
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 05:24:56


1.XXXs is a great irony novel
2.This be the children's literature work,actually but is an attack at that time British society depravity and corrupt of irony novel.
3.However,draw on most my but is that the author's great adventurous spirit

XXX is a great satire.
This is a children's literature,actually it is a literature which cut up the lost and the corruption of the Britain society in that times.
However,what attracts me most is the author's outstanding spirit of adventure.

1. XXX is a great satirical novel.
2. Apparently a book for children, it is actually a satirical novel lashing out at the degradation and corruption of British society at that time.
3. However, what attracts me most is is the author's outstanding adventurous spirit.

1.XXX is a great satirical novel.
2.This is the children's literary works, in fact it is criticized at the time of British society of corruption and degeneration of the satirical novel.
3.However, the most attractive but I am the author of the great spirit of adventure.

1.XXX is great satire novel
2. this is the children's literature work, in fact was actually the attack at that time the British society degenerated with the corrupt satire novel. however
3., most attracts me, but is author's great risk spirit

1 The XXX is that one be great of irony novel
2 This be the children's literature work, actually but is an attack at that time England society depravity and corrupt of irony novel.
3 However, most attraction my but is that the author be great of adventurous spirit

英语翻译1.XXX是一部伟大的讽刺小说2.这是儿童文学作品,实际上却是抨击当时英国社会堕落与腐败的讽刺小说.3.然而,最吸引我的而是作者伟大的冒险精神 为什么说儒林外史是一部伟大的现实主义小说又是一部杰出的讽刺小说 20.格列佛游记是一部()的政治讽刺小说构成这部讽刺小说,讽刺意味的主要因素有两个方面一是()二是() 描写封建社会官绅活动和精神面貌的《儒林外史》是一部清代讽刺小说这句话为什么不对? 明清四大讽刺小说是什么?明清四大讽刺小说,依据金鑫荣先生的论述,应该是《儒林外史》,《聊斋志异》,《镜花缘》(李汝珍),《鸳鸯针》.前三部是肯定的,后一部也可能是《何典》,没有定 我国小说史上第一部长篇讽刺小说是什么 儒林外史是我国第一部讽刺小说,而官场现形记等四部为我国历史遣责小说 鲁滨逊漂流记是一部杰出的讽刺小说用虚构的情节和幻想的手法揭露了当时英国统治者的腐败与罪恶对不对 简述《童年》是一部怎样的小说 ,下面对文学名著点评不正确的一项是()(2分)A.《格列佛游记》是一部杰出的讽刺小说,作者用虚构情节和幻想、下面对文学名著点评不正确的一项是( ) (2分)A.《格列佛游记》是一部杰出的讽 英语翻译不是指那种短片散文,我想问的是长篇的一部小说. 英语翻译“.现象具有讽刺意味的是.” 《格列佛游记》是一部杰出的讽刺小说,作者运用虚构的情节和幻想的手法,揭露了批判了当时英国统治阶级的腐败与罪恶,是对的吗 《儒林外史》是一部______体长篇讽刺小说,作者是清代小说家________.主要描写_________的生活和精神状态,揭露__________的腐朽以及在这个制度奴役下的士人的变态灵魂. 我国古代小说1.我国古代最杰出的长篇讽刺小说是_________2.我国古代最杰出的文言短篇小说是_________ 语文九年级下册 文学常识1.的作者是______国作家______,代表作有小说______.2.的作者是______国小说家______.3.是______的早期作品,是一部具有极大社会讽刺性的喜剧,作者是______国人.剧中的高利贷者 博览群书1.“才自精明志自高”是《红楼梦》中对( )的判词.2.安徒生童话——《海的女儿》中,小美人鱼变成人是为了见到( ).3.我国小说史上第一部长篇讽刺小说是( ).4. 修改病句:《本草纲目》是伟大的一部著作