My rules for a safe and healthy life 是翻译成 :我安全健康生活的规则

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 13:04:09

My rules for a safe and healthy life 是翻译成 :我安全健康生活的规则
My rules for a safe and healthy life 是翻译成 :我安全健康生活的规则

My rules for a safe and healthy life 是翻译成 :我安全健康生活的规则

你的翻译是基本正确的 rules就是规则,规定的意思 for就是为。。。的意思 这句话就是 我的安全健康生活的规则或者信条

My rules for a safe and healthy life 是翻译成 :我安全健康生活的规则 there are six rules (for)a safe and healthy life 为什么用for 不用in? Pray for my family safe and sound Who will------my place?A.hold B.bring D.take2The traffic rules ---- vehicles go in order and keep people safe.A take B keep C make D ask 3 I really can't decide -----to choose for my son because they are all nice.A what B how C make D ask 4Durin Who will------my place?A.hold B.bring D.take2The traffic rules ---- vehicles go in order and keep people safe.A take B keep C make D ask 3 I really can't decide -----to choose for my son because they are all nice.A what B how C make D ask 4Durin We follow the rules for our own_____there is traffic at a zebra_____ 这两题 用以下 2个单词的恰当的形式写出来 safe cross My rule for a safe and healthy life 作文马上就要 英语翻译You know that your bicycle is built for one person.It is not safe to carry anyone 8 you.9 is this so?Keep 10 safe by safety rules when you ride on a bicycle.Watch where you are going at all times.( ) B.for C.with ) 9.A.Where 急用,请各位帮我翻译,Six rules for a safe and healthy life (外研版初三下英语M6u2)的课文!是全是全篇课文!!不是这句话!!如果 回答的好 追加悬赏分!!!!! my parents make too many---for me at home a.homework b.rules c.classes 英语翻译I hear voices in my head They council me,they understand They talk to me.You got your rules and your religion,all designed to keep you safe.But when rules start getting broken you start questioning your faith.I have a voice that is my sav We have a lot of rules at my house [对a lot of rules提问 It's safe to () the traffic rules怎么写呢?括号里可填:A.follow;B.remember;C.know This is a ( )(safe)place for everyone. ( )内填空 英语翻译See me safe up:for my coming down,I can shift for myself It was like offering to drop a safe on my head to cure my headache.这里safe啥意思? His group is making a list of rules for the My school rules