各大超市禁止使用塑料袋,一律改用纸袋或自制手提袋.从环保的角度,写一篇英语短文!各大超市.有人说这是杜绝白色污染的利人利己得大好措施,也有人说这样购物不方便 从环保的角度谈谈你

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 11:49:31

各大超市禁止使用塑料袋,一律改用纸袋或自制手提袋.从环保的角度,写一篇英语短文!各大超市.有人说这是杜绝白色污染的利人利己得大好措施,也有人说这样购物不方便 从环保的角度谈谈你
各大超市.有人说这是杜绝白色污染的利人利己得大好措施,也有人说这样购物不方便 从环保的角度谈谈你的看法,80次左右,英语短文!

各大超市禁止使用塑料袋,一律改用纸袋或自制手提袋.从环保的角度,写一篇英语短文!各大超市.有人说这是杜绝白色污染的利人利己得大好措施,也有人说这样购物不方便 从环保的角度谈谈你
I am a small plastic,our family color colourful,there are red,yellow,...,shape is different also,have seen,rectangle,but most of the heart back.The large size,can be installed on a quilt,small can mount a hairpin.We can be more advantages of convenient,quick,clean,also waterproof.People like me,so I figure everywhere,supermarket,CaiChang,shop.anyhow,I and people's life,we can.But someday,people say we are "killer" say this environment can be long:when we finished mission,people would put us throw away.The wind blows,sometimes to fly on the trees,and sometimes wafted to fly into the river,we eat fish turtle,resulting in death,sometimes to fly in the soil,two hundred years to decay,and the environment,the influence of the soil,the plant also cannot breathe normally again on this land.I wish people would stop by me,baskets,environmental protection bags.To protect our earth,to protect our homeland!Comments:the composition teacher use is the personification writing technique,"" human emotions and gives,and use the thinking way of writing,the first person to write the composition and content can be closer to the reader,let the reader will pay more attention to the" I "- fate."I" composition through readme tell everyone,"I" have advantages but more fatal flaw,if you wish to their homes are beautiful,he must not only convenient,let "I" into the environment of the killer.The young writer composition,let my heart was born with the convenience of using plastic bags and rejoice,and now has become a big problem of environmental pollution."Bags" itself is not wrong,wrong is that we make it,use it.I believe that the young writer at the composition of the readers,will use plastic bags "this matter,have oneself more reflection and awakening

各大超市禁止使用塑料袋,一律改用纸袋或自制手提袋.从环保的角度,写一篇短文 各大超市禁止使用塑料袋,一律改用纸袋或自制手提袋.从环保的角度,写一篇英语短文!各大超市.有人说这是杜绝白色污染的利人利己得大好措施,也有人说这样购物不方便 从环保的角度谈谈你 为什么禁止使用塑料袋 纸袋比塑料袋环保吗限塑后都改用纸袋了,难道纸袋就环保? 习惯成自然,作文咋写?2008年6月1日起,全国范围将禁止生产 销售 使用塑料袋,一律使用纸袋.国务院的一纸“限塑令”能否改变人顽固的习惯?以这为内容,要求:1述真事,讲真情 是否应该禁止使用塑料袋 充分使用纸袋,不使用塑料袋的英语翻译 禁止使用超薄塑料袋的意义? 塑料袋、纸袋的坏处 关于塑料袋和纸袋. 去年,国家下达“限塑令”,规定自2008年6月1日起,在所有超市、商场、集贸市场等商品零售场所实行塑料袋有偿偿使用制度,一律不得免费提供塑料购物袋.“限塑令”实施已经一年,我市的执行 翻译:禁止使用塑料袋能有效的保护环境,防止污染 我国为什么要全面禁止使用超薄塑料袋 禁止使用塑料袋的法令是什么时候发行的 禁止使用塑料袋 在化学方面的好处 用塑料袋或纸袋套着口鼻呼吸是出于什么目的?什么机理? 如何减少食品塑料袋的使用?比如买烧饼或油条时他们送的白色薄塑料带,没标志,没厂家,有什么替代品么?纸袋也是一次性的啊 不低碳的说 布袋、塑料袋、纸袋的对话童话