英语翻译1你已经从你家乡回来了 2那里发生了很大的变化 3我和我爸爸妈妈曾经去过黄山 3那里有如此多的人 以至于我找不到地方照相 3玛利亚在哪 4她已经去古巴做志愿者了 5你曾经喂过残

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 22:36:45

英语翻译1你已经从你家乡回来了 2那里发生了很大的变化 3我和我爸爸妈妈曾经去过黄山 3那里有如此多的人 以至于我找不到地方照相 3玛利亚在哪 4她已经去古巴做志愿者了 5你曾经喂过残
1你已经从你家乡回来了 2那里发生了很大的变化 3我和我爸爸妈妈曾经去过黄山 3那里有如此多的人 以至于我找不到地方照相 3玛利亚在哪 4她已经去古巴做志愿者了 5你曾经喂过残疾儿童饭吗 不 我没有 6尽管我没有时间旅游 但我仍感到很快乐 8为了养家糊口 他们不得不做童工 9中国已经迅速发展了 10政府给贫困家庭提供了帮助

英语翻译1你已经从你家乡回来了 2那里发生了很大的变化 3我和我爸爸妈妈曾经去过黄山 3那里有如此多的人 以至于我找不到地方照相 3玛利亚在哪 4她已经去古巴做志愿者了 5你曾经喂过残
1.You have returned from your hometown.
2.Great changes had taken place there.
3.I had been to Mount Huang with my parents once.
4.There were so many people that I could hardly find a place to take photos.
5.Where is Mariah?
6.She has gone to Cuba as a volunteer.
7.Have you ever helped disabled children eat?No,I haven't.
8.Although I don't have time to travel,I feel happu.
9.Can you describe it in details?
10.They had to start working as a child to support their family.
11.China has been developing very quickly.
12.The government has offered help to those families in poverty.

1 you have come back from your hometown 2 great changes have taken place there in 3 with my mom and Dad had gone to Mount Huangshan 3 where there are so many people that I can't find a place to film 3...


1 you have come back from your hometown 2 great changes have taken place there in 3 with my mom and Dad had gone to Mount Huangshan 3 where there are so many people that I can't find a place to film 3 Maria in which 4 she has Cuba to be a volunteer 5 have you fed the disabled children food I have 6 although I have no time to travel but I still feel very happy 7 can you give a detailed description of it in 8 in order to bring home the bacon they have to labor for 9 China has rapidly developed 10 government to help poor families


1.You have come back from your hometown。
2.There has been a big change。
3.I and my parents have ever been to huangshan.
4.那里有如此多的人 以至于我找不到地方照相
There are so many people that I can't ...


1.You have come back from your hometown。
2.There has been a big change。
3.I and my parents have ever been to huangshan.
4.那里有如此多的人 以至于我找不到地方照相
There are so many people that I can't find a place to take photos.
5.玛利亚在哪 Where is Maria?
6.她已经去古巴做志愿者了 She has been a volunteer in Cuba.
7.你曾经喂过残疾儿童饭吗? Have you ever fed the disabled children rice?
8尽管我没有时间旅游 但我仍感到很快乐
Although I have no time to travel I still felt very happy.
9.你能详细描述一下吗?Can you describe the detailed?
10.为了养家糊口 他们不得不做童工
In order to support a family ,They have to do child labor.
11.中国已经迅速发展了 China has moved quickly to development.
The government provides help to poor families.


You have from your hometown back 2 there has been a lot of change and I and my father and mother ever been to huangshan 3 there are so many people that I can't find a place to photography where she ha...


You have from your hometown back 2 there has been a lot of change and I and my father and mother ever been to huangshan 3 there are so many people that I can't find a place to photography where she has 4 3 maria do go to Cuba volunteer 5 you ever fed the disabled children rice, please don't I have no although I have no time to travel but I still feel very happy and you can detailed description to keep the family? And they have to do and China has rapidly development of child labor 10 government provides help to poor families


英语翻译1你已经从你家乡回来了 2那里发生了很大的变化 3我和我爸爸妈妈曾经去过黄山 3那里有如此多的人 以至于我找不到地方照相 3玛利亚在哪 4她已经去古巴做志愿者了 5你曾经喂过残 英语翻译:她回来了,你已经不需要我了 英语翻译欢迎回来,听说你回了一趟老家,据我所知,你已经很多年没有回去了,快来说说你的家乡发生了哪些变化?我认为我的家乡变化特别大.举个最简单的例子来说,十年前的家乡到处是花草芬 英语翻译Millie从上个月起我就没见到你了。我听说你去了泰国。你已经去了一个星期了对吗?现在还没有回来吗?我在香港已经待了2天了。我和父母在这里度过了一段美好的时光。今天一整 英语翻译1你曾经吃过鱼和薯条吗?2我刚刚丢了化学书.3你已经看过这部电影了吗?4我的哥哥还没回来.5这本字典我已买了三年了.6他离开中国三年了.7自从他搬到福州,他就住这儿了.8他们已经结 英语翻译:似乎你不知道你已经陷入了麻烦中 英语翻译你已经收到你朋友的来信了吗?翻译 英语翻译你已经做完你的工作了吗?.帮下忙 英语翻译康康刚从他家乡回来Kangkang _______________his hometown. 英语翻译1 你已经有电影票了吗?我三天前就买了.2 我从8岁起就开始等你.3 你坐在那已经3个小时了4 你说你要好好学英语,但是自从买了这本书你就从来没看过.5 你要去超市吗?不去.你总是这么 英语翻译1 硬币太小了,很容易丢失 2 我还以为你还没吃饭呢 / 我还以为你已经吃过饭了英语翻译. 也许有天回去了,但你已经不再那里等我 英语翻译 如何理解 你已经发了火,你把黑暗征服了 这句话的含义? 你什么时候从北京回来英语翻译 你家乡是那里的 英语翻译1 你出差回来了吗?2 他从国外出差回来没有?3 前天他刚从外地出差回来.4 每周六 他都要睡到很晚才起床./ 他都要睡到下午1点才起床.5 这次我大概要去上海出差5天,回来的时候我会给 英语翻译1 你家乡的风俗是什么?2 你家乡的人喜欢什么?哪一个更好? 英语翻译1 我们分手已经6年了 2 他不爱你已经两年了3 无论你做什么,已经无法挽回你们的爱情了.4 才能挽回那段感情呢?英语翻译.