
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:05:54


猫头鹰 俗称 : 猫头鸟,其头圆圆、眼睛大大,於夜间活动、觅食.「暗时吃岛肉,日时给鸟打」 ,这是一句用来形容猫头鹰生活习性的顺囗溜,猫头鹰属於夜行性猛禽,一到夜晚尽是它的天下,更有较大型之猫头鹰亦会捕食鸟类,而白天视力变差,则躲藏在树上或树洞裏较少活动,如不小心现身,常遭其他鸟类围攻.
Owl known as: Oxytropis birds, the first round, with big eyes, the nocturnal, feeding. "Dark meat when eating island, when the birds to fight on", which is used to describe an owl living habits of the smooth imports slipped, owls are nocturnal birds of prey, into the night to make its world, the owl is larger and more prey on birds, and the deterioration of eyesight during the day, then hiding in the trees or tree holes less activities, such as careless appearance, were often laid siege to other birds.
Monkey is a social animal, according to zoologists long-term observation, the monkey also has its social order, there has been high, a low for points, which is an eligibility rule Qunhou older overlord - the Monkey King. Monkey good move, since ancient times been regarded as bright image. When watching the monkeys in the zoo, rarely look to see that it does not move, or climbing a mountain, or climbing the tree, or having visitors feed the food, either in torsion lice, or worse still in imitation of human action. Monkey has its special characteristics, the monkey catch lice are common people, in fact, monkeys are not so many lice, according to zoologist analysis, the original long-haired monkeys beneath the skin secretions of the crystal with a kind, slightly salty, monkeys to find it in your mouth to chew with great interest, as if the same human Kegua Zi is also a leisure interest.
狗改不了吃屎的习惯 The dog to her wallowing in the mire
公鸡晨鸣 ChenMing cock

狗改不了吃屎的习惯 The dog to her wallowing in the mire
公鸡晨鸣 ChenMing cock

猫头鹰 俗称 : 猫头鸟,其头圆圆、眼睛大大,於夜间活动、觅食。「暗时吃岛肉,日时给鸟打」 ,这是一句用来形容猫头鹰生活习性的顺囗溜,猫头鹰属於夜行性猛禽,一到夜晚尽是它的天下,更有较大型之猫头鹰亦会捕食鸟类,而白天视力变差,则躲藏在树上或树洞裏较少活动,如不小心现身,常遭其他鸟类围攻。
Owl known as: Oxytropis birds, the first round, ...


猫头鹰 俗称 : 猫头鸟,其头圆圆、眼睛大大,於夜间活动、觅食。「暗时吃岛肉,日时给鸟打」 ,这是一句用来形容猫头鹰生活习性的顺囗溜,猫头鹰属於夜行性猛禽,一到夜晚尽是它的天下,更有较大型之猫头鹰亦会捕食鸟类,而白天视力变差,则躲藏在树上或树洞裏较少活动,如不小心现身,常遭其他鸟类围攻。
Owl known as: Oxytropis birds, the first round, with big eyes, the nocturnal, feeding. "Dark meat when eating island, when the birds to fight on", which is used to describe an owl living habits of the smooth imports slipped, owls are nocturnal birds of prey, into the night to make its world, the owl is larger and more prey on birds, and the deterioration of eyesight during the day, then hiding in the trees or tree holes less activities, such as careless appearance, were often laid siege to other birds.
Monkey is a social animal, according to zoologists long-term observation, the monkey also has its social order, there has been high, a low for points, which is an eligibility rule Qunhou older overlord - the Monkey King. Monkey good move, since ancient times been regarded as bright image. When watching the monkeys in the zoo, rarely look to see that it does not move, or climbing a mountain, or climbing the tree, or having visitors feed the food, either in torsion lice, or worse still in imitation of human action. Monkey has its special characteristics, the monkey catch lice are common people, in fact, monkeys are not so many lice, according to zoologist analysis, the original long-haired monkeys beneath the skin secretions of the crystal with a kind, slightly salty, monkeys to find it in your mouth to chew with great interest, as if the same human Kegua Zi is also a leisure interest.


我要用英语介绍2种动物的生活习性,不要太长、太难.答案要英文的,最好还有翻译. 用英语介绍一种动物的习性.(至少4句)不要太深奥, 一个中国珍稀动物的英语介绍急!不用太长,7-8句话就够了.要介绍生活习性,生活地点和主要吃的食物.我上六年级,不要太难. 介绍3种不可思议的动物要介绍它的生活习性和各个方面 昆虫记 介绍动物的生活习性 我要一种动物的介绍(包括形态结构特征,生活习性,生存环境等) 麋鹿生活习性和外貌介绍我要麋鹿的生活习性和外貌介绍,简短一些,不要大篇大篇的“复制品”.也不要2句话全完吧……至少也给我留点字数, 昆虫记 介绍昆虫记 介绍动物的生活习性动物的生活习性 用英语介绍一下大象请用一些简单的句子介绍一下大象(也不要太简单),字数在80-100之间.主要介绍大象的形态,生活习性等. 动物的生活习性写一种小动物,介绍它的生活习性和性格特点 谁介绍一下袋鼠与鸸鹋的习性?不要太长,也不要太短.至于它们是澳大利亚国徽上的两种动物我已经知道了.关于袋鼠的能不能再短一点? 动物的生活习性 动物的习性习性介绍几种动物的生活习性就可以了.说一下他们的饮食习惯、住在那里、群居方式就行了. 动物的生活习性包括哪些方面?请帮我写一个小动物的生活习性,要概括性的 介绍燕子的生活习性要完整 介绍 傣族要傣族的生活习性 请用至少三种说明方法介绍一种动物或植物的外形或生活习性或其他特点 动物生活习性的作文不要童话的,也不要虚伪的,要真实故事!