
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 18:11:58


Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21,1899 – July 2,1961) was an American writer and journalist.He was part of the 1920s expatriate community in Paris,and one of the veterans of World War I later known as "the Lost Generation." He received the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 for The Old Man and the Sea,and the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954.
Hemingway's distinctive writing style is characterized by economy and understatement,and had a significant influence on the development of twentieth-century fiction writing.His protagonists are typically stoical men who exhibit an ideal described as "grace under pressure." Many of his works are now considered classics of American literature.

Dear mother, a letter to the motherland, mother country:
Hello! If someone asked me, in your heart who is the greatest? I will proudly answer: yes you - my mother country! Becaus...


Dear mother, a letter to the motherland, mother country:
Hello! If someone asked me, in your heart who is the greatest? I will proudly answer: yes you - my mother country! Because you are bringing up our mother, is the world far the most great mother! Only "Mother" is the word in order to express our hearts for your most loyal, most sincere and deepest, the most pure feelings. Motherland, ah, my dear mother! Do you have up and down five thousand years of history, vertical and horizontal 90000 inside the boundaries. A long history, splendid culture has bred a generation after generation of hard-working, intelligent sons and daughters. Summer Palace where we have witnessed the vicissitudes and humiliations you; we on the Great Wall and feel of your majesty and majestic; we grassland, desert, see your vast and vast; our Silk Road, the taste of your long and Shensui. Five thousand years, dear mother country, your achievements in numerous people with lofty ideals. "Four great inventions," known in the world, Fukuzawa 100 generations; Zheng He's seven voyages, and create a new era in the history of the world's maritime; Zheng Chenggong recovered Taiwan and the Taiwan and Taiwan defeated the entrenched 38-year-old Dutch colonialists; Lin Xu Humenxiaoyan, intimidated the British and French invaders; Guan Tin-pui, Ge Yunfei, Chen Kasei, Deng Shichang against aggression in such a large number of national heroes who sacrificed their lives for their country to defend the dignity of the Chinese nation; modern rescue operations to find the truth and salvation a succession of lofty ideals; the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries such as Mao Zedong led the Chinese people's liberation and the establishment of a socialist new China, as well as the construction of new China, those who do not figure fame and gain, disregarding personal gains and losses, selfless hard work and labor of the unknown hero. It touched the people scenes photos, which the sons and daughters do not bear them in mind? Motherland, ah, my dear mother! I am proud of you, for you to be proud! Motherland, ah, my dear mother! You take off like a dragon stands tall in the Orient. When I was imposing boundless exposure on the Great Wall; When I stopped rolling on the waves of the Yellow River shore; when I was standing on the shore of the East China Sea choppy. At this moment, my emotions, blood boil. I am for your beautiful and rich and very proud, proud! Motherland, ah, my dear mother! Your rapid development of the whole world was shocked. It is precisely because you are growing stronger, Hong Kong, Macau was able to smooth return of the Chinese nation, a hundred years of humiliation on the history of painting from a full stop! In the past 2008 years, we have experienced a lot of memorable things. First, the South to fight snow disaster, people across the country work together to overcome the hundred years of frozen disaster. And then there are people to people is extremely shocked and sad about 5 • 12 Sichuan earthquake has. At that moment, each of our sons and daughters did not flinch, but rather more courageous battle with demons earthquake. After the earthquake, the first time, Premier Wen Jiabao will visit the earthquake site, to the people of disaster areas to bring the most cordial sympathy and courage. People across the country one after another action, the wealthy, money, a matter of money and materials, strong efforts, and unite as one, unite and earthquake relief. For a time, relief supplies like a flooded disaster area, a party in trouble, assistance comes from. A major earthquake can be ruthless devour our homes and take away our lives, but wins not leave our hearts are staunch and unyielding will to! Wins do not take our share of sons and daughters of the feelings of the flesh and blood! Because we are all sons and daughters of the motherland, no disaster, no harm to have can not be defeated, can not destroy our heroic sons and daughters! In 2008, we successfully hosted the world-renowned Olympic Games, China won the gold medal first good results. When the five-star red flag raised again and again, and flying over the sports venues, the touching is not only our sons and daughters, as well as many of the world in all countries. Motherland, ah, my dear mother! We are really proud of you! Proud of you! In September 2008, carrying three astronauts of Shenzhou VII manned spacecraft was successfully launched. When the Shenzhou VII, under the eye-dragging blazing flames into the sky-line roller, the Chinese nation's dream of the millennium has finally realized at this moment! Since then, the vast universe of space with the Chinese people's footprints! At that moment, how many people shed tears of excitement, the Chinese dragon, this millennium can finally traveled in space, Chosho nine days of! Motherland ah, my dear mother! We are really proud of you! Proud of you! Motherland, ah, my dear mother! As your sons and daughters, we are proud! We are proud! Over the years, is that you bring up to us, is that you give us a warm and beautiful home, you are happy for us to create a wonderful life, you give us broad selfless love. Let us do what means to repay you - my country, mother? We only have to redouble our efforts to study and hard work for the country's socialist construction blocks of tiles, so that the motherland is more beautiful and fertile. Bless you, my country, my mother! I wish you prosperity! Peace and prosperity!
2Dear mother of a letter to the motherland, the motherland mother: Hello! 10000 I were you land in the territory of a grass, I was feeding you the hundreds of thousands of Chinese people in an ordinary girl, I am your blood side of the Yangtze River an ordinary residents. But I still bless you - our motherland, our common mother, 60 year old Happy Birthday! Look at your weather-beaten face, you know that you are faced with enormous number of vicissitudes; see your scarred body, I know how much you have experienced hardships: to see if your rich, dressed in bright, you know that you get everything handed to the number of honor. Anti-Japanese War, playing a full four-ah it was a time when our most suffering: In 1941, we officially declared war on Japan. During this period, leading a group of outstanding sons and daughters of our country shed blood of the warriors strive for national prosperity. During the war, the Kuomintang civil war, and the Japanese invasion of China together, persecution of our sons and daughters of China. We have a lot of difficulties in match wits with the enemy in exchange for today's victory, today's a happy life! This year's 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake, so that our compatriots in Sichuan, wives and children, families were broken up. Our concerted efforts, aid Sichuan to help the Sichuan people rebuild their homes. Now the Sichuan people have lived on the brand-new buildings, campus insidiously makes the book sound very encouraging. Mom, while we suffered terribly, but we also made their own wisdom brilliant record: from 1978 to 2007, China's economy has leap-forward development, from 364.52 billion yuan of gross domestic product increased to 24.6619 trillion yuan, the annual both the growth rate close to 10%, total economy jumped to fourth in the world; grain, cotton, meat, iron and steel, coal, chemical fertilizer, cement and other major agricultural and industrial output ranks first in the world; an import-export trade increased from 20.64 billion U.S. dollars increased to 2.1738 trillion U.S. dollars, becoming the world's third largest trading nation. 60 years, China has solved the problem of food and clothing 1.3 billion people, basically to achieve a comfortable standard, with 60 years of time to reduce poverty from 200 million to 2000 million. The success of one country, the magnificent Three Gorges Project, the Shenzhou manned spacecraft ascended to heaven feat passion for western development, the Olympic Games a complete success, cross-strait three links, "Tuan Tuan Yuan Yuan" ... ... Today, our predecessors took over the baton to pick on the burden of building the motherland. Achievements are a great many are now before us, inspired us to move to the next one 60.


写给祖国母亲信的英语作文,讲祖国60岁生日的.开头:您好,我是您的子女.几天是你60岁的生日,.后面帮我写,thanks you 写给祖国母亲信的英语作文,是写60岁生日的.开头是:我是您的子女,今天是您的60岁生日.后面帮我写写好后我会给人50分的.记住是用写信的方式的英语作文 国庆60周年.写给祖国的一封信...有信的格式..写一篇作文.、.. 国庆60周年.写给祖国的一封信...有信的格式..写一篇作文 写给母亲的信 英语作文 今天是mike母亲的生日,以他的名义给他母亲写一封私人信� 一篇英语作文,写给母亲的一封信假设今天是你母亲的生日,写封信向她表示祝贺,并通过回忆一件往事感谢她的谆谆教导 作文写给老师的信怎么写 写给祖国母亲的诗 英语写给朋友的信怎么写 十八岁生日时写给父母的信 求范文 英语作文写给朋友信 歌唱祖国的作文 400字要写2009年,祖国要迎来60岁生日,选择身边一件事写.是身边的一件事,注意身边!是祖国要迎来60岁生日!不是演讲稿 写一个祝福祖国母亲60岁生日的贺卡,语言精炼,简短,精致,有创意,符合贺卡形式! 以信的方式写作文.写给老师,怎么写 怎样写下面的写作文作文要求一,用铅笔,橡皮,圆珠笔写一个小作文,说明谁善于把别人的长处集于一身,谁就会是胜利者作文要求二,2009年是新中国成立六十年,在祖国母亲60岁生日的时候,你想 写给祖国母亲的一封信 500字 写给祖国母亲的一封信200字