
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 07:30:58


think over 考虑
ponder 思考,考虑
allege 断言 声称
affirm 坚持声称
state 声称,阐述
take …… as
look on ……as

英语翻译consider,claim,翻译是把.作为 英语翻译用“claim”做 英语翻译不是claim~而是以claim开头的…… consider 提货单里面的CLAIM AMOUNT是什么意思啊,翻译成中文. claim your free gift now谁能帮我翻译成中文 英语翻译Yet,this powerful claim that plays on the hopes and emotions of investors fails topoint out the fact that your chances of identifying such a manager upfront aresimply too long for most individual investors to consider as a core strategy. 英语翻译This claim corroborates suggestions in the relevant literature that online advertising provides consumers with an identity by communicating role stereotypes of women and constitutes an influential source of gender information.这句话翻 think用哪些词替?除了believe、consider、concern、claim···这样的意思要差不多的啊,有点深度 I don't ___ to be a feminist, but I'd like to see more women in top jobs.a.think b. claim c. regard d.consider 把就某人年龄来说 用英语翻译,用consider这个词 英语翻译as we consider the road that unfolds before us 英语翻译consider music有背景音乐的意思吗? 英语翻译Officials seem to consider bursts of complains from citizens preferable to complains they might get from instituing effective air progress到底翻译成“官员更在乎公愤而不在乎实施有力措施后的抱怨”还是“官员 求助 英语翻译!在线翻 的就不要来了Prior to developing Action and MonitoringPlans you should consider whether it makes sense to group risks and / oropportunities and address more than one risk / opportunity through a singleAction and Mon 英语翻译翻完追加100分,不懂怎么一次给200分.不要翻译器翻译的.In an era of relatively instantaneous contact betweenorganizations across the seemingly shrinking globe,whyshould one consider cultural distance at all?Simply because threshold claim claim是什么意思