新概念英语有句不懂的话,the sentensefifty pence is a small price to pay for .to pay 为什么不是 to be paid waiting for an answer

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 17:46:51

新概念英语有句不懂的话,the sentensefifty pence is a small price to pay for .to pay 为什么不是 to be paid waiting for an answer
the sentense
fifty pence is a small price to pay for .
to pay 为什么不是 to be paid
waiting for an answer

新概念英语有句不懂的话,the sentensefifty pence is a small price to pay for .to pay 为什么不是 to be paid waiting for an answer
let's see if I get u right:你是觉得 to pay for 是主动语态,to be paid 是被动;而人是主动的,钱是被动的,所以似乎应该说 fifty pence is a small price to be paid.
但实际上,sth to do 一般本身就含有被动的意思了.
例子,我们常说:Do you have something to say?/Do you have something to do tonight?
而不说:Do you have something to be said?/Do you have something to be done?
这是因为这些句子中,谁是主语谁是宾语太明显了,不需再用 to be done 强调.
我觉得哈,为了便于理解,你可以把那句话看成 fifty pence is a small price (for sb.) to pay for.

to pay是介词短语作定语 修饰price用的
price to pay for sth 意为price支付sth
price to be paid for sth意为price被sth支付 即 sth支付price 明显意思不对

新概念英语有句不懂的话,the sentensefifty pence is a small price to pay for .to pay 为什么不是 to be paid waiting for an answer 新概念二册61课第二句The main mirror was faulty,so the pictures it sent us were very disappointing请问为什么会有It 如果没有so the pictures sent us were very disappointing.不也可以吗 新概念二册61课第二句The main mirror was faulty,so the pictures it sent us were very disappointing请问为什么会有It 如果没有so the pictures sent us were very disappointing.不也可以吗 英语同义句The policeman sent the thief to prison 新概念英语2册49课问题A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courtyard below.请问句中sent it crashing into the courtyard below.中所含的短语有哪些?搞不明白sent和谁搭配,crash和谁搭配,int 谁有新概念英语900句 crashing into the courtyard不懂这个句子新概念英语第49课里面有一句A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courtyard beloww可不可以用to crashing,为什么?可不可以用to crash,上面写错了 句型和时态the Hubble's eagle eye will have sent us.新概念2册61课 请问这句的时态及句型? 英语主动句改被动句Someone had sent Jack to the hospital before the ambulance came. 新概念英语2答案为什么新概念英语没答案.谁有新概念英语2的所有完整答案啊...有的话就超谢谢了. 英语定冠词the的问题新概念3里的这句话:The editor at once sent the journalist a fax instructing him to find out the exact number of steps and the height of the wall.为什么wall前有the,而steps前面却没有the?全文如下Editors 新概念英语第四册21 我现在正在学习新概念英语第四册21 22这两篇课文,现在遇见几句不懂的句子需要大家帮我解答下在这里提前说声谢谢!(1)21课文.Audiences in the second decade of the twentieth centu from the outside还是from outside呢?貌似两种都在书上看到过,the 是加还是不加啊?以前一直以为是后者的,可刚看到《新概念英语》上有from the outside,所以就不懂啦。 新概念英语自学的话怎么做笔记? 下两句英语意思有什么区别?I have sent the message to your mail box.I have been sent the message to your mail box. 请问谁有《新概念英语1》的全部教学视频有的话请发给我 新概念英语2有定语从句 名词性从句 状语从句.如果有的话, 你有新概念英语二的MP3音频吗?有的话可以发给我一份吗?