求英语作文——My hero!不要太长了,我要背下来,明天口语考试用!不要写刘翔周杰伦钱学森那些网上有的,明天跟同学重复了就麻烦了!我看这个写的不错,( 诸葛亮,我的英雄!“大梦谁先觉,生平

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 19:15:09

求英语作文——My hero!不要太长了,我要背下来,明天口语考试用!不要写刘翔周杰伦钱学森那些网上有的,明天跟同学重复了就麻烦了!我看这个写的不错,( 诸葛亮,我的英雄!“大梦谁先觉,生平
求英语作文——My hero!
我看这个写的不错,( 诸葛亮,我的英雄!“大梦谁先觉,生平我自知……”舌战群儒,指挥倜傥,南征北战,出将入相.你是一个神话啊!未出茅庐而定天下三分,借风借火借箭,羽扇轻摇,何等潇洒!出师未捷身先死又怎样?你依旧是大江东去淘也淘不尽的千古风流人物.我总想做你脚下的四轮车,手中的鹅毛扇,陪你不佩一剑,不披一甲地收二川,排八阵.因为,我相信你的旷世奇才.诸葛亮,我的大英雄!)

求英语作文——My hero!不要太长了,我要背下来,明天口语考试用!不要写刘翔周杰伦钱学森那些网上有的,明天跟同学重复了就麻烦了!我看这个写的不错,( 诸葛亮,我的英雄!“大梦谁先觉,生平
My Hero.
Everyone has his heroes,and they differ from people to people.My hero is Zhou Enlai,who was the first premier of new China.Zhou Enlai was a great revolutionary who had devoted all his life to the cause of the liberation of China.He took part in the War Against Japan and the War for Liberation of China.He fighted bravely against the enemies in order to save the people in great sorrow.After the foundation of new China,Zhou Enlai was elected premier. Zhou Enlai was such a man who cared much more about the people than himself.He
put all the people in his heart except himself.I admired him so much though he
has been away from us for a long time.I like him best and believe that he will
alway be alive on the minds of Chinese people.