英语翻译英语翻译:The FPSO requires 30ml gas for its domestic power generation and by the plan of development,up to 50% of gas produced could be injected if determined to enhance recovery.我的翻译:.根据发展计划,50%的燃气将用

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 06:58:43

英语翻译英语翻译:The FPSO requires 30ml gas for its domestic power generation and by the plan of development,up to 50% of gas produced could be injected if determined to enhance recovery.我的翻译:.根据发展计划,50%的燃气将用
The FPSO requires 30ml gas for its domestic power generation and by the plan of development,up to 50% of gas produced could be injected if determined to enhance recovery.
根据发展计划,50%的燃气将用于提高回收率.但是produced 和injected在这儿是什么意思呢?

英语翻译英语翻译:The FPSO requires 30ml gas for its domestic power generation and by the plan of development,up to 50% of gas produced could be injected if determined to enhance recovery.我的翻译:.根据发展计划,50%的燃气将用
这是我的理解.其中produced是指 gas which is produced ,“生产出来的煤气”.但是到底是哪里生产出来的煤气,这句话并没有交代,前文应该是可以找到的.

FPSO 需要30ml 燃气将用于国内能源生产,根据发展计划,如果决心要提高恢复生产,则多达50%的生产燃气将会被用于恢复生产。

produced 是 which was produced的省略写法,这句话的意思是:产出的高达50%的燃气;
injected 是投放是意思,就是说产出的高达50%的燃气可被投放进去.






you ! shi bao hui


30ml气浮式生产储油系统需要的国内发电和计划的发展,多达50%的气体可能产生注入如果决心为提高康复 希望是我啊!!!!!!!!!


在FPSO需要 30 毫升气体和如果决心提高恢复可能会达 50%的气体注入的发展这项计划的。

英语翻译The lifting operation of a crane on an FPSO is much more complex than that on a fixed (onshore) platform.Due to the motion of the FPSO at sea ocean,the offshore crane is subjected to dynamic forces as well as wind loads.As ocean exp 英语翻译re 英语翻译the company involves piping nature gas from the May filed floating production storage and offloading(FPSO) vessel to a plant.其中,invovles doing 指的是“参与做某事”那么,后面的vessel 既然都是管道运输(piping) 英语翻译you're banned from the server 英语翻译~they're riding on the axle 英语翻译英语翻译:The FPSO requires 30ml gas for its domestic power generation and by the plan of development,up to 50% of gas produced could be injected if determined to enhance recovery.我的翻译:.根据发展计划,50%的燃气将用 英语翻译Today we're going to ___ ___ the piano 英语翻译Sarah Connor 唱的you're the kinda man 英语翻译是可以翻译成 You're in the flowers 英语翻译you're not to blame,it's the law 英语翻译from:U're standing in front of a camera and u're telling the TV viewers what's happpening 英语翻译Because maybe; you‘re gonna be the one that saves me ,after all; you're my wonderwall 英语翻译,they're getting the assembly hall ready for the graduation ceremony 尤其是get hte assembly 英语翻译We’re managing the minutes and the players physical shape 最后两个单词怎么翻 英语翻译They're over there on the left,just across from the koalas. 英语翻译YOU'RE NOT HERE .YOU'RE NOT LOVE 英语翻译请别用翻译软件I won't forget the way you're kissing是句歌词 英语翻译No doubt you're looking forward to meeting the families.