英语翻译摘 要目前在国内由于瓦斯泄漏,引起中毒、爆炸时有发生,直接威胁着人民的生命和国家财产安全.因此防悲剧于未然的必要性就变得十分的重要.而利用瓦斯监控报警器,就可以很好的

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 14:50:46

英语翻译摘 要目前在国内由于瓦斯泄漏,引起中毒、爆炸时有发生,直接威胁着人民的生命和国家财产安全.因此防悲剧于未然的必要性就变得十分的重要.而利用瓦斯监控报警器,就可以很好的
摘 要

英语翻译摘 要目前在国内由于瓦斯泄漏,引起中毒、爆炸时有发生,直接威胁着人民的生命和国家财产安全.因此防悲剧于未然的必要性就变得十分的重要.而利用瓦斯监控报警器,就可以很好的
In china,the poisoning and explosion caused by the leak of gas start from time to time,which threaten people's lives and the security of national property directly.Therefore,to nip it in bud is very important.The use of agent mointor alarm can prevent the occurance of such gas accident perfectly.Once the agent alarm detects the gas concentration has run out of normal,it will give give an alarm with sound and light.The biggest advantage is distinctness,which can spread widely.At the same time,the fan will be started to discharge air so as to reduce the gas concentration.
However,with the development of science and technology,the accurance and solidarity of the some gas alarm agent's critical value cannot meet the requirment of the time.In such case,the design of new gas alarm agent becomes more important.
The design of our project has applied modular design and have simple constructions ,with a proper design of hardware.As the design is using AT89S52 Single-chip as core component,it can be applied to many fields during the operation of system.Apart from that,by the use of digital transmission,the system enjoys a strong interference immunity and a stable working ability,which makes the operation and manitenance of system more convenient.More still,the system has the advantage of low costing,mature thecnology,perfect function,high real-time and alarming.The design is simple and easy to ust on the whole,up to the requirment of security system.
Key Word:alarming critical value; gas concentration ; AT89S52; digital transmission

At present in China as a result of gas leakage, caused by poisoning, when the explosion occurred, a direct threat to people's lives and safety of state property. Tragedy in the first place, therefore ...


At present in China as a result of gas leakage, caused by poisoning, when the explosion occurred, a direct threat to people's lives and safety of state property. Tragedy in the first place, therefore preventing the need to become very important. The use of gas monitoring and alarm can be good for the prevention of gas explosion accident occurred, if the use of gas monitoring alarm monitoring to excessive gas concentrations, and its use of tones and lighting changes to the police, the biggest advantage is obvious that the spread of range . At the same time start the exhaust fan system, reduce the gas concentration. However, with the development of science and technology, is currently part of the gas monitor alarm alarm threshold accuracy and stability have been behind the times. Development of a new gas monitor alarm significantly more important. To take this design modular design, the hardware circuit design reasonable, simple structure, designed to AT89S52 microcontroller core, so the beginning of the implementation of the system and the process has greatly increased its field of use. In addition, the system uses digital transmission, anti-interference is strong, stable and reliable work, operation and maintenance more convenient. And the system is low cost, mature technology, fully functional, real-time high and at the same time the advantages of warning. Design the overall structure is simple and easy to implement, practical convenience, in compliance with the safety system design requirements.
Key words: alarm threshold; gas concentration; AT89S52; digital transmission


英语翻译摘 要目前在国内由于瓦斯泄漏,引起中毒、爆炸时有发生,直接威胁着人民的生命和国家财产安全.因此防悲剧于未然的必要性就变得十分的重要.而利用瓦斯监控报警器,就可以很好的 英语翻译摘 要目前家用的数字电子钟,多数只能显示小时、分钟等信息,功能单一,而且大都采用LED数码管作为显示器件,功耗大,不能令消费者满意.为此,本文设计了一款多功能数字式电子钟,它 初三时事政治的题哪里有 要目前的 引起煤矿瓦斯爆炸的原因?近日,贵州普安发生一起煤矿瓦斯爆炸事故,看媒体报道说是由于在一采区运输下山中段半煤岩层掘进放炮引起瓦斯爆炸,那么,还有哪些因素可以引起瓦斯爆炸? 英语翻译我们公司在国内 业界属于前十,但是工资是在业界比较低的 英语翻译变压器在运行中,由于内部故障,有时候我们无法及时辩别和采取措施,容易引起一些事故.采取瓦斯继电器保护后,一定程度上避免类似事件的发生.本文将瓦斯继电器动作后如何收集气 英语翻译核泄漏 在煤矿矿井中,由于种种摩擦产生的静电电荷,一旦发生火花放电就会引起瓦斯爆炸, 国内航班一般在飞机起飞前多长时间开始登机? 瓦斯鉴定器在井下什么地方清洗瓦斯室 在过去(英语翻译) 由于【英语翻译】 下列各项描述中属于物理性爆炸的是煤矿中因遭遇明火而发生的瓦斯爆炸高压锅因排气孔堵塞而爆炸节日的烟花在空中爆炸厨房中因燃气泄漏而爆炸 英语翻译本人现在在国外,由于国内有人要给我订做西装,于是在当地的裁缝店量了一下尺寸,由于本人英语有限跪求相关的大神给予正确的翻译,还有就是这些数字的单位是什么?和国内的单位 英语翻译进口原材料由于报关的原因价格低,但销售单价是按照在国内采购的价格加价制定的.现在有些产品的销售价格是在原材料与加工费之和的基础上加价15% 我国现阶段由于国内的因素和国际影响,阶级斗争在什么条件下会激化 在国内英语翻译证有哪几种,各有什么不同? 英语翻译随着对外贸易规模的扩张,中国在世界贸易总量中的地位迅速上升.同时由于我国外贸出口年年大幅增长,对国外的某些产业构成了威胁,出于保护国内产业的目的,一些国家的企业和政 汽车在什么情况下会爆炸?如果只是汽油泄漏会爆吗?爆炸前有什么征兆之类的吗?