anxiety had been too much for her,so she suddenly broke down in tears.
2.He took all he had for granted ,and never realized how lucky he was.
3.He was afraid to look me in the eye because he was not telling the truth.
4.When I saw that man of strong principle and sense of justice,I couldn’t help but respect him.
5.The loss of opportunity was a heavy blow to him,but it was no use crying over it.
6.The girl is so interested in the physical world that she will no doubt be a great scientist.
7.The boy got amused at the idea of dressing up as a girl to attend the party.
8.Three days after the heart attack,the patient slipped into a coma and died the next day.

英语翻译1.If the earth’s temperature rises,it will be a disaster for all mankind.2.After the accident,Bill learned to walk again through hard work and determination.3.I have bought myself insurance for I don’t want to be a(n) burden to my chi
1.If the earth’s temperature rises,it will be a disaster for all mankind.
2.After the accident,Bill learned to walk again through hard work and determination.
3.I have bought myself insurance for I don’t want to be a(n) burden to my children when I’m old.
4.The job involves a lot of writing,typing,and even traveling so its duties are difficult to define.
5.The amount of financial aid offered has influenced students decisions about which school to attend.
6.We need to devote more time and resources to this important project.
7.She’s doing research into the connection between crime and poverty.
8.Scientists have agreed on the cause of the disease but still haven’t found a cure for it.
9.Life can be seen as an endless struggle between good and evil.
10.Rising food prices caused great hardship for most of the population.
11.The police denied any responsibility and suggested that many of those who died had
committed suicide.
12.An examination revealed that the driver had suffered a heart attack at the time of the accident.
1.All the worry and anxiety had been too much for her,so she suddenly broke down in tears.
2.He took all he had for granted ,and never realized how lucky he was.
3.He was afraid to look me in the eye because he was not telling the truth.
4.When I saw that man of strong principle and sense of justice,I couldn’t help but respect him.
5.The loss of opportunity was a heavy blow to him,but it was no use crying over it.
6.The girl is so interested in the physical world that she will no doubt be a great scientist.
7.The boy got amused at the idea of dressing up as a girl to attend the party.
8.Three days after the heart attack,the patient slipped into a coma and died the next day.






















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