
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 00:56:48


First,two lines of 50 CM is taken,the right line held by the right hand is wound a circle from back to front,and held between the fingers by the pollex,other line held by thr right hand is encased this line and is crossed over the first circle,two lines are respectively pulled to both ends,one snake-knot is done well,so are 6 knots done with the same size.Then,two lines at left side of snake-knot are respectively tightened ti the left side and closed together,and the dead knot is done.Repeating this step,two lines at the right side are tightened and the knot is done.Finally,redundant lines is cut after tying a knot,and slightly burned with the lighter and pressed to flat surface.So is a bracelet finidhed well.

First, take two 50 centimeters of thread, right hand right line forward from behind around a circle, hold thumb, right hand the other thread around this wire backwards through the first lap, two wires...


First, take two 50 centimeters of thread, right hand right line forward from behind around a circle, hold thumb, right hand the other thread around this wire backwards through the first lap, two wires on both sides, respectively, and it play a snake knot, so repeat six knot, same size.
Then the snake junction on the left side of the two lines to tighten on the left and fold, respectively, play a fast knot. Repeat the steps to tighten the two rope knot on the right.
After the knot in the end, will be extra line cut, burn by the flat with a slightly lighter.
This bracelet is ready.


英语翻译首先,取两根50厘米的线,右手拿右线从后面向前绕一圈,拇指捏住,右手拿另外一根线包住这根线向后穿过第一个圈,两根线分别往两边拉,就打好了一个蛇结,如此重复做6个结,大小一致. (我们一般用右手拿笔的)英语翻译 左手拿刀右手拿叉的英文怎么说 左手拿刀右手拿叉的英文怎么说 他左手拿螺丝刀,右手拿着钳子 英语翻译 一人右手拿梳子面对镜子,镜子里的影子拿梳子的手是右手还是左手? 你的右手怎么了?英语翻译 请问美国自由女神像的左手拿的是什么,右手拿的是什么 疯狂猜图,一个老头,左手拿月牙形的叉子,右手拿剑 小明说我的左手比右手多拿了16颗珠子左手拿得右手的三倍.小方说的左右手各拿了多少颗珠孑 小方说:“我的左手比右手多拿了16颗珠子,左手拿的珠子数十是右手的3倍.”小方的 左手拿三角漏斗,右手托住一乒乓球于漏斗内,通过管口向下吹气的同时,右手拿开,现象是:___;发生原因是___. 左手打右手,英语翻译 门神儿童画创意描述,关羽,左手拿鞭,右手拿刀.快的好的多加分. 对某人敬酒的时候,站起来右手拿杯,左手托杯子底部是什么意思 左右不分,但是我会东南西北记住右手拿筷子的办法 没用.怎么 英语翻译左手和右手的英文翻译是哪个单词啊? 小方说:“我的左手比右手多拿了16颗珠子,左手拿的珠子数是右手的3倍.”小方的左右手各拿了多少颗珠子?