A book publisher figures fixed costs of $15,600 and variable costs of $1.50 for each book produced.If the book is sold to distributors for $8 each,how many books must be sold for the publisher to break even?a.187,200 books b.2,400 books c.1642.11 or

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 07:30:03

A book publisher figures fixed costs of $15,600 and variable costs of $1.50 for each book produced.If the book is sold to distributors for $8 each,how many books must be sold for the publisher to break even?a.187,200 books b.2,400 books c.1642.11 or
A book publisher figures fixed costs of $15,600 and variable costs of $1.50 for each book produced.If the book is sold to distributors for $8 each,how many books must be sold for the publisher to break even?
a.187,200 books
b.2,400 books
c.1642.11 or 1,643books
d.1,950 books
e.None of these

A book publisher figures fixed costs of $15,600 and variable costs of $1.50 for each book produced.If the book is sold to distributors for $8 each,how many books must be sold for the publisher to break even?a.187,200 books b.2,400 books c.1642.11 or

15600 / (8-1.5) = 2400
所以选 B

15600 / (8-1.5) = 2400
所以选 B


publisher 翻译The publisher will send you a specimen copy of their new book when requested.when requested指得是谁? A book publisher figures fixed costs of $15,600 and variable costs of $1.50 for each book produced.If the book is sold to distributors for $8 each,how many books must be sold for the publisher to break even?a.187,200 books b.2,400 books c.1642.11 or 英语的判断对错He needed to study for a test.He went online to order a book.He went to the publisher's website.He found the book he needed to study.It was 240 pages.It was $59.Shipping was $6.He could order the book from the publisher's website should we attempt to find a publisher before the book is completed _.at least announce that we are doing the book?Aand Bor Cso Dbut我选的是A, 高中英语语法难题the publisher will send you a specimen copy of his new book ( )A when they are requestedB when requested为啥我觉得两句意思一样啊,B不就是A的省略嘛!请指教 英语作文 How is the book madeFirst,the writer writes a storyThen the editor reads the story and suggests changesNext,the printer printsAfter that,zhe publisher sends copies to reviewers to readFinally bookshops sell the books首先,作者写的 give a fig for education是什么意思?his parents didn't give a fig for education. publisher是什么 Publisher是什么? publisher是什么 publisher 是什么意思 publisher是什么意思 求英语阅读报告name of the book:Auther:Publisher:Synopsis(简介)100字Comments / feelings 80字 Gmat一道逻辑题Magazine Publisher:Our magazine does not have a liberal bias.It is true that when a book review we had commissioned last year turned out to express distinctly conservative views,we did not publish it until we had also obtained a se 英语翻译Distribution is a critical piece of the publishing puzzle,yet most new publishers seem to think it will magically open up to them once they publish a book.The only thing that will magically open up is the publisher's wallet. FIG是什么? FIG是什么意思