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莎士比亚创造了英国戏剧的“珠峰”之后,英国戏剧又回复到其平庸的状态.更极端的是,其间竟有几段“空白”.英国戏剧史上几乎完全没有戏剧的时代有三个,即所谓的“三个三十年”.第一个没有戏剧的三十年是从1616 到1642年,即内战爆发前后这段时间,所有剧院都被关掉了.清教徒敌视戏剧,害怕戏剧中的民主成分,也反对其中的贵族成分,1642年通过议会,封闭了伦敦剧场,结束了文艺复兴时期的英国戏剧.第二个三十年(1737-1769)始于议会通过《授权法案》和亨利·菲尔丁被赶出舞台.日益壮大的资产阶级对封建势力的不满和剧作家们的猛烈抨击招致了剧院关门,演出停止,戏剧自然地失去了舞台.最后一个三十年是浪漫主义时期(1798- 1832),戏剧写作和舞台演出在这几十年间都有很大的停滞.如前所述,这一时期出现的诗剧是诗歌而不是戏剧,没法进行演出.另外,王政复辟的几十年虽然也有“风俗喜剧”,但从内容格调上说,却是戏剧的彻底堕落,因为它完全背离社会道德层面的问题.

The British drama,after several climaxes during Shakespare's lifetime,became mediocre again.To make matters worse,there had been certain intervals when drama was totally absent from British life,the periods of which are also referred as 'three thirty years'.The first period extended from 1616 to 1642,at the time of British Civil War.Fearing the democratic and aristocratic elements in dramas,the pilgrims closed the London theater with the parliament's decree and subsequently banned all the theaters nationwide from running again.Such a measure stunted the growth of English drama that had revived since the Renaissance.The legislative laws issued by the Parliament,as well as Henry Fielding's banishment from the theatrical world,led to the 2nd thirty years(1737-1769),during which the growing bourgeois' discontent towards the feudal parts of the nation and the criticism on the playwrights shut many theaters down.With no available stages,dramas faded away with the passage of time.During the last 30 years,also known as the Romantic period(1798-1832),the composition and the staging of the dramas stagnated.As mentioned in previous pages,the "dramas" at the time were actually poems rather than play scripts,so performances were impossible.Although some 'regional drama' emerged during the regency period,this type of drama defiled the glorious name of traditional theatrical plays as it deviated from the moral standards of the society

Shakespeare created the British drama "Mount Everest", the British drama returned to the ordinary state. The more extreme, it was with a couple of "blank". The history of British drama. Almost no dram...


Shakespeare created the British drama "Mount Everest", the British drama returned to the ordinary state. The more extreme, it was with a couple of "blank". The history of British drama. Almost no drama era has three, the so-called "three to thirty years". The first no drama thirty years from 1616 to 1642, the civil war broke out before this period of time, all the theatres were switched off. The Puritans hostile drama, afraid of democracy drama, noble ingredients also opposed the 1642, by parliament, closed the London theatres, British drama at the end of the renaissance. Second thirty years (1737-1769) in parliament passed the "Enabling Act" and Henry Fielding


英语翻译莎士比亚创造了英国戏剧的“珠峰”之后,英国戏剧又回复到其平庸的状态.更极端的是,其间竟有几段“空白”.英国戏剧史上几乎完全没有戏剧的时代有三个,即所谓的“三个三十年 莎士比亚的戏剧创造特点 英语翻译总的来说,英国戏剧在莎士比亚之后就一直在走下坡路.时至今日,戏剧还在,可是名剧作家几乎没有了.而且,戏剧在文学和人们生活中的地位越来越微不足道.当然,戏剧的衰落也不只是 莎士比亚的戏剧作品 莎士比亚戏剧的特色 英语翻译莎士比亚创作了著名的四大戏剧,威尼斯商人就是其中之一 莎士比亚戏剧 英语翻译莎士比亚是文艺复兴时代英国乃至整个欧洲最伟大的资产阶级人文主义作家.在西方戏剧史和世界文学中享有崇高的地位.他的作品深刻的反映了16世纪至17世纪的英国现实,集中代表了 翻译:莎士比亚写了许多戏剧. 英国莎士比亚的代表作 莎士比亚戏剧的艺术特点是什么? 余秋雨 一位让人心痛的大师 本文的主人公是塞万提斯,文章多处提到英国 戏剧大师莎士比亚,为什么要这样写 莎士比亚戏剧读后感 ,最好是语言简练的.字数不限 中国第一个成功翻译莎士比亚戏剧的人是? 英语翻译珠峰用Qomolangma就行了. 英语翻译莎士比亚的经典语录 英国文艺复兴戏剧的创始人是 莎士比亚的戏剧有什么特点?《哈姆雷特》与《威尼斯商人》都是戏剧,你能谈谈莎士比亚的戏剧有什么特点吗?