英语短文—模仿行为And the effect isn‟tlimited to real-life face-to-face activities.Another study found that the sameyou-drink-then-I-drink pattern held even when watching a movie!In other words,people were more likely to take a drink o

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 16:36:46

英语短文—模仿行为And the effect isn‟tlimited to real-life face-to-face activities.Another study found that the sameyou-drink-then-I-drink pattern held even when watching a movie!In other words,people were more likely to take a drink o
And the effect isn‟t
limited to real-life face-to-face activities.Another study found that the same
you-drink-then-I-drink pattern held even when watching a movie!In other words,
people were more likely to take a drink of their drinks in a theater after
watching the actors on the screen enjoy a drink.At least I don‟t feel so strange anymore,having picked up on
Adam Carolla‟s“good times”.
New research published today in the journal PLOS ONE
indicates that the same sort of behavioral mimicry is responsible for social
eating,at least among university-age women of normal weight.That‟s right:the young women were more likely to adjust
their eating according to the eating pace of their same-sex dining companion.
As with most experiments,these results raise a whole new
set of questions.Still,the finding that behavioral mimicry may at least
partly account for eating behavior is important,and has real effects on
health.The researchers note that “as long as people don‟t fully recognize such important influences on
intake,it will be difficult to make healthy food choices and keep a healthy
diet,especially when people are exposed to the eating behavior of others”.
69.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that _________.
C.there are doubts
on the research results
D.there are people
always exposed to bad eating habits

英语短文—模仿行为And the effect isn‟tlimited to real-life face-to-face activities.Another study found that the sameyou-drink-then-I-drink pattern held even when watching a movie!In other words,people were more likely to take a drink o
D 选项的翻译过于绝对并且你通过翻译就能看出来,建议你好好翻译一遍哦才看到问题2

英语短文—模仿行为And the effect isn‟tlimited to real-life face-to-face activities.Another study found that the sameyou-drink-then-I-drink pattern held even when watching a movie!In other words,people were more likely to take a drink o 英语模仿小短文写写 英语短文求老师帮写篇模仿, the best and the worst英语作文,模仿新2lesson8 robots and the life in the future的英语短文英语短文,100字左右, 英语短文the advantage and disadvantage of computer帮忙写一篇英语短文 英语短文the advantage and disadvantage of internet帮忙写一篇英语短文 要英语故事短文,以及句子的模仿 请英语高手帮我纠正语法的错误.This kind of new product characteristic has:1.To the battery took the assistance energy,the battery must have the good performance,achieves under each kind of weather and the environment the best working eff learning it well is difficult and needs great eff 模仿行为和抄袭行为的区别 英语翻译At all times during the pedormance of the works,the Subcontractor shall provide the Contractor with accurate and complete information with respect to the works already performed,the works in progress,the works scheduled and the events eff 帮忙写一段英语对话,急用,求求求.1.Selling the ProductYou have been asked to carry out market research for anew brand of cosmetic.Talk together for about 2 minutes about what methods canbe used and decide which three would be the most eff 英语短文《My pen pal and me》求:英语短文一篇:《My pen pal and me》翻译这个:Look at the picture above and complete the conversations. 英语:the boy who is good at football这个定语从句中如果要省略连接词的话 是不是要把who和is一起省略呢some snakes manufactured a poison (which was)different in every respect from that of others and having different eff The Elephant and the Spider英语短文请帮翻译一下 英语短文 the elephant and the spider 里面的蜘蛛最后死了吗? 求助英语写作“Cars and the City traffic”英语短文,90字左右,