
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 04:11:34


Rapid economic development in the case, ordinary investors can not participate in the development of real estate financial markets, resulting in China's real estate financial markets has not yet formed a sound and multi-level market system, as well as the ranks of rich investors. At the same time, regulatory authorities issued a series of monetary tightening policy to weaken the real estate companies rely on bank credit, to some extent, led the trust, real estate funds and other tools for the development of financial innovation. In addition, the real estate industry itself has also decided to upgrade and differentiation of the future of real estate financial markets, the new changes. Integrated in the role of internal and external factors, China's real estate finance market reflected the main characteristics: ① to bank credit for financing a single dominant pattern; ② diversified financing channels have become increasingly active; ③ real estate financing is not a sound market system.
1, leading to bank credit for financing of a single pattern
   China's real estate funds focused on bank lending sources [29]. According to real estate development project on the existing sources of funding for a survey, the existing real estate development projects in the proportion of its own funds the total investment accounted for only about 30%, and the rest from loans or foreign investment. This led to China's real estate market in addition to its own funds, the remaining funds are often directly or indirectly from the bank. In addition, bonds and real estate market and the level of the slow development of the securities market, the Chinese real estate enterprises also lack of direct financing channels. Financing channels as a result of a single, 14 tight credit in the bank closed the objective environment, a large number of real estate financing channels, there is no corresponding effective replenishment, resulting in the enterprise sector as well as severe anemia.
2, a wide range of financing channels have become increasingly active
   Although the Chinese real estate industry fund the development of the existence of legal obstacles, but the important status and role of the entire real estate industry has attracted a high degree of consensus. On the one hand, the success of the domestic market has been launched to establish the precedent of quasi-real estate fund, which is Chinese-style real estate industry to explore the road fund has a positive effect; On the other hand, overseas real estate funds find their way into domestic real estate market, a large number of international real estate Fund started to plan the layout of the domestic real estate investment strategies. With the "industry fund", as well as the introduction of industry funds to establish the legal status, industry funds will play in the real estate finance market is especially important role. Capital trust schemes more active as the current real estate financing instruments, the financing of real estate financing in the amount of about 1% of the total, but its flexibility and adaptability for the entire real estate industry for creative inspiration. China Banking Regulatory Commission in October 2004 announced, "Trust and Investment Corporation Interim Measures for the Administration of real estate trust business" in order to improve the weak real estate financing market situation, the Interim Measures for the relaxation of the required conditions of the real estate trust business constraints, to some extent funds into a trust scheme, the true meaning of the real estate trust. China Banking Regulatory Commission in September 2005 issued "Trust and Investment Corporation to enhance the risk of part of the business prompted the notice" (the China Banking Regulatory Commission document 212), the document issued to request a new real estate trust must meet three conditions: that the "four-card" complete, reaching 35% of its own funds, developers have more than two qualifications.

英语翻译在经济发展迅猛的情况下,普通投资者却无法参与房地产金融市场的发展,导致了中国的房地产金融市场尚未形成一个健全而又多层次的市场体系以及丰富的投资者队伍.同时,监管当局 投资乘数在什么情况下最大 英语翻译【摘要】随着科学技术的迅猛发展和经济全球化趋势的增强,世界各国经济发展面临着前所未有的机遇与挑战。现代物流作为现代经济的重要组成部分,在国民经济和社会发展中发 对于房地产项目在只有平面规划图的情况下怎么快速预测投资成本, 日本在二战后的经济发展和政治情况 江南地区在西汉和南朝时的经济发展情况 英语翻译在现有经济发展水平制约和巨大的农村公共物品供给缺口双重压力下,正确确定公共物品的投资优先序愈显重要.本文通过走访村民和村干部以问卷调查的方式,从农村基层视角,实证分 在普通情况下在一种物质的饱和溶液中影响另一种物质的溶解度吗? 英语翻译在2005=2008年间发达国家如美国、日本、英国、法国、德国的GDP增长率都处在一个较低增长水平,而中国则一直保持着近两位数的增长率,这也反映了中国的经济发展迅猛,自2008年爆 英语翻译似乎没有人知道人工智能一直在迅猛发展 在没有钥匙的情况下,怎么开锁?就是那种普通的梳妆台的锁 水在普通情况下的形状是怎样的?如题 在20摄氏度情况下1立方米空气有多重就是我们呼吸的普通空气 一支普通香烟在不吸的情况下可以燃烧多长时间? 普通不锈钢在保证钢度和硬度的情况下,最高能耐多高温度? 钢化玻璃和普通浮法玻璃怎么区分?在不打碎的情况下, 英语翻译摘要随着互联网技术的迅猛发展,在市场经济下企业交易越来越趋向于多元化,而客观经济环境的变化,使企业在开展电子商务方面势在必行.电子商务不仅仅适用于大企业,而对中小企 英语翻译《网络环境下的不正当竞争问题及其法律对策研究》摘要:不正当竞争在社会经济的各个领域普遍存在,特别是近年来随着网络信息技术的迅猛发展,不正当竞争行为有了更加广阔的