
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 15:10:05


One day,Xiao Ming was walking his dog in the park.He found a 10-yuan note on the grass.He wanted to get it.Just before he stepped on the grass,he saw a notice reading:"Keep off the grass!Disobey penal sum 10 yuan."
He stealthily(偷偷地)stepped on the grass and picked up the money.Just as he was walking away,a guard stopped him.As a result,he gave back the money and was fined(罚款)for stepped on the grass.
How time flies ,It has past half an month since beginning of the summer holiday .
As the weather getting hotter and hotter ,my parent and me go to the seaside .Last week we are go to the Xiamen.It's a beautiful city ,bule sky and bule sea .The Xiamen is an island neal the Taiwan .From top of the Riguan rock we can see jinmen island .
We spent a happy day in Xiamen .
My mother

Every dog has his day.意思为:凡人皆有得意日.

The Value Of A Smile
It was in the middle of the winter and daddy and I were traveling in the wintry winds blew loudly and I could feel rhe freezing coldness.


The Value Of A Smile
It was in the middle of the winter and daddy and I were traveling in the wintry winds blew loudly and I could feel rhe freezing coldness.
I had never been so cold.Or so scared .
In a boy's best effort at bravery,Iclenched my teeth to keep then from chattering .I turned to see if Dad was all right.I lill never forget the sight of his face jutted against the wind,his eyes gazed at shore ,his hands firm on the paddle . He glanced at me .Seeing the fear in my eyes,he smiled.
Though my chattering teeth ,I smiled back.At that moment ,I knew everything would be home ,safe again,warm again.
I don't know remember anything Dad said. All I remeber is his smile and the peace that came over me when I saw his smile .
I have a picture of him in my pocket .He is standing straight and tall in his army uniform.A solider in his 20s with wire-rimmed glasses.And that same smile.
That smile also lifts my hopes every time I look at the picture.It makes me want to smile back,and to say thanks.


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