
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 15:43:48


It's not that I like to be different.
I just can’t yield to unchangeableness.
Do not keep comparing me to others.
I only compare with myself inch by inch
The road you set up for me always make me lost.
沿着旧地图找不到新大陆——巴郎 戴维斯
You won't find the new world with the old map.
让改变发生 Make The Change
外国人说的那些英文就是原文,中国人说的那些是自己翻的.并不是完全死翻,然后考虑到广告语就尽量用简单的词,比如说林丹那句,我觉得用yield to会更加有感觉,
Welcome to our shoe store.I am X,the salesman,and this is my partner X.Now I would like to introduce our brand to you.Our brand,named “Lining of 90s”,is specially designed for young generation born after 1990.There is one saying in our advertisement:“XXXXXX”,and our slogan is:” Our store mainly sales shoes of casual series and sports series.First of all,allow me to introduce the casual series.Please take a look at all kinds of casual shoes we have.These stylish and colorful shoes are very suitable to the youngs with booming energy.Now I would like to present you a pair of classic casual shoes,which belongs to the Lining life series male casual shoes.It is exquisite in work as well as compatible with the human mechanics theory in design.It is indeed a very good casual shoes with excellent wearing experience.Now these shoes are 13% off in our store.You could take them home with only RMB383.The sale is only available today!
Let’s take the casual shoes aside for a while.It’s turn for the basketball sneakers now.The basketball sneakers I’d like to introduce to you is “Lining Dream Team series basketball sneakers”.The sneakers with a look of sunshine are also very comfortable to wear.The original price of this kind of shoes is RMB699.Now with a discount of 13%,you could take the dream sneakers back home with only 610!
These are the two kinds of shoes we present to all of you.

I just can’t yield to unchangeableness.



I just can’t yield to unchangeableness.



For example: I did not do STH unconventional or unorthodox, I just can't agree on invariable. Don't take me with others comparison, I only care about and oneself inch by competition. You arranged by m...


For example: I did not do STH unconventional or unorthodox, I just can't agree on invariable. Don't take me with others comparison, I only care about and oneself inch by competition. You arranged by my way is always let me get lost, along the old maps find new continent. Don't translate software translation, want oneself to do. Translate the following words: welcome to our shoe store, I am salesman small z, this is my partner small x. Now, I will begin to introduce our brand. Our brand is 90 after li ning, the brand is aimed at 90 after young people and design, advertising in li ning after 90s have so a paragraph ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, our slogan is ~ ~ ~ ~. We shoe store mainly sells of leisure series and sport series of shoe.
First let me introduce recreational series of shoes. Look, we have different kinds of leisure shoes, shoe innovative modeling. Coloring is bright, very close to our vibrant shebna the young man. Now I recommend a classic leisure shoes. This kind of lining life series man recreational shoe, not only workmanship, go up in the design more accord with various mechanics principle. Wear rise quite comfortable. Be a quite good leisure shoes. Now this store are on sale, dozen 8.7 fold, only need 383 RMB can take them home. Promotion only today!!


英语翻译例如:不是我标新立异,我只是对一成不变不敢苟同。别拿我和别人比较,我只在意和自己一寸一寸较量。你们为我安排的路总是让我迷路,沿着旧地图找不到新大陆。不要翻译软 隐身并不是为了逃避只是为了勾起别人对我的思念英语翻译 英语翻译如何用英语翻译“我只是想一直对你好”. 英语翻译我只是空气 英语翻译我只是好奇 英语翻译:十年以前,拥有手机对我只是幻想. 英语翻译No,我只是好奇- -. 英语翻译不要给我在线翻译,我只是不确定自己做的是不是对的 英语翻译我对你的爱从来没有停止,只是我不在让别人知道. 英语翻译这只是我英语作文要求写的,不要对我有什么评论~ 英语翻译我知道我在你眼中只是一颗沙子 (翻译成英文) 英语翻译请再给我一次机会,不是为了其它,只是为了赎罪. 谁爱谁多一点好?面对我天天见面的工作中的男友,是属于我喜欢的那一类型中的,我俩现在只是有短暂的激情,通过几件事看出,他不根本不是急我所急,所以他不是真爱着我,他对我只是短暂的迷 我曾经对一个女孩说我爱你 你爱我吗 那女孩只是一笑 微笑 (不是傻笑或者是嘲讽的笑)我希望由女孩子们帮我解答一下 虽然现在我们不联系了 说说你对对我来说,这只是迈了一小步,对人类科学技术来说,却是迈出了一大步.这句话的理解.是说它的含义,不是说表面现象. 英语翻译如果你对我只是一时的迷恋,趁早结束呢?你知道这样对我伤害有多深? 我并不是对所有人都友好的英语翻译 英语翻译可惜不是我