怎样回复客户的英文邮件Dear Sxx, first of all we wish you a really nice Mid-Autumn Festival hope you could enjoy your holidays!For our cooperation it might be possible that we will get the order from customer for your quoted mould !If so we

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 07:04:58

怎样回复客户的英文邮件Dear Sxx, first of all we wish you a really nice Mid-Autumn Festival hope you could enjoy your holidays!For our cooperation it might be possible that we will get the order from customer for your quoted mould !If so we
Dear Sxx, first of all we wish you a really nice Mid-Autumn Festival hope you could enjoy your holidays!
For our cooperation it might be possible that we will get the order from customer for your quoted mould !
If so we will award PE-Mould with project!
But we have to get before agreement about conditions: see below add. comments and red colored conditions
1) we need add. 300 pcs by express service after parts approval for a reasonable cost: target US$ 800
2) resin should be provided from PE-Mould from local source
3)We need 4 weeks lead time until T1 in the fifth week we have to deliver parts to customer
4)Payment terms: 90 % payment before shipment; 10 % payment after first sampling in Germany, no later than 90 days after mold receipt(我们公司的付款方式不是如此,是4,3,3方式)
Please confirm conditions with update of your quotation and inform how we could proceed!
Best Regards!

怎样回复客户的英文邮件Dear Sxx, first of all we wish you a really nice Mid-Autumn Festival hope you could enjoy your holidays!For our cooperation it might be possible that we will get the order from customer for your quoted mould !If so we
Dear ...,
Thank you very much for your great efforts to push forward our first cooperation.To be honest,I am very happy that we can work together soonest.
1)We can accept US$800 for 300 pcs,and the express cost is about US$300 paid by your side.
2)PE MOULD will provide the resin sourcing from local.
3)PE MOULD can make it only take 4 weeks until T1,and in the fifth week we will deliver the 300 pcs parts to customer.Fast delivery is one of PE MOULD'S strengths.
4)We can accept this term as showing in our quotation
:Mould Payment:T/T,50% Deposit with P.O.,Mid Term( First Shot):40%,3rd Term:10 % payment after first sampling in Germany,no later than 90 days after mold receipt.
Thank you again for awarding PE MOULD the first order after you get it.I am looking forward to your final good news.

怎样回复客户的英文邮件Dear Sxx, first of all we wish you a really nice Mid-Autumn Festival hope you could enjoy your holidays!For our cooperation it might be possible that we will get the order from customer for your quoted mould !If so we 同事请假了,本人是英文白痴,又被迫必须给国外的客户写邮件,所以特来请教大神,帮我翻译个邮件,谢谢!Dear Ashok:刚刚得到供应商的回复,货期和价格都没有问题,但是最小起定量(MOQ)为100 PCS 如何回复英文邮件,不是商务的, 怎样发邮件给客户 收到邮件请回复” 英文 客户回复的邮件.之前我把价格报给客人了.说是因为这个产品现在价格飙升,你所提出的那个价格.我们没有办法做到.以下是客人回复的邮件,第一次做业务,希望能把这个单拿下.DEAR CAROL,1 WANT TO 翻译一句话 “请见以下邮件,请帮助回复客户询问的包装规格”在线等~~~~~~~ 英语翻译外贸英语,客户回复的邮件中说 due to sunset demand? 客户发来的邮件开头是 GOOD DAY!HOPE EVERYTHING IS GOING GREAT 回复客户的时候该怎么开头? 简单英语邮件回复,国外客户发的邮件最后一句Nice to work with you again.应该怎么回复比较礼貌合适呢? 我发送了外贸开发信,结果客户问我香港展会摊位,我们是有参展的,应该怎么回复客户呢?以下是我们的邮件Dear Krisada, It’s my great honour to write to you. I get your information from Hong Kong exhibition. First 中翻英非常抱歉,因为需要与客户商讨价格,因此邮件的回复晚了些时间.以上 英文邮件称呼怎么写?一个外国客户叫Dina Caro ,我给她写邮件是称呼Dear Dina Caro,还是Dear Dina,还是其它?怎么称呼 比较好? 如何拒绝国外客户的邀请邮件本人刚从事外贸工作不久对英文邮件还不太熟悉,今天收到一份国外客户的邀请函问我们是否参加XX会,但是公司不会去参加,请问各位大侠应该怎么样具体回复好 我开发信发出去了,可是客户问我要价格表 我不想给他.我应该怎么用英文回复他!前提是机械行业的外贸有会的发一封邮件内容模板看看 tvbhomer@tom.com 请问怎么样根据客户邮箱来看客户是哪个国家的有个客户发来邮件,但是邮箱放google搜搜不出来,我想知道他是哪个国家的,再据此回复邮件. Please confirm this deadlines are feasible客户的这个邮件该如何回答呢?不是翻译,我也看得懂。是如何回复邮件,用英语。 英语不好,可香港客户发邮件全用英文要理解他的意思,每次都去查词霸,很耽误我的工作效率啊,难道我现在还要去学英文吗,有点有心无力的感觉,回复他邮件我也不知道用英文好还是中文好,不