
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 19:07:35


数词:1 one,2 two,3 three,4 four,5 five,6 six,7 seven,8 eight,9 nine,10 ten,11 eleven,12 twelve,
数位:hundred-thousandth ten-thousand-th thousandth hundredth tenth one the hundredthousand ten thousand hundred thousand million
颜色:red green white black yellow gray pink
动物:horse mare colt foal pony thoroughbred mustang mule ass donkey ox buffalo bull cow
职业:cartoonist artist painter instructor professor associate professor pupil student
用品:book ruler pen pencil glue paper brush
器官:head hair brown ear eye nose mouth tongue lip teeth neck body breast skin arm hand finger nail heart stomach kidney bowel lung leg foot button
水果:apple peach pear banana melon orange
学科:chinese math English art PE
季节:spring summer autumn winter
服装:clothing apparel wearing garment grubstake habiliment tog dud vestment vesture
食物:rice bread noodle jiaozi mantou cake sandwich tofu
月份:January February March April May June July august September October November
星期:weekday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday
方向:nort west east south southeast southwest
国家:china UK USA canada
单位:mm cm dm m km g t kg ml l
时间:second minutes hours day week allday
节日:New Year's Day New Year’s Day Spring Festival the Lantern Festival Dragon Boat Festival Mid-autumn Festival the Party’s Birthday Army Day Chinese Youth Day National Day International Working Women’s Day


数词:1 one, 2 two, 3 three, 4 four, 5 five, 6 six, 7 seven, 8 eight, 9 nine, 10 ten, 11 eleven, 12 twelve,
数位:hundred-thousandth ten-thousand-th thousandth hundredth tenth one the hundredthousand t...


数词:1 one, 2 two, 3 three, 4 four, 5 five, 6 six, 7 seven, 8 eight, 9 nine, 10 ten, 11 eleven, 12 twelve,
数位:hundred-thousandth ten-thousand-th thousandth hundredth tenth one the hundredthousand ten thousand hundred thousand million
颜色:red green white black yellow gray pink
动物:horse mare colt foal pony thoroughbred mustang mule ass donkey ox buffalo bull cow
职业:cartoonist artist painter instructor professor associate professor pupil student
用品:book ruler pen pencil glue paper brush
器官:head hair brown ear eye nose mouth tongue lip teeth neck body breast skin arm hand finger nail heart stomach kidney bowel lung leg foot button
水果:apple peach pear banana melon orange
学科:chinese math English art PE
季节:spring summer autumn winter
服装:clothing apparel wearing garment grubstake habiliment tog dud vestment vesture
食物:rice bread noodle jiaozi mantou cake sandwich tofu
月份:January February March April May June July august September October November
星期:weekday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday
方向:nort west east south southeast southwest
国家:china UK USA canada
单位:mm cm dm m km g t kg ml l
时间:second minutes hours day week allday
节日:New Year's Day New Year’s Day Spring Festival the Lantern Festival Dragon Boat Festival Mid-autumn Festival the Party’s Birthday Army Day Chinese Youth Day National Day International Working Women’s Day


英语单词分类数词、数位、颜色、动物、职业、用品、器官、水果、学科、季节、服装、食物、月份、星期、方向、国家、单位、时间、节日、频度副词等类,越多越好.我要的是每类中的单 有关职业的英语单词分类 英语单词分类职业类,颜色类,节日类,衣服类,都要越多越好 水果【 】家人【 】动物【 】颜色【 】文具【 】职业【 】.“【 】”里填同类的英语单词.并且不得少于4个 英语单词分类,帮我打出一到四年级的英语单词分类有家具,颜色,形状,职业,动词,(人物)英语名字,场所,学习用品. 七年级下册英语单词分类国家语言动物职业季节……这是主要的几类, 初中英语单词分类动物 水果 运动 学科 学习用品 人物 食物 颜色 生活用品每项二十个 高中英语单词名词分类总结我要的是将名词分为食物,动物,颜色,衣服之类的…… 要英语单词(1——20整十整百)月份星期颜色季节水果动物天气食物国家文具职业交通工具(以上均5个) 表示天气、职业、颜色、食物、水果、动物、交通工具、星期、月份、地点、衣帽以及家庭成员或亲戚关系的词要是英语单词 如果好我会提高悬赏! 动物,人物,水果,职业,食品饮料,交通工具,的英语单词 水果动物颜色文具职业的单词,有哪些 英语单词分类.请帮忙给出有关于服装,家庭,职业,表情,学科,季节,星期,文具,运动,公共场所,各种房间,身体部位,性格印象,日常用品,常见疾病,形状代码,颜色,月份,方向,位置,天气,水果,蔬菜,食 小学1-5年级的全部英语单词要有:动物、水果、时间、交通工具、衣服、天气、人称、文具、数字、房中、颜色、食物、人称代词、基本单词、职业、国家、语言、方位.要有:动物、水果、 按分类各写出五个英语单词1场所:2动作:3日常生活用品:4职业: 请按分类要求写英语单词公共场所:各种房间:身体部位:性格印象:日常用品:常见疾病:形状尺码:颜色:月份:方向:位置:天气:水果:蔬菜:食物:饮料:动物: 请按分类要求写单词 颜色,月份,方向,位置,天气,水果,蔬菜,食物,饮料,动物写满26个喔,是英语单词喔。 职业性质分类