几道《国际贸易函电》的多选题解答.是多选题哦!1.We wish to ( ) your attention to the shipment of our Order No.55.A.inviteB.callC.drawD.ask满分:2 分2.We regret to inform you that your prices is ( ) and it’s impossible to

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 06:46:48

几道《国际贸易函电》的多选题解答.是多选题哦!1.We wish to ( ) your attention to the shipment of our Order No.55.A.inviteB.callC.drawD.ask满分:2 分2.We regret to inform you that your prices is ( ) and it’s impossible to
1.We wish to ( ) your attention to the shipment of our Order No.55.A.invite
满分:2 分
2.We regret to inform you that your prices is ( ) and it’s impossible to conclude transaction between us.A.high
B.too high
C.rather high
D.on the high side
满分:2 分
3.You ( ) that the documents are genuine.A.can rest assured
B.can believe
C.may take it
D.may place it
满分:2 分
4.达成协议,成交 ( )A.to conclude a transaction
B.come to terms
C.strike hands
D.strike the deal
满分:2 分
5.We specialize in the export of textiles and are willing to enter into ( ) with you.A.trade relations
B.business relations
满分:2 分
6.We ( ) that we cannot comply with your request for shipping the goods in early Dec.,because the direct steamer sailing for London calls at our port only around the 20th every month.A.are glad
B.are sorry
满分:2 分
7.遵照,依照 ( )A.in accordance with
B.according to
C.in conformity with
D.pursuant to
满分:2 分
8.( ),we have not heard anything from you about the shipment of your Contract No.8269 against our Order No.456.A.Up to now
B.Till now
C.By this time
满分:2 分
9.( ) as a kind of packing container have been extensively used in international trade.A.Bags
满分:2 分
10.关于 ( )A.with reference to
B.with regard to
满分:2 分

几道《国际贸易函电》的多选题解答.是多选题哦!1.We wish to ( ) your attention to the shipment of our Order No.55.A.inviteB.callC.drawD.ask满分:2 分2.We regret to inform you that your prices is ( ) and it’s impossible to
1.B C
2.A C D
3.A C
4.A B C
5.A B C
6.B D
7.A B C D
8.A B C
9.B C
10.A B C D


几道《国际贸易函电》的多选题解答.是多选题哦!1.We wish to ( ) your attention to the shipment of our Order No.55.A.inviteB.callC.drawD.ask满分:2 分2.We regret to inform you that your prices is ( ) and it’s impossible to 几道英语的单选题 国际贸易实务解答 国际贸易的理论基础是什么?请内行解答~~谢谢 商务函电的格式 几道英语单选题, 英语翻译基础英语 国际贸易实务 国际市场营销 外贸函电 外贸英语口语单证 商务英语函电的相关资源 外贸函电的etc是什么意思 外贸英语函电的语言特点 英语翻译英语函电里的 国际贸易理论与实务多选题1、反映国际贸易地理方向的指标有( )A、各国的出口额占世界出口总额的比重B、各国的进口额占世界进口总额的比重C、各国的制成品出口额占世界出口总额的 英语翻译随着国际贸易的迅猛发展,商务英语在全球经济贸易活动中发挥着十分重要的作用.在商务英语函电中,言语交际效果的成功与否在很大程度上取决于对礼貌原则的掌握和运用.商务英语 英语翻译对外商务活动中,商务人员每天都会遇到各种不同的商用涉外文书,如函电、广告、合同、单证等等.商务函电作为其中最主要的、应用范围最广泛的涉外文书,在国际贸易中扮演着非常 国际贸易理论与实务解答题什么叫运输包装,它的作用及要求是什么 国际贸易的定义是什么 国际贸易的英语怎么说 国际贸易的定义是什么