因为时间比较急,所以继续范文,能不能帮个忙?Sometimes it is fun to think of living in another time and place.If you could experience a different time and place,what time and what place would you choose?Use reasons and specific details

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 11:15:52

因为时间比较急,所以继续范文,能不能帮个忙?Sometimes it is fun to think of living in another time and place.If you could experience a different time and place,what time and what place would you choose?Use reasons and specific details
Sometimes it is fun to think of living in another time and place.If you could experience a different time and place,what time and what place would you choose?Use reasons and specific details to support your answer.

因为时间比较急,所以继续范文,能不能帮个忙?Sometimes it is fun to think of living in another time and place.If you could experience a different time and place,what time and what place would you choose?Use reasons and specific details

因为时间比较急,所以继续范文,能不能帮个忙?Sometimes it is fun to think of living in another time and place.If you could experience a different time and place,what time and what place would you choose?Use reasons and specific details 500字能不能发个范文. 要有因为所以,急. 我暑假要去广西支教,教6.7.因为地方比较偏僻,所以英语水平应该不怎么的,所以哪位可以帮我,总共15天的时间应该教些什么啊?教案要怎么写啊? oral presentation范文急 最好弄个PPT啥的 时间长度大概10分钟 就因为没用普通话和礼貌用语接电话,所以写检查悔过,怎么写啊谁给个范文大概写写啊~ 高二英语日记范文200字继续,急 因为我是外国的所以历史比较弱你听不懂帮我一下 美国华盛顿时间和北京时间的时差是多少个小时?美国因为一些“跨度”比较广,所以有多个时区,并且也因此严格的设立有多个标准时间【东部Eastern 时间】 (EST):西五区,比北京时间慢13小 帮忙找四个描写景物的成语.急因为时间太紧张,所以一时大脑短路,只要4个,应该不算难吧! 英语翻译因为要做课件,所以比较急,千万不能是翻译器的. 英语翻译帮我翻译一些这些文章..我很抱歉,很久没跟您联系了,这不是因为我不想与您联系,而是因为现在我作业比较多,周末也很少有时间上网,上网写英语信也比较耗费时间,所以这么久没跟 我有个关于土壤固化剂的问题,比较急,谁帮我解答下,一般用土壤固化剂做工程能保持多久的时间啊 我叫嘉琪,能不能帮我想个好玩的英文名,我性格比较外向. 十一国庆节要写一篇英语日记,谁帮帮我啊?帮我处处主意,因为没啥出去玩...所以想不出来... 最好有范文... 谢~ 求1千字的政治检讨书因为政治没考及格 所以老师要求写谁可以帮我写一篇范文出来呢 、、、、 并要有因为所以,急. 文化苦旅 为什么说是“苦”的?比较急,写读后感用,答案字数200以内.还有,因为我自己积分少,所以悬赏会少点,希望大家能帮我解决这个问题.