英语翻译背景:德国向联合国提出谴责叙利亚的决议草案,中国和俄罗斯选择了弃权.China and Russia which is (此处问什么用is?)Syria's closest and most powerful ally(ally也不用复数) chose not to vote.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 05:05:16

英语翻译背景:德国向联合国提出谴责叙利亚的决议草案,中国和俄罗斯选择了弃权.China and Russia which is (此处问什么用is?)Syria's closest and most powerful ally(ally也不用复数) chose not to vote.
China and Russia which is (此处问什么用is?)Syria's closest and most powerful ally(ally也不用复数) chose not to vote.

英语翻译背景:德国向联合国提出谴责叙利亚的决议草案,中国和俄罗斯选择了弃权.China and Russia which is (此处问什么用is?)Syria's closest and most powerful ally(ally也不用复数) chose not to vote.
China and Russia which is (此处用is是因为which指代的是Russia而非China and Russia )Syria's closest and most powerful ally(ally也只指Russia) chose(chose的主语则为China and Russia) not to vote.

job 是名词,他的工作 是 什么,is 就是 是 的意思。如果要用 does , 就应该是 What does he do, 是一个同义句,意思是 他是做什么的, does

估计把中国和俄罗斯看成一类 谓语用单数


因为在这里 "Syria's closest and most powerful ally" 指的是 Russia 而不是 China and Russia


把China and Russia 看成一个整体。 ally是集体名词。个人愚见。