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Dog Bento
Tao Yang
Miss you, you are like a piece of red, but cannot erase the bright red color; miss you, you just like a stream, and not finish your waves. Baby are you okay?
Love at the first sight
" Wow, who's really cute puppy!" " For my aunt's." " Won't, so lovely, gave me." That would be fine.
Good mother sent me a puppy, I am really happy, I really want to the whole world and shouted:" look! This is my dog, than your bad!"
I carefully looked at him, he curled into a ball, the body was shaking, his mouth still hum cried, as if to say: "don't dog Oh, no nonsense."
He is a white-haired, but which mixed with some brown, a pair of eyes looking at me from time to time, black nose also braved the white gas.
When my mother said:" the dog 's name is good?" " Asked the little Yang." " Well, then you!" " No no! The soil too." In my mother and I disagree, dad said:" Yang Yang seven grades, called Xiao Qi, very memorable!" " Gee! The good." My mother and I speak with.
Lingering sentiments
Three days passed, I gradually let me touch his head, but I found him - to take a shower. Mother fetched a pot, pour in hot water, but I refused to take a shower, let I how to coax, he refused to go to bowl, I think : if the " sugar coated bullet" useless, that" large serve" -- he was my hard to promote the basin, at first I worked struggle, I gently stroked his head, he immediately stopped, slowly lie down, motionless, I water scrubbing with Beck 's body, with hands gently touch him, at this time, he is like a mother to coax good good baby, then a no sound there, there is only water noise.
Profound friendship
Three months later, Beck and I became familiar with, every time I go home from school, he'll be all the way to the local wags its tail to welcome me, see me, straight creeping up my leg, I hugged him, touching his head, over his stomach, he will stop.
It was a rainy day, is that the teacher Tuotang, I returned home very late, but in front of the baby 's been waiting for me, when I came back, he caught" drop soup dog", but he did not return, I quickly picked him home, looking for towel to dry his hair, he was shivering, I would put him under the arms, and then sit down to watch TV, I inadvertently look, I had fallen asleep, sleep but unbowed, mouth a move, he was in a dream to eat bones.
Trust, often create a sincere friendship.
Unfinished love
It is three months old. I found, I recently always and some other puppies to play together, and home to more and more time late night, sometimes even will not come. Then one day I was gone, a few days and didn't come back, we have the whole family to find, but failed in four days, five days, I was disappointed.
Baby are you okay? Baby, your brother here, no matter what time come back, I will wait for you; Xiao Qi, your house is here, whenever you come back, we wait for you; xiao. Your friendship is here, whenever we are good brothers!
Baby, your love your friends, I will never forget!

英文英语作文,词数500词左右.内容是5个人谈论谈论动物的对话.就是类似于5个人在动物园谈论动物,说动物这样那样.亲们可以在网上帮我搜一下,不一定要完全符合要求,.谢谢啦 英语作文.词数100左右 英语小作文,语言尽量用初中英语PEP版的假如你是杰克(Jack)根据下面内容提示,介绍自己,可适当发挥,词数40词左右 英语作文高中水平100左右词数 一篇英语作文,词数80个左右 九年级英语作文,内容如下:假如你是李梅,请你用英文写一张母亲节贺卡,在母亲节送给妈妈.要求;1.贺卡格式正确,语句通顺,书写工整; 2.词数:30词左右. 本人急需一篇关于英语重要行的英文作文词数在50左右 大一英语作文内容是关于“财富和健康”…词数120个左右…我大一的…急啊…谢谢… 谁能帮我写一篇英语作文,急用谢谢了,假如你是某英文报社的编辑.下面是李华同学就自己的困惑给你报社编辑部所写信的部分内容,请你根据信的内容给他写封回信.词数在150词左右!Dear Editor,A 英语作文 80词左右 下面描述的是2013年5月15日 (周五,晴天)你的一次经历,请根据其内容,用英语写一篇80词左右的日记.日记的开头格式已给出,不计入文章总词数.注意要点完整,语法正确,上下 谁能帮我写一篇英语作文,内容是:李华是我的朋友,简单介绍一下我对他的评价,词数在100词左右.很急的,希望大家能帮助我,谢谢了. 我要初一人教版英语作文 要求如下:1.词数在50词左右2.要10篇,且5篇是 过去式 关于 提倡节约 的100词左右的英语作文词数不用太多,易懂的最好,注意是 提倡节约 帮写篇初中水平的英语作文信息:假如你叫杨阳,请根据表格内容,给你好朋友孙朋写封电子邮件邀请他去看电影,要求适当扩展,词数80左右.[【时间不能用数字,用英文- -】内容 :Cinema :Ner Time 介绍寒假生活,内容包恬1锻炼身体,3做家务.词数要求60个左右.写一篇英语作文. 以学习英语的方法为题写一篇英语作文,词数60词左右! 求一篇英语作文,题目是《my plan for my college life》词数150左右, 以《my favourite invention》写一篇英语作文 词数在80词左右