
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 22:00:15


我以前写给一个网友的文章,题目是First time leaving home,第一次离开家.
When you are alone in a quite sentimental mood,you tend to make yourself spoiled to pickup mementos from your memories---cheeful moments,sad moments and impressive moments.
Emotions seems rather a naughty fairy tease you with her numerous magic,which never makes you bored to immerse yourself into a soul travelling.
From time to time,as a soul traveler,I found myself involuntarily invited by the naughty fairy to a special moment often.
I'v been deeming the station as a portal to fairyland.When you take a exciting tour you go into it.When you pay a vist to your relatives and your cousins you go into it.The other side of the portal is always smilling and waving at you.It seems that it is connected to a happiness for me all the time.Untill that day.
That was a amazingly lovely day.I was going to college.It's the first time I am going to leave my family for a fairly long period.Dad and Mom drove me to the station.The same air,same building,same barrier,same clock.,but excitement was stronger than ever before.I am obssessed with curiosity and imagination:how many friends will I meet?what does my dorm look like?is the campus beautiful?Dad and Mom had been silent until I got on the train."Take good care of yourself" mom said,nothing more.When I sat tight,through the window of carriage I saw both my dad and mom started crying.It's the first time I wittnessed them crying.I was so overwhelmed that I shoved my way through the corridor over to them,holding them like I was determined not going anywhere.
I will never forget that moment.
Good evening,my fellow classmates,schoolmates,and friends
To start with,I'd like to ask you two questions:how many times do you phone your Mom and Dad during a semester?And even when you are home,how many hours do you guys spend with your family?
This summer holiday,I went back and stayed at home for 10 days.I spent all day surfing the net and watching TV in my own room.I can be sat in front of my computer for hours and it will just feel like five minutes have gone by,time does fly when I am having fun.
One night,when I was searching the internet.All of a sudden,the electricity went off.There's not a solitary instance of this having happened these years.Everybody in the house seemed calm,mum called me out to the back yard.When I got out,I saw my parents and my sister were already here.
We chatted with each other,full of laughter and fun.In the darkness,though we were unable to clearly see each other,I enjoyed the family warmth.My mum said:”You know what,we haven't been together for a long time.Even you are home,everythime I wanna talk to you ,you always sat focused in front of your loved computer.”
I was shocked and kept silent.Guilt was written all over my face at that very moment.when the electricity was on.well,I didn't come back to my loved computer,I kept staying with my family.We chatted unitil late at night.After 10 days,I had to come back school.This is my first time not willing to leave.
My friends,Chinese people do know a lot about filial piety but,as I know,lack of actions.Filial piety doesn't call for you to be with your parents all the time,require you to give your mum a lot of money,or make a great contribution to the family.What they need is just a few minutes of talk.Touching you,holding you,simply knowing that you are good and live happily.
Maybe one day,we should turn off our computers,TV and cancel all of your unnecessary parties to come back home and see your parents.And if you are in the distant city,please pick up your phone and call your family.No matter how the society develops,pls bear our culture in mind--our Chinese family culture.


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