new zealand的介绍(用英文)全面一点的不要挤在一起,按类型分开可以吗?

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new zealand的介绍(用英文)全面一点的不要挤在一起,按类型分开可以吗?
new zealand的介绍(用英文)全面一点的

new zealand的介绍(用英文)全面一点的不要挤在一起,按类型分开可以吗?
New Zealand (New Zealand) Flag : Wang was rectangular, length and width ratio of 2 : 1. Flag for the dark blue to the top left of the British flag red, white "m" logo, Insert the right side of a four white side of the red five-pointed star, four star with both asymmetry.
New Zealand is a member of the Commonwealth, red and white "m" word logo shows with the British tradition; 4 Star Nanshizi Constellation said that the country is located in the southern hemisphere, but also symbolizes independence and hope. Emblem : the center of the shield logo emblem. Shield surface is five Task; Representative Nanshizi four five-pointed star constellation symbol of New Zealand; Mr tied representative agriculture; Yang developed on behalf of the country's livestock industry; Cross the hammer symbol of the country's industrial and mining; 3 to sail the boat said that the country of the importance of maritime trade. Shield emblem to the right of Maori carrying weapons, left holding the flag of the European immigrant women; Above is a British Queen Elizabeth II coronation ceremony of the crown.
symbol of the British Queen is the Head of State of New Zealand; New Zealand to the bottom of ferns, 1956 on the English words "New Zealand." National Day : February 6 (1840), "Waitangi Day" State Tree : the silver fern bird : Jiweidao s : turquoise.
State leaders also known as UNSCOM : Governor Silvia Cartwright (Silvia Cartwright), April 2001 election. Prime Minister Helen Elizabeth Clark (Helen Elizabeth Clark), December 1999 representation. September 2005 Third reelected. New Zealand politics woman Physical Geography : Located in the southern Pacific Ocean, between Antarctica and the equator between. West separated across the Tasman Sea and Australia, separated by 1,600 km north of Tonga, Fiji.
New Zealand from the North Island, South Island, near Stuart Island and the composition of some islands, with an area of 27.0534 million square kilometers, exclusive economic zone of 1.2 million square kilometers. 6900 km long coastline. Mountainous territory, a small plain, mountains and hills about its total area of more than 75%.
Four Seasons distinction is very clear, temperature not. Most of temperate maritime climate, mild climate throughout the year, plenty of sunshine and abundant rainfall, plant growth is very rich. Abundant water resources, 80% of the country for hydroelectric power. National forest land covering an area of 29%, the ecological environment is very good. North Island volcanoes and hot springs, glaciers, and many South Island lakes.
North Island first-Luapei Hu 2,797-meter high volcano, the volcano on New Zealand's largest lake Taupo. area of 616 square kilometers. Austronesian across south latitude 40 ° -47 °, the island country's first-Cook Hill. The Alps Franz Josef Glacier and Fuks, is the world's lowest altitude glaciers. Hill is in a series of glacial lake, which Archi brain Lake area 342 square kilometers, is New Zealand's second largest.
Suselan waterfall drop of 580 meters, the highest in the world. Island at the southwestern end of a Mi national parks, namely, Wu Tu. Population : 4072500 (September 2004). European immigrants accounted for 78.8%, Maori accounted for 14.5% and Asians accounted for 6.7%. 75% of the population live in the North Island. Auckland Region had a population of the country's total population accounted for 30.7%.
Wellington, the capital of the country's total population of about 11% of the population. Auckland City is the most populous city; Austronesian Christchurch City is the country's second largest city. The official language is English and Maori. General English, Maori people speaking Maori. 70% of residents believe in the Protestant and Catholic. Wellington is one of the world's best deep-water port capital : Wellington (Wellington), is the earth's most rely on the South Metro City. Population of 424,000 (December 2001) New Zealand port city of Auckland Administrative divisions : The country is divided into 12 regions, with 74 regional administrative agencies (including 15 municipalities, 58 District Councils and the Chatham Islands Parliament).
12 names of the regions : North, Auckland, Waikato, and plenty Bay, Hawke Bay, Dalanaji. Manawatu-wang Jianaoyi, Wellington, the West Bank, Canterbury, Otago and South to. Major cities : Wellington, Auckland, Christchurch (Christchurch), Hamilton, Dunedin, etc.. New Zealand mountain peak Cook (left) and the Tasman Glacier Brief History of the scenery : New Zealand Maori is the first batch of residents. Year 14 century, from the Polynesian Maori arrived here, and they became the first New Zealand residents, Polynesian language used "aotearoa" made its name, meaning "white clouds were covered in the greenbelt." In 1642, Dutch navigator Abertasman the landing, and named it as "new Zelan." From 1769 to 1777, the British captain Danmushikuke five times to New Zealand and surveying and mapping.
Since then the United Kingdom to a large number of immigrants here and announced that the occupation of New Zealand, put the Dutch islands name "new Zelan" into the English "New Zealand." 1840 British force Maori chiefs signed the "Treaty of Waitangi", this piece of land included in the territory of the British Empire.
In 1907 the British were forced to agree to an independent New Zealand, the Commonwealth become self-governing territory, political, economic, diplomatic and Britain still control. 1931, the British Parliament passed the "Westminster Act," According to this bill, New Zealand in 1947 was totally independent and remains a member of the British Commonwealth. 150 years ago from Scotland reached the New Zealand Maori Curling tournament with a long history and splendid culture. Maori art of carving skill is superb and large sculptures, small cane are extremely attractive. They dance unique, colorful national costumes, beautiful garlands.
Xiang hung on the Green greeting and the waist is a skirt Padding fully demonstrating the Maori unique ethnic customs. Maori dance of cooperation has become a New Zealand official to meet guests at the highest etiquette. Politics : implementation of the British-style parliamentary democracy. British Queen of New Zealand head of state, appointed by the Queen as her representative the Governor's exercise of management rights. Governor and the Cabinet composition of the Executive Council is a statutory highest executive body. Cabinet power from the majority party in Parliament formed. Stick to the House of Representatives, elected by universal suffrage for a term of three years.
No written constitution, its constitution by the British Parliament and the New Zealand Parliament has passed a series of laws and amendments and some of the British Privy Council decision determining the composition. Former world champion Kaseli sheep shearing in Cromwell will be a shear wool market economy : New Zealand is a developed economies, mainly in agricultural and pastoral products exports account for its total exports of 50%. Lamb, dairy export volume ranking first in the world, wool export volume ranked second in the world.
New Zealand is the world's largest antlers production and exporting countries, the world's production accounts for 30% of the total output. The main deposits of coal, gold, iron ore, natural gas, there are silver, manganese, tungsten, phosphate, oil, but not reserves. Oil reserves of 30 million tons, and natural gas reserves of 170 billion cubic meters. Abundant forest resources, forest acreage to 8.1 million hectares, accounting for the country's land area to 30% of which 6.3 million hectares of natural forest, 1.8 million hectares of plantations, the main products are logs, logs, wood pulp, such as paper and wood.
Produces rich. Industrial agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry products to the main processing mainly of dairy products, blankets, food, wine, leather, tobacco, Paper and timber processing, light industry, and products are mainly for export. The highly mechanized agriculture. The main crops are wheat, barley, oats, and fruits. Food can not be self-sufficient, need to imports from Australia. Livestock developed, the New Zealand economy. Livestock land to 13.52 million hectares, accounting for half of the land area.
Dairy products and meat is the most important new export products. Coarse wool export volume ranking first in the world, the total world production of 25%. New Zealand scenic and tourist destination all over the country. Among them, the North Island volcano Luapei Hu and around 14 of the unique volcanic landscape created the world's rare volcanic geothermal anomaly zone. In this region, 1,000 are distributed in various high-temperature geothermal fountains. A mix of those hot, fumarole, boiling mud lake and Geyser formed a big spectacle attracted tourists from all over the world come to visit.
Currently, each of the New Zealand tourism industry brought huge foreign exchange earnings, as New Zealand's main pillar of the economy. New Zealand news publication icy landscape : a total of 140 newspapers, of which 29 species Daily, four magazines, 700 variety. Independent Newspaper Ltd and Wilson-Houghton Limited to the first and second largest newspaper group, Daily total issuance volume 90%. Major newspapers : "New Zealand Herald", the largest daily newspaper; "Corriere Della Sera newspaper." "Business News"; "Dominion, the"; "TV Guide" (Weekly); "New Zealand Woman's Weekly," "listeners magazine." New Zealand Press Association reported by the New Zealand all social components of cooperation Daily news agency, founded in 1880, is headquartered in Wellington. 24 hours a day without interruption to the new daily newspapers and weekly delivery of domestic and international news.
Radio New Zealand was established in 1925. Is a national Taiwan, Taiwan's 30 commercial, a music and a voice Archives. 1995, commercial radio Taiwan from New Zealand, New Zealand became a separate commercial radio company, and in July 1996 for sale to the private. Taiwan's key national affairs and the release of political news coverage of 96% of land. Radio New Zealand limited to the South Pacific shortwave broadcast national programs.
Television New Zealand in 1962 officially broadcast programs, and under a television and regional television stations and five. In 2003, President Hu Jintao's visit with the new Governor Silvia Cartwright and husband group photo coverage of the country, ratings up to 70%. New Zealand television broadcast is the only one private television station, by the Canadian holding company. November 1989 launch, and the coverage of the country's population of 85%. Diplomacy : the fundamental foreign policy is to safeguard world, especially in the Pacific region's peace, New Zealand to safeguard the sovereignty and security; promote the economic prosperity of New Zealand and other countries of the trade and economic relationship.
Relations with China : December 22, 1972, New Zealand established diplomatic relations with China. September 1999, Chinese President Jiang Zemin on a state visit to New Zealand. This is the first Chinese head of state to visit New Zealand. . In November 2000, the new Governor-General Boys visit to China. In April 2001, New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark's visit to China. In October 2003, President Hu Jintao on a state visit to New Zealand. In May 2005, Wu Bangguo, chairman of a goodwill visit to New Zealand. May 2005, New Zealand's Prime Minister Helen Clark on a working visit to China.