英语翻译不要拿在线翻译的贴上来!Neil Armstrong was born in Ohio in 1930.As a young boy,he made model airplanes.He got his pilot's license at 16.he went to college and then became a pilot in the U.S.Navy.He was awarded medals for combat

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 20:39:33

英语翻译不要拿在线翻译的贴上来!Neil Armstrong was born in Ohio in 1930.As a young boy,he made model airplanes.He got his pilot's license at 16.he went to college and then became a pilot in the U.S.Navy.He was awarded medals for combat
Neil Armstrong was born in Ohio in 1930.As a young boy,he made model airplanes.He got his pilot's license at 16.he went to college and then became a pilot in the U.S.Navy.He was awarded medals for combat missions when he flew during the Korea War.Later,he was test polit who flew newly designed jet aircraft.Then he became an astronaut.
Armstrong commanded the Gemini 8 space mission in 1966 and helped get the spacecraft out of a precarious situation.In 1969,Armstrong Buzz Aldrin,and Michael Collins flew to the moon on the Apollo 11 spacecraft.First the spacecraft went into orbit around the moon.Then Armstrong and Aldin flew the small lunar module,the Eagle,to the moon's surface.After a safe landing,Armstrong said,"The Eagle has landed."People on earth could hardly believe that astronauts were actually on the moon!
Armstrong was the first to set foot on the moon.He said,"That's one small step for man;one giant leap for mankind."Armstrong and Aldrin explored the moon's surface.They took photos and picked up moon rocks and dust.They set up equipment to record data about the moon.They left behind a U.S.A.flag and their footprints.Because there is no air or wind on the moon,the footprints may stay there for millions of years.

英语翻译不要拿在线翻译的贴上来!Neil Armstrong was born in Ohio in 1930.As a young boy,he made model airplanes.He got his pilot's license at 16.he went to college and then became a pilot in the U.S.Navy.He was awarded medals for combat
Neil Armstrong was born in Ohio in 1930.As a young boy,he made model airplanes.He got his pilot's license at 16.he went to college and then became a pilot in the U.S.Navy.He was awarded medals for combat missions when he flew during the Korea War.Later,he was test pilot who flew newly designed jet aircraft.Then he became an astronaut.
Armstrong commanded the Gemini 8 space mission in 1966 and helped get the spacecraft out of a precarious situation.In 1969,Armstrong,Buzz Aldrin,and Michael Collins flew to the moon on the Apollo 11 spacecraft.First the spacecraft went into orbit around the moon.Then Armstrong and Aldin flew the small lunar module,the Eagle,to the moon's surface.After a safe landing,Armstrong said,” The Eagle has landed."People on earth could hardly believe that astronauts were actually on the moon!
Armstrong was the first to set foot on the moon.He said,” That’s one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind.” Armstrong and Aldrin explored the moon's surface.They took photos and picked up moon rocks and dust.They set up equipment to record data about the moon.They left behind a U.S.A.flag and their footprints.Because there is no air or wind on the moon,the footprints may stay there for millions of years.

Neil Armstrong于1930年生于美国俄亥俄州。当他还是小孩,他就会做飞机模型。16岁时他拿到了自己的飞行员驾照。他上了大学,然后成了美国海军的飞行员。朝鲜战争时他因为在飞行战斗任务中完成任务获得奖章。后来,他作为试验飞行员为最新设计出的喷射式飞机试飞。后来他成了宇航员。


Neil Armstrong于1930年生于美国俄亥俄州。当他还是小孩,他就会做飞机模型。16岁时他拿到了自己的飞行员驾照。他上了大学,然后成了美国海军的飞行员。朝鲜战争时他因为在飞行战斗任务中完成任务获得奖章。后来,他作为试验飞行员为最新设计出的喷射式飞机试飞。后来他成了宇航员。
阿姆斯特朗于1966年指挥了双子8号空间任务,并帮助宇航飞船从不安全境况中逃脱。1969年,Armstrong Buzz Aldrin和Michael Collins乘坐阿波罗11号宇航飞船飞向月球,宇航飞船首先进入环绕月球轨道,接着阿姆斯特朗和奥丁(Aldin)驾驶小型登月器,猎鹰号,登上月球表面。安全着陆后,阿姆斯特朗说:“猎鹰号着陆了。”地球上的人简直无法相信这些宇航员们真的已经在月球上了。


分分 好少的说
尼尔 阿姆斯特朗 1930年出生在俄亥俄州。当还是个孩子的时候,他就做模型飞机。他16岁的时候得到了自己的飞行员证。他进入大学 之后成为了一名美国空军飞行员。在韩国战争期间,因为不辱使命他获得了很多勋章。他是当时新研发出来的喷气式飞机的试飞员。之后他成为了太空人。
阿姆斯特朗1996年指挥了Gemini 8航天任务并且帮助航天器脱离了危险。1969年阿姆斯特朗和迈...


分分 好少的说
尼尔 阿姆斯特朗 1930年出生在俄亥俄州。当还是个孩子的时候,他就做模型飞机。他16岁的时候得到了自己的飞行员证。他进入大学 之后成为了一名美国空军飞行员。在韩国战争期间,因为不辱使命他获得了很多勋章。他是当时新研发出来的喷气式飞机的试飞员。之后他成为了太空人。
阿姆斯特朗1996年指挥了Gemini 8航天任务并且帮助航天器脱离了危险。1969年阿姆斯特朗和迈克尔乘坐阿波罗11号航天飞机飞向月球。一开始航天飞机成功的绕月,接着阿姆斯特朗和阿尔丁飞向小小的登月舱,飞向了月球表面。在成功着陆之后,阿姆斯特朗说:鹰号已经着陆。地球上的人们很难相信阿姆斯特朗确实已经在月球上了。
么么 终于完了 累死我了~~~
