牛津小学英语5A有哪些知识点?我江苏的 .

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 18:00:39

牛津小学英语5A有哪些知识点?我江苏的 .
我江苏的 .

牛津小学英语5A有哪些知识点?我江苏的 .
Unit 1 The first day at school
四会单词: 三会单词:
first 第一(的);先;首先 term 学期
second 第二(的) back 回(原处)
third第三(的) happy 高兴的
day (一)天;白天 glad 高兴的;乐意的
all 所有的;全部 building 大楼;建筑物
any 任何的;一些 sports hall 体育活动房
reading room 阅览室 table tennis 乒乓球
computer room 电脑室 table tennis room 乒乓球室
sure 有把握的 toilet 厕所
floor (楼房的)层;地面;地板 swing 秋千
garden 花园 slide 滑梯;滑道
house 房子;住宅 see-saw 跷跷板(游戏)
flower 花 street 街道
四会词组: 三会词组:
the first day第一天 the new term新学期
all the students全体学生 back at school回来上课
at school 在学校;在上课 each other 互相
a lot (of) 许多;大量 Glad to see you. 见到你很高兴.
how many多少,几个? play there 在那里玩
on the first floor在二楼 in the street 在大街上
on the second floor在三楼
on the third floor在四楼 语音:
a new house新房子 / / cake grape plate
some flowers一些花 name table plane
near the garden在花园附近 take tape Kate
1.----Is there a/an …in the …? ----Yes,there is./No,there isn’t.
2.----Are there any…in the…? ----Yes,there are.No,there aren’t.
3.----How many …are there in the …?----There are …
4.----Shall we go and play there?----Good idea.
Unit 2 A new house
四会单词: 三会单词:
live 居住;生活 parent 父;母
bedroom 卧室;寝室 parents 父母亲
bathroom 浴室;盥洗室 kitchen 厨房
sitting-room 起居室 world 世界
dining-room 餐厅 telephone 电话机;电话
study 书房 ;学习,攻读 mouse 鼠
large 大的 mouth 嘴
beside 在……旁边;靠近 三会词组:
bed 床 her parents她的父母
wall 墙 a map of the world一幅世界地图
lamp 灯 between the buildings在建筑之间
sofa (长)沙发 in the cat’s mouth在猫嘴里
between 在(两者)之间;在……中间
under 在……下面 语音:
behind 在……后面 / / black happy
door 门 hat cap rabbit
四会词组: tap bag jacket
live in 居住在 Japanese
on the wall 在墙上
between the map and the bed在地图和床之间
in/on/beside… the wall/map/desk…
1.----What’s in/on/under/behind/beside/between …?
----There’s a/an …in/on/under/behind/beside/between …
(There are some …in/on/under/behind/beside/between …)
2.There isn’t a/an …
(There aren’t any …)
3.Here’s a/an … for you.
(Here are some … for you.)
Unit 3 At a music lesson
四会单词: 三会单词:
lesson 课;功课 start 开始
can 能 music 音乐
can’t 不能 violin 小提琴
sing 唱;唱歌 follow 跟随;仿效
song 歌曲 together 一起
dance 跳舞 guitar 吉他
play 演奏
learn 学;学会 三会词组:
listen 听 in the music room在音乐室
listen to 听 have a music room上音乐课
swim 游;游泳 follow me跟着我
make 做;制造 play the violin拉小提琴
ride 骑(马、自行车) play the piano弹钢琴
put 放;摆 play the guitar弹吉他
skate 溜冰;滑冰 play the accordion拉手风琴
ski 滑雪 let’s start 让我们开始吧
model 模型 sing it together 一起唱
ready 准备好的 put a book on your head 把书放在你的头上
begin 开始 find him 找到他
四会词组: under the teacher’s desk 在讲台下
at an Art lesson在美术课上
sing the song 唱歌 语音:/a:/ after basket class
listen to me 听我的 dance ask
listen to the song 听这首歌 star park art
learn the song 学这首歌 garden card smart
sing and dance 边唱边跳 sharpener
make a model plane 做模型飞机
ride a bike 骑自行车
1.----I can …What can you do? ----I can … (can后动词用原形)
2.The girl can dance,but the boy can’t.He can sing.
3.----Can you put the book on your head? ----Yes,I can./No,I can’t.
4.Where’s Ben?Who can find him?
Unit4 Halloween
四会单词: 三会单词:
family 家庭 Halloween 万圣节前夕(10月31日)
thing 东西;物品 tomorrow 明天
need 需要 pumpkin 南瓜
vase 花瓶 lantern 灯笼
horse 马 change 找头,零钱
candle 蜡烛 Saturday 星期六
chicken 鸡 Sunday 星期天
duck 鸭;鸭肉 with 和
pig 猪 or 或者
evening 傍晚;晚上 if 如果,假如
work 工作 三会词组:
buy 买 a Halloween party
mask 面具 pumpkins lanterns
else 别的,期他的 Here’s your change,
cook 烹调;做饭 on Saturdays/Sundays
try 试 play table tennis with our friends
四会词组: like reading
in the evening 在晚上
his family 他的家庭 语音:/i:/ he she these zebra
buy things 买东西 bee be need
need some flowers and a vase需要一些花和一个花瓶
buy some masks买一些面具 season tea beach
What else? 别的什么? teach teacher
cook some rice 做饭 each peach
don’t work 不工作
1.----Do you like …? ----Yes,I do./No,I don’t. I like …
2.----I like …What do you like? ----I like …
3.----What do you need? ----I need …
----What else do you need? ---…,please.
Unit 6 Doing housework
四会单词: 三会单词:
morning 早晨,上午 housework 家务劳动
ring (钟铃等)响 free 自由的;空闲的
sweep 扫,扫除 homework 家庭作业
help 帮助 clean 把……弄干净;擦干净
Maths (口语)数学 speak 说话
stand 站;立 三会词组:
sit 坐 clean the window 擦窗户
sleep 睡觉 Sunday morning 星期天早晨
jump 跳跃 do housework 做家务
run 跑,奔跑 do one’s homework 做家作
walk 步行;散步 make a cake 做蛋糕
wash 洗涤,冲洗 Come and help me,please.请来帮我.
clothes (复数)衣服 look good 看起来很好
home 家
at home 在家
wash clothes 洗衣服
help…with 帮助……做……
sweep the floor 扫地
1.----What are you doing? ----I’m …/We’re …
2.----Where’s …? ----He’s/She’s in …
3.----What is he/she doing? ----He’s/She’s …
4.----Are you free now? ----Yes./No.
5.----Can you come and help me with my Maths? ----Sure.
6.----How about this afternoon? ----OK.See you this afternoon.
7.Please help me.
Unit7 After school
四会单词: 三会单词:
after 在…之后;在…后面 I’ll=I will 我将;我会
class 课;(学校里的)班 join 参加,加入
over 结束 magazine 杂志
say 说,讲 marble 玻璃弹子
newspaper 报纸 volleyball 排球
picture book 图画书;画册 三会词组:
card 纸牌;卡片 run after 追赶
chess 棋 say goodbye to… 向……道别
laugh 笑,大笑 go and join them 去加入他们
cry 哭 read a magazine读杂志
study 学习;攻读 play marbles玩弹珠
yo-yo 游游拉线盘(一种小玩具) eat the dog’s food吃狗的食物
busy 忙碌的 dance on the dog’s head在狗头上跳舞
food 食物,食品 play football踢足球
四会词组: play basketball打篮球
after school 放学后 play baseball打棒球
look for 寻找 play volleyball打排球
Classes are over. 下课了.
read a newspaper 读报纸 语音:
read a picture book 读图画书 / / five kite like pie
play chess 下棋 tiger bike Mike tie
play cards 打牌 find behind
play with 拿┅┅玩;和┅┅一起玩
play with a yo-yo 玩溜溜球
1.---Is he sitting on a volleyball?---No,he’s not.He’s sitting on a basketball.
2.Nancy is watching Tvin the sitting-room.
3.The dog is crying and the mouse is laughing.
Unit 8 A camping trip
四会单词: 三会单词:
children [复数]孩子们,儿童 blanket 毛毯,毯子
hill 小山 telescope 望远镜
show 给……看,出示 fruit 水果
tent 帐篷 stove (供烹饪用的)火炉;煤炉;电炉
tin 罐头 pillow 枕头
tin-opener 开罐器 elephant 象
pot 锅 hole 洞,孔
match 火柴 use 用,使用
towel 毛巾 string 细绳;带子
fat 胖的;肥的
thin 瘦的
fish 鱼;鱼肉
四会词组: 三会词组:
a tin of … 一罐…… camping trip 野营旅行
some matches一些火柴 (at a) camping site (在)野营营地
near the hill 在小山附近 cut out 割去;裁剪
show sth. to sb. 给某人看某物 long hair长发
a big tent 一个大帐篷 big ears大耳朵
sit beside her tent 坐在她的帐篷旁边 语音:/ /
some tins of chicken and fish 一些鸡肉和鱼肉罐头 fish fridge
a box of chocolates一盒子巧克力 sit in milk
1.You have … and I have …
We have … and they have …
He has … and she has …
2.----I have …What do you have?----I have …
----What does he/she have?----He/She has …
----What does Liu Tao/May have? ----He/She has …
----What do you have? ----We have ….
----What do they have? ----They have ….
3.They are showing their things to each other.
4.I have a bear.It has long hair.
Unit 9 Shapes
四会单词: 三会单词:
shape 形状 about 关于
art 艺术,美术 rectangle 长方形
teach 教,教书 diamond 菱形;菱形的;钻石
fly 飞;放(风筝、飞机模型等) triangle 三角形;三角形的
square 正方形 oval 椭圆形;椭圆形的
bag 包,袋子 grandparents 祖父母;外祖父母
circle 圆圈 grandpa 爷爷;外公
us [作宾语用] 我们 grandma 奶奶;外婆
sun 太阳 then 然后
moon 月亮 forget 忘记
star 星形,星形物;星 only 仅仅,只
heart 心形;心 twinkle闪烁;闪闪发光;眨眼
paper 纸 wonder 对…感到惊奇
high 高 year 年
up向上 above在……上面
sky 天空
四会词组: 三会词组:
an Art lesson一节美术课
buy a New Year card for our grandparents 为我们祖父母买新年贺卡
teach her students about shapes教学生形状
learn how to draw them学习怎样画它们 Don’t forget !别忘记!
look at the blackboard看黑板 Happy New Year! 祝你新年快乐!
fly a kite 放风筝
five circles 五个圆形 语音:/ / gn open
draw a circle 画个圆形 over oval
come to the blackboard 到黑板前来 sofa only
show us how to do it 给我们看看怎样做 those stove
make a card 做卡片 home post
on the paper 在纸上
1.----What shape is/are the …? ----It’s a/an …/They’re …
2.----What shape is it? ---It’s a/an …
3.----What shapes are they? ----They’re …
4.Show us how to …(cook rice/make a cake/open the tin/make a model
plane/play the guitar/plant trees…)
5.I don’t know how to make a card.
6.Draw some trees and stars on the paper first.Then write ‘Happy New Year’ on it.Don’t forget to write ‘Dear Grandma and Grandpa