用英语对书作简单介绍!要求尽量把五个W写出来——when,where,who,what and why.随便是什么书,最好大众一点的名著好了.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 11:27:11

用英语对书作简单介绍!要求尽量把五个W写出来——when,where,who,what and why.随便是什么书,最好大众一点的名著好了.
要求尽量把五个W写出来——when,where,who,what and why.随便是什么书,最好大众一点的名著好了.

用英语对书作简单介绍!要求尽量把五个W写出来——when,where,who,what and why.随便是什么书,最好大众一点的名著好了.
the call of the wild
This book was finished by jack london who was a famous American writer.Among his works,this was the most famous.It tell a story about a dog whose name is Buck.When it was young,he live in the south of America,where the climate was mild and the dog lived a happy life as a pet dog.But the happy life didn't last long,Buck was sold to the north of America as a sledge dog in the snow field.What he did every day was to struggle to get food to eat.Buck even stole the master's food in order to live.In his mind,he always heared a sound that called him to the forest.At last ,he finally went to the forest following the sound and became a wild animal.
This story is pretty good .It tell people why so many people grow to be a bad man as he once was kind boy .A wonderful story.

用英语对书作简单介绍!要求尽量把五个W写出来——when,where,who,what and why.随便是什么书,最好大众一点的名著好了. 对中国台湾作简单介绍的英语作文 求写一篇介绍television的英语作文,要求涉及when,who,why is it important?读起来时长约三分钟,词汇尽量简单些 新闻界称五个W五W的内容是(用英文写)那五个小儿科小儿科简单 怎么写英语自我介绍尽量用简单的一些英语 用英语来介绍莎士比亚,尽量简单一点,毕竟英语不好.别太长,因为是要背的。。 用英语介绍一部电影.随便那部都可以.词尽量要简单. 介绍动物熊猫 英语字数不限,词语用得尽量简单一些 泰迪熊英语介绍尽量的简单,初中生水平.简单介绍下由来就可以. 英语口语稿子我们英语口语考试,要求以某一主题上台说几句,本人英语盲,请大神帮忙尽量用简单的单词写个稿子, 请以different habits of my family写一篇英语作文,要求思路清晰,结构完整,尽量用简单的单词,70字左右, 高一 英语作文,满意我追加!谢了!根据下列材料,写一篇关于科学家爱迪生的简介,要求根据所给信息作适当发挥,且需要包括以下三部分:1.对该人物的简单介绍,阿迪生出生于美国,他是一个伟 英语短文关于北京的主要介绍名胜古迹、 尽量简单些、 把紫禁城、御和园、鸟巢体育馆、写进出、 不要太复杂的哟、初一的水平、谢谢了、、! 中国五个传统节日简单介绍 用英语写你对“五个福娃”的感受 用英语一句话介绍五个节日 要求用英语写一篇介绍魔术的作文. 用英语写一篇题为“what l want to say my parents”简单介绍你父母对你的期望 说说你自己的期望和理由 把想和你父母说的话说出来