汉译英(题比较怪 初一的)急!为了提高运动员们的运动技能,这位助手花费了一整天的时间研究运动规则他是怎样把这个如此沉重的配件放到床下他吃了一大盘饺子还喝了一点鸡汤,现在一

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 11:09:37

汉译英(题比较怪 初一的)急!为了提高运动员们的运动技能,这位助手花费了一整天的时间研究运动规则他是怎样把这个如此沉重的配件放到床下他吃了一大盘饺子还喝了一点鸡汤,现在一
汉译英(题比较怪 初一的)急!

汉译英(题比较怪 初一的)急!为了提高运动员们的运动技能,这位助手花费了一整天的时间研究运动规则他是怎样把这个如此沉重的配件放到床下他吃了一大盘饺子还喝了一点鸡汤,现在一
1 In order to improve the motor skill of athletes,the assistant spent all day studying movement rules
2 what kind of method he adopt to put so heavy accessories on the bed
3 He ate a grail dumplings and drank a chicken soup,it was not hungry

In order to improve the athletes' skill, the assistant spent the whole day in researching the regular of sports.
How did he put such a heavy accessory under the bed?
He ate a big plate of dumplings ,drank a little Chicken soup. So he don't feel hungry.

In order to improve the motor skills of the athletes , this assistant spent all day long studying the movement rules.
How did he put such heavy accessories under bed?
He ate a large plate of dumplings and took some chicken soup.So he is not hungry at all.

to improve the skills of the athlete,the assistant spend all the daytime to study the move regulation.
hoe did he move such a heavy accessory into the falling to the mssingle
he isn't hungry now bacause he ate a large bowl of dumpilings and some chicken soup

1. To improve the sports skills and the assistant spent a whole day's time to study movement rules
2.How he is the great parts of the bed
3.He ate a big make it a little chicken soup, is not hungry

1.To improve sport skills of the athletes, the assitant takes a day to study the rules of movement.
2.How he is able to put the fittings under the bed.
3.He ate a big plate of dumplings and a little chicken soup,so he is not hungry at all.

1 In order to improve the athletes' skill, the assistant spent a whole day studying sport rules.
2 How did he put such a heavy fitting under the bed?
3 He ate a big plate of dumplings and drank a little chicken soup, so he is not hungry at all now.

汉译英(题比较怪 初一的)急!为了提高运动员们的运动技能,这位助手花费了一整天的时间研究运动规则他是怎样把这个如此沉重的配件放到床下他吃了一大盘饺子还喝了一点鸡汤,现在一 初一数学角的比较求解急第一题除外 怎样提高语文.政治和历史成绩啊.急!(是初一的啊) 给家长的一封信(600字)急!我是初一的学生,为了开家长会!要感人!相当感人! 初一数学提高题(附答案) 从发育场所,营养来源比较胚胎发育的三种方式的不同?(初一科学)急,初一的科学.. 作文大人的烦恼(比较有文采)初一水平 不要抄的 600子左右急! 温度计的玻璃壁比较( ),为了( ),玻璃泡比较( ),为了( ) 退耕还林的生态学原理是为了提高生态系统的( ) 如何做好英语课代表?初一的英语课代表,怎么样可以提高同学的成绩!急 初一第一学期的科学试卷或者提高题目也可以,急啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 为了提高口语(英语),去外企找工作,可以考哪些口语证?便于去外企工作,想提高自己的口语水平,但笔试又不好,哪些口语证比较适合我? 提高日常交流英语的书为了日后去外国旅游日常交流基本无障碍,所以想提高下英语口语听力,没有那本书(配MP3或磁带光盘都行)比较适合, 谁有比较好看的英文小说为了提高英语成绩,所以尽量简单一点,好看一点,有意思一点 急求初一级语文课外阅读题附加答案急需提高语文课外阅读成绩... 初一写秋天的景色的作文!.急比较专一的运用修辞的 求几道初一有理数或乘方的提高题 成绩中等.初一初二的成绩不稳定,怎么才能提高成绩呢.我比较没有耐心和毅力.