帮忙找一下这些词的解释~~~~!1.酝酿 2.酗酒 3.醍醐灌顶 4.酣畅淋漓 5.翡翠 6.心扉 7.文采斐然 8.蜚短流长 9.绚丽 10.嶙峋 11.以身殉职 12.徇私舞弊 13.溃脓 14.馈赠 15.振聋发聩 16.功亏一篑

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 22:20:23

帮忙找一下这些词的解释~~~~!1.酝酿 2.酗酒 3.醍醐灌顶 4.酣畅淋漓 5.翡翠 6.心扉 7.文采斐然 8.蜚短流长 9.绚丽 10.嶙峋 11.以身殉职 12.徇私舞弊 13.溃脓 14.馈赠 15.振聋发聩 16.功亏一篑
1.酝酿 2.酗酒 3.醍醐灌顶 4.酣畅淋漓 5.翡翠 6.心扉 7.文采斐然 8.蜚短流长 9.绚丽 10.嶙峋 11.以身殉职 12.徇私舞弊 13.溃脓 14.馈赠 15.振聋发聩 16.功亏一篑 17.缉拿 18.流水账 19.含英咀华 20.失之毫厘 差之千里 21.照相 22.挖墙脚 23.委曲求全 24.桃李不言 下自成蹊 25.脉搏 26.绿茵场 27.匪夷所思 28.百尺竿头更进一步 29.历练 30.自画像 31.倚老卖老 32.城门失火 殃及池鱼 33.坦露心扉 34.完璧归赵 35.藕断丝连 36.翻手为云覆手为雨 37.简明约束 38.所向披靡 39.苦心孤诣 40.春宵一刻值千金 41.屈节辱命 42.困顿穷厄 43.唉声叹气 44.众口铄金 积毁销骨 45.合契若神 46.锐不可当 47.婉言辞谢 48.受之有愧 却之不恭

帮忙找一下这些词的解释~~~~!1.酝酿 2.酗酒 3.醍醐灌顶 4.酣畅淋漓 5.翡翠 6.心扉 7.文采斐然 8.蜚短流长 9.绚丽 10.嶙峋 11.以身殉职 12.徇私舞弊 13.溃脓 14.馈赠 15.振聋发聩 16.功亏一篑
1.酝酿 造酒的发酵过程,比喻做准备工作
2.酗酒 没有节制地喝酒,喝酒后撒酒疯.
3.醍醐灌顶 醍醐:酥酪上凝聚的油.用纯酥油浇到头上.佛教指灌输智慧,使人彻底觉悟.比喻听了高明的意见使人受到很大启发.也形容清凉舒适
4.酣畅淋漓 酣畅:原指喝酒或睡眠很充分;泛指痛快;淋漓:饱满畅快的样子.非常畅快.也指文艺作品中刻画人的形象或表达感情很充分.
5.翡翠 1.(名)鸟的一属;嘴长而直;有蓝色和绿色的羽毛;飞得很快;生活在水边;吃鱼虾等.羽毛可做装饰品.
6.心扉 思考问题的门路

1.brew 2.tipple 3.comprehend suddenly and thoroughly 4.fulfill appetite brightly 5.emerald 6.inner herat's door 7.brilliant ability in literature 9.radiant 10.spindly 11.sacrifice life for civil publi...


1.brew 2.tipple 3.comprehend suddenly and thoroughly 4.fulfill appetite brightly 5.emerald 6.inner herat's door 7.brilliant ability in literature 9.radiant 10.spindly 11.sacrifice life for civil publicity 12.cronism and cheat for interest 13.fester 14.bestow 15.stentorian 16.rout by a peccadillo 17.arrest 18 flowing-noting bill 19.savor the essence of a poem.20.a miss is as good as a mile
21.photograph 22.obtain profit by undermining others' relationship
23.render humor reluctantly 24.spring out unobstrusively 25 pulse
26.football court 27.unexpected outcoming 28.to progress one more step with the attainment 29.practise 30. self-portraited painting 31.splurge with aged experience 32.undermining by unrelevant factors
33.confide inner thoughts 34.return with wholesomeness 35.break up not thoroughly 36.flunctuate and fickle 37.succinct by restraint 38.peerless or matchless unchallengiblly 39.delve into earth 40.?
41.surrender spinelessly 42.needy and miserable 43.sigh with a plaintive mood 44.slandering and aspersion sabtage the real fact 45.body and soul coincide smartly 46.poignant and predominating 47.refuse with taciful words 48.accept with unproprity and shame
有些自己想的 你看行不行
