
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 22:03:59

关于翻译标准的争论,由来已久.其中至今仍引起人们极大争论的莫过于近代著名翻译家严复提出的“信、达、雅”的标准.“信”是对原文而言,要求译者正确理解原文,忠实表达原文思想、风格、内容.“达”是对译文而言,要求用通顺易懂的言语表达,而关于“雅”,却是众说纷纭,莫衷一是.笔者认为电影片名有四大功能:1) 切合原影片的内容,反映原影片的主题,帮助观众更好的理解原片,突出原影片的风格; 2) 言简意赅、便于记忆; 3)奠定影片感情基调,以强烈的抒情、惊险或戏剧氛围感染观众;4) 符合汉语的语言规范、且适合我国观众的欣赏习惯;5)吸引观众,增加票房收入.因此电影片名翻译的理论支撑不是传统的以“忠于原作者或原文”为中心的传统翻译理论, 而是在语言、文化信息和功能特征三个方面与原片名的统一对等.

It has been a long time about the argument of standard of translation.So far,one of them still cause a great debate on “correct、 intelligibility、elegant”."correct" based on original text,demand translator understand the original text correctly,express thoughts、styles、content."Intelligibility"for the translated text,demand the translator use fluent and inteligible words,and the "elegant" as opinions vary,no unanimous conclusion can be drawn.Author deem name of film have four fuctions:1) accord with film's content,reflect film's theme,help viewers well understand film's content and stand out the film's style.2)concise and comprehensive、easy to remember;3)
settle film of keynote of emtion,infect viewer by forceful feeling、breathtaking or drama's atmosphere;4)accord with chinese meaning and domestic viewer's habits;5)attract viewers,add income of box-office.Thus,the translation's theory of name of film is not tranditionaly true to original author or film but require an equal relationship between language、culture information and fuction of character with original name of film.
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