
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 12:47:24


This is a fashionable avant-courier,shock type mountain bike.
This bicycle frame materials for aluminum,car,bike heavy that bicycle frame itself.
This bicycle innovation in the design and the shock absorber,before the shock absorber change the fork after the shock absorber design,shock absorber increased 2 spring,and special design can guarantee the shock absorber with ups and downs road traffic also smoothly,but also increase the ride comfort of personnel.
Adopts streamline modelling of vehicle is do,especially the design,seats,more fashionable,vehicle looks more halfback.The target market is pursuit vogue,stimulate the young man!

This is a stylish, avant-garde style full-suspension mountain bike.
Cikuan bicycle frame materials are aluminum, to make up for the shortcomings of heavy vehicle bicycle, bicycle frame itself i...


This is a stylish, avant-garde style full-suspension mountain bike.
Cikuan bicycle frame materials are aluminum, to make up for the shortcomings of heavy vehicle bicycle, bicycle frame itself is also more robust.
Cikuan bicycle innovations of the design of front and rear suspension, front shock suspension fork to change the previous design, an increase of 2 after shock springs, shock absorbers before and after the special design can guarantee the same vehicle when the road to face ups and downs smooth, but also increased the staff ride comfort.
Vehicle use is a line of streamlined shape, especially the seat, retaining board design, makes the car look more fashionable, more avant-garde. Target market is the fashion to stimulate young people!



英语翻译这是一款时尚,前卫的全避震式山地自行车.此款自行车的车架材料是铝合金,弥补车自行车重的缺点,也使自行车车架本身更加坚固.此款自行车的创新之处在于前后避震的设计,前避震 潮人用英语怎么说潮人是指时尚前卫的那个,我想知道老外通常是怎么说的? 济南代步车:我看见一款四轮的挺新颖的小车,速度也不是很快,老年人开的,很前卫时尚,老人相中了,哪卖 时尚的两个字近意词是什么?除了前卫和大胆以外的褒义词 求酒店常用的形容词 比如:时尚、迷幻、前卫、震撼等等 时尚、潮流、个性,用一两个字或几个字总结是什么呢比如: 新时代、还有什么呀?这是描述时尚、潮流、个性是前沿的前卫的那总结呢?最好酷一些嘿嘿我想到一个不过酷的程度好像有点不够 英语翻译:哪些运动是时尚的? 英语翻译本排插的设计灵感来自水管接头和一款音箱.这一款排插的外型是,其流线型外观设计,简洁而集居时尚气息的工业设计产品,似是浪漫的精灵翩翩起舞.这多样化的色彩和新奇的造型赋 时尚的英语翻译 英语翻译时尚点的 有一首歌,歌词是:我的滑板鞋,时尚时尚最时尚 这是什么歌 一些时尚的形容风格的词 例如蓝调什么的 就是很前卫的那种形容风格的可以是欧美风派的 也可以是其他的要说明其代表的是什么风格 用通俗的话解释 最娱乐休闲方式有哪些最时尚、最前卫的、最享受的.休闲娱乐方式有哪些啊, 推荐一款时尚的妈咪包.fopas妈咪包. 前卫的意思是什么 帮我用英语翻译一下:“工艺是时尚的灵魂” 英语翻译我爱时尚.很喜欢三宅一生和川宝久玲的作品.我认为时尚与肤浅无关,并且时尚是一种精神.时尚不仅仅存在与DIOR、COCO‘CHANEL时尚是一种与时俱进、积极向上的精神;是一种优雅而又 想起一个个性且时尚些的英文名字,听着来别像小女孩儿的.请大家帮忙,本人是化妆造型师,女性.风格是前卫少年,属于很个性很时尚有点酷的款型,是直线条的人(直线条不是指身材是指一