高一寒假新时空答案 数学和英语的,有的发到jinjiada@qq.com 英语没有没事谢谢

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高一寒假新时空答案 数学和英语的,有的发到jinjiada@qq.com 英语没有没事谢谢
高一寒假新时空答案 数学和英语的,
有的发到jinjiada@qq.com 英语没有没事

高一寒假新时空答案 数学和英语的,有的发到jinjiada@qq.com 英语没有没事谢谢
NO .1一.单词拼写1.differences2.role3.present4.native5.rapid6.communicating
二.间接引语变直接引语 1.I am using the knife 2.I will go there tomorrow 3.I will do it after class4.I have left my book in your room 5.Don't go swimming alone
三.完形填空 1-5 DADBD 6-10CBDCC 11-15.DDCDB 16-20.CBDCA
NO .2 一基础训练1.out2. with3.to4.over5.under6.in7.for8.from9.for10.in
二.句型转换1.did you go ;lastnight2.she had got 3.said that he didn't ;his4.they would
5.us ;we6.To;surprise7.is produced8.How interesting9.lose your way10.What's;like
NO.3 一单词拼写1.imagine2.proper3.flat4.stubborn5.fare6.insist7.topic8.rapid9.familiar
二同义句转换1.ride bike 2.will arrive3.to have4.familiar to5.had
No.4 一.单项选择 1-5.ABDBD 6-10.DADDD
二.单词拼写 1.stubborn 2.insisted 3.proper 4.determined 5.details 6.usual 7.attitude(s) 8.familiar
三.同义句转换 1.beautiful and interesting places 2.Why are you going 3.didn't go to;Instead 4.we can improve 5.so that you 6.that 7.As I said 8.Don't go ;it isn't
四.完成下列句子 1.dreamed about taking 2.give my love to 3.going on ;Have a nice trip 4.have a good time 5.familiar whith 6.make fun of others 7.for one thing ;for another 8.be quite different from
五.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.am joining 2.moves 3.is leaving 4.are pianting 5.is writing 6.is;losing 7.is seeing 8.is arriving 9.are ;doing 10.are trying
No5. 一.单项选择 1-5 CACAA 6-10 BCAAB 11-15 BBBAB
二.用正确的关系词填空 1.who 2.who 3.that/which 4.which 5.when
三.完形填空 1-5BBACA 6-10BCAAB 11-15 DADDB
No6. 一.单项选择 1-5CBBDA 6-10CBDAD 11-14DCBB
二.用所给短语的适当形式填空 1.the first time 2.for free 3.much more than 4.the way 5.just my luck 6.as well as 7.As usual 8.Drop in 9.an average of 10.introduce myself
三.词语辨析 A.1.take part in /attend 2.join in 3.join 4.joined,in 5.take part in /join in 6.joined 7.attended 8.joined in
B.1.brought on 2.brought out 3.brings in 4. brought back 5.brought out 6. brought in 7.brought up 8.brought on
No.7 一.单项选择 1-5CBCAB 6-10DAACC
二.单词拼写 1.quality 2.willing 3.active 4.peaceful 5.prisoner 6.vote 7.equal 8.education 9.stage
三.词语辨析A.1.peace 2.peaceful 3.peacefully 4.peacefully B.1.educated 2.educated 3.education C.1.pay 2.fees 3.fare
四. 完形填空 1-5DCDB 6-10AACCD 11-15BBBCA 16-20CABAC
五.翻译下列句子 1.Is this the pen which I wrote the novel? 2.That’s the telescope through which you’ll observe the sky. 3.Tom is the man with whom I used to work. 4.You hurt her feelings ,for which you should make an apology to her. 5.Is this the house in which he was born 20 years ago?
No.8一.单词拼写1.protection 2.enemies 3.reserve 4.species 5.hunting 6.apply 7.suggested 8.attention 9.fierce 10.unkind 11.continued 12.across 13.damage 14.Attack 15.powerful
二.用真确的介词或副词填空.1.from 2.between 3.about 4.on 5.for 6.from 7.on 8.which 9.to 10.on 11.to 12.around 13.with 14.in 15.with 16.in 17.of 18.to 19.with 20.in
三.单项选择.1-5BBDBC 6-11BDABBA
No.9 一.短语翻译 1.lose heart 2.in trouble 3.worry about 4.out of work 5.as a matter of fact 6.blow up 7.put…in prison 8.come to power 9.set up 10.be sentenced to 11.be willing to do 12.fight against 13.work as a doctor 14.give up a rich life 15.in a peaceful way 16.break the law 17.in one way 18.stop sb. from doing 19.beg for food 20.study for one’s degree
二.单项选择. 1-5DCAAA 6-10CADDD 11-15BBDCC 16-20BCBAD
三.同意句转换.1.showed,around 2.worried about 3.on well with 4.lost heart 5.in trouble
四.单句改错.1.第二个he改成it 2.which改成that 3.have 改成are 4.every改成each 5.rain 改成rains 6.hearts改成 heart 7.the power改成power 8.peaceful 改成peacefully 9.where 改成 that 10.the去掉
No.10一.单词拼写 1.design 2.jewels 3.furniture 4.reception 5.gift 6.trial 7.evidence 8.pretending 9.opinion 10.considering
二.用真确的介词或副词填空.1.in 2.at 3.in 4.to 5.of 6.in 7.about 8.most 9.in 10.to 11.of,in 12.during 13.out 14.over 15.about,in ,with ,on
三.完形填空1-5DBDBC 6-10DCBDD 11-15BCDCD 16-20CBCDD
No.11一.短语翻译1.right away 2.look for places to hide 3.jump out of pond 4.as usual 5.come to power 6.the water pipes 7.think little of 8.in ruins 9.the number of 10.tens of thousands of 11.instead of 12.falldown 13.dig out 14.be proud of 15.thank…for 16.raise/collect money for blind kids 17.in early June 18.keep building from falling down 19.take care of 20.make sure
二.同意句转换1.proud 2.Not 3.think,of 4.dug out 5.at an end
三.根据句意用所给词或词组的适当形式填空1.For one thing ,for another 2.whith 3.find their way 4.afford 5.(that has)come true 6.wonder 7.judge 8.too ,to 9.collecting/raising,for 10.is similar,to
四.单句改错1.who’s改成whose 2.shock 改成shocked 3.are改成is 4.in 改成of 5.injured 改成wounded 6.rose 改成raised 7.him改成whom 8.which 改成that 9.be 改成have been 10.number 改成quantity
五.单项选择1-5CBDCC 6-10ABACC
No.12一.短语翻译 1.dream about a bike trip 2.graduate from college 3.persuade sb. to do sth. 4.grow up 5.give in 6.get us interested in cycling 7.a proper way 8.change one’s mind 9.make up one’s mind 10.a determined look 11.as usual 12.To go down the hills is great fun 13.stay awake 14.put up tents 15.can hardly wait to see sb. 16.encourage sb. to do sth. 17.for one thing …for another 18.sb. is familiar with sth./sth. is familiar to sb. 19.a travel journal 20.keep asking him
二.同意句转换1.to have 2.familiar to 3.ride bike 4.are arriving 5.had
三.单项选择 1-5BCBCD 6-10DBACB 11-15CCACB
四.单句改错 1.made-made up 2.that-where 3.He-It 4.into去掉 5.make-to make 6.to去掉 7.go-go to 8.for-about 9.read-read about 10.Instead of-Instead
No.13一.单项选择1-5BDCAB 6-10BBCCB 11-13CCB
二.完形填空1-5BDBCA 6-10DCABA 11-15BCDBB 16-20CACDA
No.14一.单项选择1-5CADCA 6-10CBBDC 11-15ABADC
二.完形填空1-5BAACC 6-10BCBDB 11-15CCABD 16-20DBCDA
No.15一.单项选择1-5ABAAB 6-10BCBDB 11-15CBCCA
二.完形填空 1-5DDCAB 6-10DBDAB 11-15CAABC 16-20CABDA
No.16一.短语翻译1.be honest with 2.break down 3.by chance 4.sort out 5.play jokes on 6.dream of/about 7.or so 8.stick to 9.above all 10.be based on
二.短语填空1.or so 2.stuck to 3.above all 4.by chance 5.play jokes on 6.broke up 7.be based on 8.dream(ed) on
三.单词拼写 1.musicians 2.advertisement 3.attractive 4.Rock 5.extra 6.reputation 7.ability 8.in struments
四.词语辨析A.1.break up 2.broke up 3.breaking down 4.break down 5.broke down 6.broke in 7.break in 8.broke into 9.broke out 10.break through
B.1.by design 2.by chance
C.1.after all 2.above all 3.at all 4.All in all
五.用适当的介词,副词或连词填空1.with,in 2.by 3.to 4.to 5.or 6.just 7.out 8.or,in,like
六.用所给词的适当形式填空1.passers-by 2.loose 3.unknown 4.musician 5.advertisement 6.attractive 7.abilities 8.active
七.完成下列句子1.living abroad 2.based on 3.earned/made his living by fishing 4.play jokes on/upon 5.or so
No.17一.单项选择1-5.BABAC 6-10.CCADB 11-15.BACDD
二.短文填空1.shopping 2.saw 3.disabled 4.made 5.feel 6.were 7.to help 8.stopped 9.showing 10.cheat
三.完形填空1-5.DAAAA 6-10.BBDDA 11-15.DCAAA 16-20.BCACA