汉译英(要用上后面括号内的词或词组)1 谢拉打字能打的很快,但不怎么仔细.(be able to type)2 比尔上班时穿着整洁得体.(dress,properly and neatly)3 更多的女性正走上管理岗位.(become executive)4 在

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 21:09:16

汉译英(要用上后面括号内的词或词组)1 谢拉打字能打的很快,但不怎么仔细.(be able to type)2 比尔上班时穿着整洁得体.(dress,properly and neatly)3 更多的女性正走上管理岗位.(become executive)4 在
1 谢拉打字能打的很快,但不怎么仔细.(be able to type)
2 比尔上班时穿着整洁得体.(dress,properly and neatly)
3 更多的女性正走上管理岗位.(become executive)
4 在这个特别的地方开晚会很有趣.(exciting)
5 50块钱买这样一辆自行车?可真便宜.(bargain)
6 她喜欢音乐、舞蹈、服装,等等.(go on and on)
7 我会把这个玩具装在盒子里,再用纸包起来.(pack,wrap up)
8 我最后选定了一条丝绸领带.(settle for)
9 李英正在试穿那条黄裙子.裙子有点长(try on,a bit too)

汉译英(要用上后面括号内的词或词组)1 谢拉打字能打的很快,但不怎么仔细.(be able to type)2 比尔上班时穿着整洁得体.(dress,properly and neatly)3 更多的女性正走上管理岗位.(become executive)4 在
Shela is able to type very fast,but she is not so careful.
Bill always dresses properly and neatly in the office.
More women become excutives.
It is exciting to hold a party in such a special place.
Do you buy such a bike with only 50 yuan?It's really a bargain.
She likes music,dancing,dressing and so on.
I will pack the toys in the box,then wrap it up.
Finally i settled for a silk tie.
Liying is trying on the yellow dreass,but it's a bit too long.


Shella is able to type quickly,but not very carefully.
Bill dresses properly and neatly when he goes to work.
More woen is becoming executive.
It's exciting to hold the evening meeting at ...


Shella is able to type quickly,but not very carefully.
Bill dresses properly and neatly when he goes to work.
More woen is becoming executive.
It's exciting to hold the evening meeting at this special place.
Does this bike only cost 50 yuan? It's a great bargain!
She likes music, dancing,costumes and goes on and on.
I will pack this toy into the box and then wrap it up with paper.
At last I settled for a silk tie.
Li Ying is trying on the yellow dress, which is a bit too long.


1 Shela is able to type fast, but she's careless.
2 Bill dresses properly and neatly during work.
3 More women are becoming executives day by day.
4 It's really exciting to have a party in...


1 Shela is able to type fast, but she's careless.
2 Bill dresses properly and neatly during work.
3 More women are becoming executives day by day.
4 It's really exciting to have a party in this special place.
5 It's really a bargain to buy this bicycle with one RMB 50.
6 She likes music,dance,fashion clothes go on and on.
7 I will pack this toy in a box and then wrap up with paper.
8 I settled for a silk tie at last.
9 Liying is tring on the yellow skirt, which is a bit too long.


英语翻译要用上括号内的词组. 汉译英(要用上后面括号内的词或词组)1 谢拉打字能打的很快,但不怎么仔细.(be able to type)2 比尔上班时穿着整洁得体.(dress,properly and neatly)3 更多的女性正走上管理岗位.(become executive)4 在 英语翻译要用括号后面的词组翻译 除号后面的(后面括号内)怎么变号? 从括号内选择合适的单词或词组填空,将句子补充完整. 用括号内单词或词组的适当形式完成下列句子和对话 从括号内选择合适的单词或词组完成句子1.2. 汉译英 需要用上后面的单词或词组1医生建议他应该被立刻送往更大的医院.(recommend)2由于这些宇航员做出了巨大贡献而被国家授予了荣誉.(honour)3船失控了,任凭暴风雨的摆布.(at the merc 把这几个句子翻译一下,用上括号内的词. 根据句子后面括号内的词或短语填词1、Gold is a () metal(very valuable)2、The villagers had () the well dry and could get no more water (pushed by machines)是根据意思填词 改写以下句子,用can或may来代替括号内的词组 (Perhaps he will)telephone tomorrow. 在小数后面添零,小数大小不变.( )小括号内打√或× 英语翻译要用上括号里的英语 Translate the sentences into English.要用到括号内的词或词组.1.谁想学我就教谁.(whoever)2.你什么时候准备好我们就可以开始.(whenever)3.不管你走哪条路,生活都不容易.(whichever)4.他走到哪朋友 求such as的同义词或词组后面要可以列举很多项的 单词When后面跟什么?是什么类型的词或词组? 汉译英 用上括号里的词我们好像很久没有见面了(seem)听到我们球队获胜的消息,我们大家都很激动(thrill)无论成功或失败,你必须尽力而为(whether) 帮忙罗列一下“许多”的英语词组!把词组后面加可数或不可数名词