
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 21:43:09


Thomas Alva Edison Thomas Alva Edison was a man of wonderful ability who had the good luck to be born at a good time.In the period just after the American Civil War the United States was growing conditions were right for the talents of a man like Edison.The Edison family had come to the United States from Holland in the early part of the l8th century. Thomas Alva the youngest of Samuel's seven children was born in 1847.Thomas was an unusually curious child. Even at an early age he loved to read and make experiments. Because he was so dreamy and quiet a teacher once accused him of being stupid. Thomas's mother was so displeased by this remark that she took her son out of school and never sent him back.She took charge of his education herself and taught him reading history science and philosophy. Edison was a very quick reader and he remembered everything. Once he got the idea of starting at the first shelf of a large library and reading everything in it. But after reading through fifteen feet of books he gave up this ambition.In order to earn money for books and for his scientific experiments Thomas sold vegetables from the family garden.This work did not bring in enough money and so he began to sell newspapers and candy on a train that ran between Port HuronMichigan and Detroit. Because people were so eager for the latest news about the CiviI War which was then at its height Thomas decided in February 1862 when he was fifteen years old to print a newspaper of his own the Weekly Herald,in a baggage car of the train where he worked.In four years he earned two thousand dollars from thisbusiness.While he worked on the train young Edison continued to experiment setting up a laboratory in the baggage car.One day a stick of phosphorus feIl to the floor and set thecar on fire. The conductor of the train as so angry that he threw Tom and all his equipment off the train at the next station; he also struck Tom causing a permanent injury which later made him deaf in the right ear.One day not long after he had started his newspaper,EdiSon saw a child playing on the tracks in front of a train.He jumped off the station platform and snatched the child from the wheels of the train.The father who happened to be the stationmaster was so grateful that he offered to teach Tom to become a telegraph operator.He gave him lessons four days a week after the station had closed for the nightand in three weeks Edison was a better telegrapher than his teacher.