某太阳能热水器的有效采光面积为3m2,能在8 h内将225L水的温度升高40℃.设太阳能热水器有经济、安全、卫生、环保等优点,某太阳能热水器的集热器的有效采光面积为3M2,能在8H内将225L水的温度

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 15:16:05

某太阳能热水器的有效采光面积为3m2,能在8 h内将225L水的温度升高40℃.设太阳能热水器有经济、安全、卫生、环保等优点,某太阳能热水器的集热器的有效采光面积为3M2,能在8H内将225L水的温度
某太阳能热水器的有效采光面积为3m2,能在8 h内将225L水的温度升高40℃.设
太阳能热水器有经济、安全、卫生、环保等优点,某太阳能热水器的集热器的有效采光面积为3M2,能在8H内将225L水的温度升高40 .设热水器每平方米面积每秒接受太阳辐射能为1.4X10的3次方J.该太阳能热水器的效率是多大太阳能热水器

某太阳能热水器的有效采光面积为3m2,能在8 h内将225L水的温度升高40℃.设太阳能热水器有经济、安全、卫生、环保等优点,某太阳能热水器的集热器的有效采光面积为3M2,能在8H内将225L水的温度

Beijing July 10,nike air max nm, NBA is in the offseason, the following are important and team related news:
Ginobili look forward to an early end to stop
Spurs star Manu - Manu Ginobili...


Beijing July 10,nike air max nm, NBA is in the offseason, the following are important and team related news:
Ginobili look forward to an early end to stop
Spurs star Manu - Manu Ginobili has expressed his views on the shut down, he said: "Now the situation is very complex differences between the two sides are still great, and we obviously want to play, hope to continue to do all these years to do, but They want to change the salary cap, contract length and other requirements. but they made conditions far beyond the level acceptable to us now also great differences between the two sides. the next few weeks seems to be further a meeting, the differences may be narrowing a bit, but I find it difficult to reach an agreement in a short time. differences were too great, and there are many issues to negotiate,nike air griffey max one, we want to reach an agreement as soon as possible, so that the season can begin as scheduled, because the drag longer, harder training,ken griffey jr shoes, the more difficult to stay in shape, will hurt the mood of the fans,jordan high heels, everyone will suffer. "
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Battier favor CBA
Deron Williams - Williams went to Turkey to play to lead the NBA players to go overseas to play in the shut down period of the wave. Former Rockets player Shane - Shane Battier have expressed their views,dunk heels, he said; "If I go to other places to play, I will first consider China, where I have some relationship depends crucially on the progress of labor negotiations , provided that stalled last a whole season. "Battier think there will be more players to follow DeLong:" He seized that opportunity, and Im proud of him. For him, that would be a good experience If there are more people to follow him,air griffey max gd 2, I would not be surprised,air griffey max 1 Fresh water, but if someone went there in August to participate in training camp, I would be surprised if we do not have to participate in preseason warm-up match and then you will see to have a lot of guys go to Europe. "
Knicks Titans not learn Delong
Knicks starting shooting guard Fields has recently been training hard game in Los Angeles, he was a name under the guidance of personal trainer training, occasionally playing baseball. As for the shut down during the wave of NBA players to Europe, he did not intend to follow suit. He said: "I am all the offseason attention on how to survive in the NBA on this issue, I will observe the other players to see how successful they are, this is a business,griffeys shoes, you are here today, Maybe tomorrow you will go to other places, I only have self-knowledge, the ability to know their location,griffey sneakers, and implement everything,nike air diamond turf, with the confidence to lay the season. "
Gay considering going overseas to play
Grizzlies general Rudy - Rudy Gay is in the period recuperate, if shut down until February next year, he would consider going overseas to play it? Guy replied; "For me, not to say, because I still sidelined with injuries, so I will not go overseas at this stage, anything can happen but I do not mind to play overseas. Downtime situation a little bit crazy. Of course,jordan boots, we are athletes,ken griffey jr sneakers, we have time to decide the next step and I think nothing bad to play overseas and I do not mind. "
(Sohu sports Liqing)



您给的数据不全面: 管路及贮水箱热损失数据,当地的太阳能保证率等数据没有。
楼主提供的:“每平方米面积每秒接受太阳辐射能为1.4X10的3次方J”不知道从哪里得来?现在国家公布的数据最多详细到“每天月平均接受辐照量多少”例如河南地区:年平均日太阳辐照量:水平面13.482 MJ∕㎡,34°43′倾角表面14.301 MJ∕㎡
我大胆假设下:楼主提供:△T=40℃; 太阳能保证率,...


您给的数据不全面: 管路及贮水箱热损失数据,当地的太阳能保证率等数据没有。
楼主提供的:“每平方米面积每秒接受太阳辐射能为1.4X10的3次方J”不知道从哪里得来?现在国家公布的数据最多详细到“每天月平均接受辐照量多少”例如河南地区:年平均日太阳辐照量:水平面13.482 MJ∕㎡,34°43′倾角表面14.301 MJ∕㎡
我大胆假设下:楼主提供:△T=40℃; 太阳能保证率,无纲量取0.5;系统热损失率,无纲量取0.2;当地集热器总面积上的年平均日辐照量,14301KJ∕㎡;集热器采光面积3M2 ;产水量225L
通过公式: AC = QwCw( tend-tL)f / JTηcd(1-ηL) 可计算的,集热器效率为0.549


某太阳能热水器的集热器的有效采光面积为3M2,能在8H内将225L水的温度升高40 .设热水器每平方太阳能热水器有经济、安全、卫生、环保等优点,某太阳能热水器的集热器的有效采光面积为3M2,能 某太阳能热水器的有效采光面积为3m2,能在8 h内将225L水的温度升高40℃.设太阳能热水器有经济、安全、卫生、环保等优点,某太阳能热水器的集热器的有效采光面积为3M2,能在8H内将225L水的温度 太阳能热水器有经济、安全、卫生、环保等优点,某太阳能热水器的集热器的有效采光面积为3M2,能在8H内将225L水的温度升高40 .设热水器每平方米面积每秒接受太阳辐射能为1.4X10的3次方J.该太 太阳能热水器有经济,安全,环保,节能等优点.如图所示为市面上一种太阳能热水器,该热水器的集热器的有效采光面积为3m2,能在8h内将225kg水的温度升高40℃,若热水器每平方米面积每秒中接受太 某品牌太阳能热水器有效采光面积为2.5m2吸热效率为百分之六十某品牌太阳能热水器有效采光面积为2.5m2吸热效率为60%,水箱容积为125L,假定该太阳能热水器每小时每平方米均吸收太阳能4.2乘10 好的追分啊~九上物理涉及比热容、热值1.太阳能热水器有经济、安全、卫生环保等优点,某太阳能热水器的集热器的有效采光面积为3㎡,能在8小时内将225L水的温度升高40摄氏度.设热水器每平 初三物理题:某太阳能热水器的集热器的有效采光面积为2.5㎡,能在10h内将100kg水的温度升高50℃.若热水器每平方米面积每小时接受太阳辐射能为1.68×10的六次方J.①该太阳能热水器在10h内吸收 一道关于太阳能热水器的物理题太阳能热水器的集热气的有效采光面积为3平方厘米,能在8小时内将225声的水温度从20摄氏度升高40摄氏度,设热水器每平方米面积每秒钟接受太阳辐射能为1.4*10 某居室侧窗窗台高0.6m,宽3m,有效采光面积应是多少m2. 太阳能热水器有经济、安全、卫生、环保和节能等优点.图所示为一种太阳能热水器,该热水器的集热器的有效采光面积为3m3,.设太阳能热水器的效率为30%,热水器每平方米面积在每秒钟内接 太阳能是一种清洁能源 坐等某太阳能热水器装有200kg水 集热管的有效采光面积为3㎡,一天日照时间8h,若每平方米面积平均每小时接受太阳辐射为5*10^6j,水温上升了50℃,计算:1.水吸收的热量是 窗户的有效采光面积怎样计算 窗有效采光面积怎么算某居室侧窗窗台高0.6M,宽3M,有效采光面积是多少?请问 大虾们 怎么算? 怎么计算有效采光面积 下面是某太阳能热水器铭牌上的一组技术参数.型号 真空管/mm 直径×长度 容积/L 集热管采光面积/m2 吸热下面是某太阳能热水器铭牌上的一组技术参数.型号真空管/mm直径×长度容积/L集热管采 下面是某太阳能热水器铭牌上的一组技术参数(急!)下面是某太阳能热水器铭牌上的一组技术参数:型 号 真空管/mm直径×长度 容积/L 集热管采光面积/m2 吸热功率/W 水温/℃ A821-1.8m Φ58×1800 2 室内有效采光面积计算方法居室侧窗窗台高0.6m,宽3m,有效采光面积是多少平米? 侧窗窗台高0.8m窗高2m宽3m有效采光面积为多少