懂英语和数学的来!求算式!1) Mr.Cheng sold a van for $212500 and made a loss of $37500.Find the percentage loss.2) A shop owner sold a book for $599 and made a profit of $99.Find the percentage profit.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 15:50:10

懂英语和数学的来!求算式!1) Mr.Cheng sold a van for $212500 and made a loss of $37500.Find the percentage loss.2) A shop owner sold a book for $599 and made a profit of $99.Find the percentage profit.
1) Mr.Cheng sold a van for $212500 and made a loss of $37500.Find the percentage loss.
2) A shop owner sold a book for $599 and made a profit of $99.Find the percentage profit.

懂英语和数学的来!求算式!1) Mr.Cheng sold a van for $212500 and made a loss of $37500.Find the percentage loss.2) A shop owner sold a book for $599 and made a profit of $99.Find the percentage profit.

懂英语和数学的来!求算式!1) Mr.Cheng sold a van for $212500 and made a loss of $37500.Find the percentage loss.2) A shop owner sold a book for $599 and made a profit of $99.Find the percentage profit. 懂英语和数学的来!求算式!A model ship is sold for $225 at a loss of 25%.How much does it cost? 翻译(英语):我想请你和Mr.Smith来参加我们的春节. MR.KING和MR.GREEN正在交谈的英语怎么说 数学和英语怎么算,要算式! 亮亮期中考试考了语文、数学和英语,其中语文比三门学科的平均分7.数学比三门学科的平均分第2.那么英语比数学要高几分?(求详细算式,谢谢哟♥) When can you finish your report,Mr Green? I think I need ten minutes.A,another B ,else C ,more D, much 求英语好的教下.说出个所以然来.求教. 小学六年级数学作文求1篇关与生活中水电费数据的急!要有数据 和算式 李明期中考试的成绩表,语文76分,数学A7分,英语8B分,平均分是87分.求算式李明期中考试的成绩表,语文76分,数学A7分,英语8B分,平均分是87分,求李明数学和英语分别得了多少分,要算式 在一道数学减法算式中,被减数,减数,差的和是400,求被减数是多少 六年级下册数学自主65页求阴影部分的面积要算式和答案 嗯,明儿见,Mr.right 懂英语的朋友,帮忙解释下啥意思,顺便来句回复,谢了 求数学和英语大神 mr.的汉译,意思和英语句中的用法 数学和英语的 平平期中考试语文和数学的平均分是96.语文和英语的平均分是93.数学和英语的平均分是95分.平平的语文、数学、英语各是多少分?(写算式,不要方程式) 求算式 六年级数学谢谢 已知点P(x0,y0)和直线l:Ax+By+C=0,求点P到直线的距离用数学语言来描述算法