介绍一些好看的 英语 片看看

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介绍一些好看的 英语 片看看
介绍一些好看的 英语 片看看

介绍一些好看的 英语 片看看
《300》(300)是一部2007年的电影,改编自法兰克·米勒(Frank Miller)关于温泉关战役的绘本小说《300》.电影由柴克·史奈德(Zack Snyder)执导,法兰克·米勒担任顾问和执行制作人.为了达到原本漫画中的视觉效果,本片几乎都在蓝幕前拍摄.《300》由杰哈德·巴特勒、莉娜·海迪、洛瑞哥·桑托罗、安德鲁·泰尔南和大卫·温翰主演.本片预计于2007年3月9日在美国和台湾同步上映,并有传统戏院版和IMAX版本[1],香港则预计在3月15日上映.
300 is a 2007 film adaptation of the graphic novel 300 by Frank Miller,itself partly inspired by another film,The 300 Spartans,[1] and is a fictional[2] account of the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC.The film is directed by Zack Snyder with Frank Miller attached as an executive producer and consultant,and was shot mostly with bluescreen to duplicate the imagery of the original comic book.
Spartan King Leonidas (Gerard Butler) and 300 Spartans fight to the last man against Persian King Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro) and his army of over one million soldiers,while in Sparta,Queen Gorgo (Lena Headey) attempts to rally support for her husband.The story is framed by a voice-over narrative by the Spartan soldier Dilios (David Wenham).Through this narrative technique,all manner of fantastical creatures are introduced,placing 300 within the genre of historical fantasy.
300 was released in both conventional and IMAX theaters in America on March 9,2007.The film broke box office records,although critics were divided over its look and style.Some acclaimed it as an original achievement,while others accused it of favoring visuals over characterization.Controversy arose over its depiction of the ancient world.
《无间道风云》(英语:The Departed)是美国导演马丁·斯科西斯(Martin Scorsese)2006年执导的电影.本片改编自刘伟强跟麦兆辉联合执导之香港电影《无间道》.本片获得第79届奥斯卡金像奖最佳影片奖、最佳导演奖、最佳剪辑、最佳改编剧本四项大奖,以及最佳男配角提名.
The Departed is an Academy Award-winning 2006 film directed by Martin Scorsese and starring Leonardo DiCaprio,Matt Damon,Jack Nicholson,Mark Wahlberg,Martin Sheen,and Alec Baldwin.A remake of the popular 2002 Hong Kong crime thriller Infernal Affairs by Andrew Lau and Siu Fai Mak,the film's screenplay was adapted by William Monahan from the original script written by Felix Chong and Siu Fai Mak.
The film takes place in Boston,Massachusetts,where Irish mob boss Frank Costello implants Colin Sullivan as an informant within the Massachusetts State Police.Simultaneously,the police assign Billy Costigan to infiltrate Costello's crew.When both sides of the law realize the situation,the two men are dispatched to discover each other's identities.
The film was a critical and commercial success,ultimately grossing over $132 million in the United States,$286 million worldwide and receiving four Academy Awards,including Best Picture and Best Director for Martin Scorsese,which was the first win of his career.

Braveheart, 8 miles

纳尼亚传奇] ``很有学习力.[越狱] [小鬼当家]也很有趣了



Once upon a time, a queen was doing needle work while staring outside her window at the beautiful snow. It was because of her distracted state that she pricked her finger on her needle and a drop of b...


Once upon a time, a queen was doing needle work while staring outside her window at the beautiful snow. It was because of her distracted state that she pricked her finger on her needle and a drop of blood fell on some snow that had fallen on her windowsill. As she looked at the blood on the snow she said to herself, "Oh, how I wish that I had a daughter that had skin white as snow, lips red as blood, and hair black as ebony." Soon after that, the queen gave birth to a baby girl who had skin white as snow, lips red as blood, and hair black as ebony. They named her Princess Snow White, but sadly, the queen died after giving birth to Snow White. Soon after, the king took a new wife who was beautiful, but very proud and possessed evil powers. She also possessed a magic mirror, to whom she would often ask, "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" and to which the mirror would always reply, "You are." But after Snow White became seven (which is the official age that a girl becomes a maiden) when she asked her mirror, it responded, "Queen, you're the fairest where you are, but Snow White is more beautiful by far."
The Queen was jealous, and ordered a huntsman to take Snow White into the woods to be killed. She demanded that the huntsman return with Snow White's lungs and liver as proof. The huntsman took Snow White into the forest, but found himself unable to kill the girl. Instead, he let her go, and brought the queen the lungs and liver of a wild boar. (In the Disney movie, the lungs and liver are replaced by a heart.)
Snow White discovered a tiny cottage in the forest, belonging to seven dwarfs, where she rested. Meanwhile, the Queen asked her mirror once again, "Who's the fairest of them all?", and was horrified when the mirror told her that Snow White, who was alive and well and living with the dwarfs, was still the fairest of them all.
Illustration to Schneewittchen, Franz JüttnerThree times the Queen disguised herself and visited the dwarfs' cottage trying to kill Snow White. First, disguised as a peddler, the Queen offered colorful stay-laces and laced Snow White up so tight that she fainted, and the Queen took her for dead. Snow White was revived by the dwarfs when they loosened the laces. Next, the Queen dressed as a different old woman and combed Snow White's hair with a poisoned comb. Snow White again collapsed, and again the dwarfs saved her. Lastly the Queen made a poison apple, and in the disguise of a countrywoman offered it to Snow White. She was hesitant, so the Queen cut the apple in half, ate the white part — which had no poison — and gave the poisoned red part to Snow White. She ate the apple eagerly and immediately fell into a deep, magical sleep. When the dwarfs found her, they could not revive her, so they placed her in a glass coffin, thinking that she had died. (The Disney version only adopts the poison apple plot, and the queen meets her demise as she is chased by the dwarfs.)
Illustration to Schneewittchen, Franz JüttnerTime passed, and a prince travelling through the land saw Snow White in her coffin. The prince was enchanted by her beauty and instantly fell in love with her. He begged the dwarfs to let him have the coffin. The prince and his men carried the coffin away, but as they went they stumbled. The coffin jerked and the piece of poison apple flew out of Snow White's mouth, awakening her. The prince then declared his love and soon a wedding was planned. (In the Disney version, the cure for this deep sleep was love's first kiss. The Prince takes a revived Snow White away, and the film ends.)
The vain Queen, still believing that Snow White was dead, again asked her mirror who was fairest in the land and yet again the mirror disappointed her by responding that, "You, my queen, are fair; it is true. But the young queen is a thousand times fairer than you."
Not knowing that this new queen was indeed her stepdaughter, she arrived at the wedding, and her heart filled with the deepest of dread when she realized the truth.
As punishment for her wicked ways, a pair of heated iron shoes were brought forth with tongs and placed before the Queen. She was then forced to step into the red-hot shoes and dance until she fell down dead.

Wen and Zhe are pigs. They have known each other and been in love since they were little.
They love each other so much, as if there were no others in the world.
Zhe takes very good care of Wen.
When they have dinner, Zhe always reserves the best for Wen.
Wen grows fat happily under Zhe's good care.
But on a dark windy night, their master decides to sell the fatter one to the butcher's house.
Watching Wen in her sleep, Zhe stays wide awake that night. He knows that Wen will be the one if things go on like this.
Zhe decides to sacrifice himself. For the first time in his life, Zhe starts a fight with Wen, which breaks his heart so bad.
However Wen tries, Zhe never talks to her anymore.
After that, Zhe always has fat meals without waiting up for Wen. Wen starts to slim down because of the heartbreak. But Zhe gets bigger and bigger everyday.
Zhe writes down " I Love You" on the wall the night before death.
Zhe is taken away from Wen forever. "If words can't speak themselves, my death will say it all."
Wen finally sees what Zhe has done for her. She doesn't even have a chance to say " I Love You" to Zhe now.
Wen decides to leave the place that has the sad memory and live her own life, also Zhe's
