大家帮哈忙哈····英语!完形填空poisonous track down make up interior crisis hesitate in existence replace at ease leave to personality threatendisapproval ring out prospect approach at the sight of host fame interiorreplace personality

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 19:09:15

大家帮哈忙哈····英语!完形填空poisonous track down make up interior crisis hesitate in existence replace at ease leave to personality threatendisapproval ring out prospect approach at the sight of host fame interiorreplace personality
poisonous track down make up interior
crisis hesitate in existence replace
at ease leave to personality threaten
disapproval ring out prospect approach
at the sight of host fame interior
replace personality salary in turn
make up modest depress ambition
widen stale incompetent perspective
1.The ____________ of the dinner party was disappointed at the small number of guests who attended.
2.Shouts of protest___________________ from the angry crowd.
3.By careful examination,the doctors hopes to ________________ the source of the infection.(感染)
4.Johnny’s mouth watered _____________________ the big pudding.
5.At present nuclear power _____________________ only a small fraction of the energy we consume.
6.If you bring your children into the wildlife garden,remember that many plants are _____________ and can do harm to their health.
7.The house is built of red brick but its ______________ walls are al painted white.
8.There are not yet any visible signs to indicate that creative thinking can also________________ by computers.
9.Tommy felt quite _________________ when he stayed with his aunt,a good- natured old lady.
10.He was a __________________ person in spite of his great success.
11.Childhood experiences have a strong influence on forming __________________.
12.This boy is very intelligent,but his lack of____________ prevents his success.
13.Though the job requires a great deal of effort,the________________ is quite low.
14.The sad news that her baby had died at birth _______________ me all day.
15.It was a long drive to get to the beach and we three took the wheel________________.
16.The man's eyes__________ with fear when he saw the robber's gun.
17.The sudden rise in oil prices led to an economic ________ in that country.
18.The boy’s teachers looked upon his worsening performance with_______________.
19.Once he realizes that it is his mistake,Jim never___________ to admit and correct it.
20.Mohandas Gandhi was known as a ________________ man and a powerful leader.21.There is no sense in _________ important decisions______ inexperienced people.
22.I don’t want to ________________ you.You must act on your won judgment.
23.The floods are__________ most of the villages in the area.
24.A man of humble _____________,Lincoln eventually became President of the United States of America through his won efforts.

大家帮哈忙哈····英语!完形填空poisonous track down make up interior crisis hesitate in existence replace at ease leave to personality threatendisapproval ring out prospect approach at the sight of host fame interiorreplace personality
1 host
6 poisonous
11 personality
14 depressed
17 crisis
19 hesitate
13 salary
20 ambition
21 track down
22 threaten
24 fame