几道简单的汉译英1.我还没来得及接电话,他就挂断了2.昨天夜里过了很久我才睡着3.他刚要上公交车 突然有人叫她4.我们呼吁这个国家的人民为国家的统一而努力5.我们继续我们的行程,希望很

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 06:51:15

几道简单的汉译英1.我还没来得及接电话,他就挂断了2.昨天夜里过了很久我才睡着3.他刚要上公交车 突然有人叫她4.我们呼吁这个国家的人民为国家的统一而努力5.我们继续我们的行程,希望很
3.他刚要上公交车 突然有人叫她

几道简单的汉译英1.我还没来得及接电话,他就挂断了2.昨天夜里过了很久我才睡着3.他刚要上公交车 突然有人叫她4.我们呼吁这个国家的人民为国家的统一而努力5.我们继续我们的行程,希望很
1.Before I could answer the phone,he hung up
2.Last night after a long time before I fall asleep
3.Just to be on the bus he was suddenly called her
4.We call upon the people of this country to work for national unity
5.We continue our journey,hoping to see him soon
6.At the meeting,he raised many questions
7.I am fairly confident that she is now very busy
8.I'd rather go ice skating is not willing to stay at home

1. I didn't have time to pick up the phone when he hang up.
2. It took me quite some time until I finaly fell asleep last night.
3. He was about to get on the bus when suddenly someone called ...


1. I didn't have time to pick up the phone when he hang up.
2. It took me quite some time until I finaly fell asleep last night.
3. He was about to get on the bus when suddenly someone called him.
4. We call on the people of this country to make efforts for the unification of the nation.
5. We will continue our journey and hope to see him soon.
6. He raised many questions at the meeting.
7. I'm pretty sure that she's very busy now.
8. I would rather go skating than stay at home.
I prefer going skating than staying at home.


悬赏分:30 - 离问题结束还有 14 天 23 小时
He had hung up before I picked up the phone.
It took me a long time to fall asleep last night.


悬赏分:30 - 离问题结束还有 14 天 23 小时
He had hung up before I picked up the phone.
It took me a long time to fall asleep last night.
3。他刚要上公交车 突然有人叫她
Somebody called her when he was about to get on the bus.
We appeal to the people of this country to strive for the union of the country.
We will continue our trip. Hopefully, we will see him soon.
He asked many questions at the conference.
I am pretty sure she is very busy now.
I prefer to skiing to staying at home.
I prefer to ski rather than stay at home.


1. Before I could answer the phone he hung up
2. Last night after a long time before I fall asleep
3. Just to be on the bus he was suddenly called her
4. We call upon the people of this co...


1. Before I could answer the phone he hung up
2. Last night after a long time before I fall asleep
3. Just to be on the bus he was suddenly called her
4. We call upon the people of this country to work for national unity
5. We continue our journey, hoping to see him soon
6. At the meeting, he raised many questions
7. I am fairly confident that she is now very busy
8. I would rather go ice skating is not willing to stay at home


几道简单的汉译英1.我还没来得及接电话,他就挂断了2.昨天夜里过了很久我才睡着3.他刚要上公交车 突然有人叫她4.我们呼吁这个国家的人民为国家的统一而努力5.我们继续我们的行程,希望很 翻译一句话:我还没来得及说话,他就走了. 我现在上高一 英语学的不好,没基础,找家教重新学英语还来得及吗? 我还没来得及给你贴正确答案你就采纳了……正确答案明明是DABDB,你看你采纳那哥们儿错了几题! 他挂我电话还这么说是啥意思?我打电话给他响了几下他给挂了我发短信问他不接电话啥意思?他说,没电了,是你啊,我想你了啊,奇奇怪怪的语气,他从来不这样的,没电了能发这么久的短信?他会 英语翻译我还没来得及到家,我爸爸就先到了 ”在我们还没来得及高兴时,我就开始迷惘了.“翻译成英语,怎说呢? 从头学英语还来得及吗我现在快上初三了,以前的英语基本可以说是没学,除了26个字母和几个简单的单词别的什么都不会,我现在明白了英语的重要性,请问现在在学还来到急吗8 六年级的妹子有个疑问……张强在网络上看一部科教片.播放到三分之一时,他接了一个电话,回来发现剩下没有播放的部分是他去接电话时播放的五分之四.张强接电话回来,还剩下几分之几没 小方在网络上看一部科教片,播放到三分之一时,他接了一个电话,通话结束时发现剩下没有播放的部分是他去接电话时播放的五分之四,小方接电话回来,还剩下几分之几没播放? 英语翻译我还没来得及回答他的第一个问题,他又问了一个问题我像大部分人那样记日记 初一到初二的课都没听,基础知识没学....拼命努力还来得及吗 我的英语从初中就很差(几乎没学到)现在准高二了,想考二本学还来得及不数学也很差. 我的成绩很差初一初二没基础是差到极限的那种现在很想学来得及吗?要是可以的话我可以玩命的学要是一切还来得及我会非常努力,要是一回家就学到第二天5点做到这点来得及么,原来初一去 我现在要上高二,还来得及吗? 我快30了,工作需要学英语.还来得及吗最起码能和外国人简单的正常交流,自己能在外国生活一段时间,看懂一些简单文件我基础差,年龄也这么大了, 还没来得及做某事,用什么英语短语词组 翻译:我还没来得及提醒他要保守这个秘密他就匆匆挂了电话.(before)