有几道让我疑惑的英语题,1.There is noting inside it____some charge and old photo.A.except B.besides(到底怎么区分,我查了很久一直弄不明白,头都大了.答案是选A的,为什么B不可以,意思什么不同?)2.____example

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 17:57:18

有几道让我疑惑的英语题,1.There is noting inside it____some charge and old photo.A.except B.besides(到底怎么区分,我查了很久一直弄不明白,头都大了.答案是选A的,为什么B不可以,意思什么不同?)2.____example
1.There is noting inside it____some charge and old photo.
A.except B.besides
2.____example of____animal without____backbone is the earthworm.
A.The;an;the B.An;an;a C.The;the;the D.An;the;a
3.Lesson Four is____most difficult lesson,but it isn't____most difficult lesson in Book Two.
A.a;a B.a;the C.the;the D.some;the
(most不是最高级么,在它前面应该加the啊,为什么第一个空是a?有a most这种形式吗?答案是选B的)
4.Alice is fond of playing____piano while Henry is interested in listening to ____music.
A./;the B./;/ C.the;/ D.the;the
(答案是C.我查过listen to the music 和listen to music 都有这样的词组,那在这道题中有什么不同吗,为什么一定是listening to music?)
5.In secondary school____children get more knowledge.
A./ B.the
(答案选A,为什么,the children读起来不是更顺口么?)

有几道让我疑惑的英语题,1.There is noting inside it____some charge and old photo.A.except B.besides(到底怎么区分,我查了很久一直弄不明白,头都大了.答案是选A的,为什么B不可以,意思什么不同?)2.____example
1、a是“除去”的意思;b虽然也有“除此之外”的意思,但是指“包括在内”,即“除了……还有”.比如“we have to go to school every weekday besides Wendnesday.(我们每周一到周五都要上课,包括礼拜三.)”
3.most 单独做形容词时意思为“非常”=very much,所以前面加“a”;当最高级时才是“最”之意,前面加“the”.
4.使用乐器前面加“the”;listen to music 是固定词组“听音乐”,有泛指的意思.若中间加了个"the"就是特指听什么音乐.从语境来讲并没有说有什么音乐.
5.理解同上.这里"children"没有说是特定的什么集体,只是泛指.如果前面有说比如“ Waiting for about 2 months,the children in Sichuan went to school again.”那么选择B是非常正确的了!

1.except 除了,不包括后面列举的
besides 除了...之外还有,包括后面列举的
要用besides的话,可以是There are other things inside it besides ...


1.except 除了,不包括后面列举的
besides 除了...之外还有,包括后面列举的
要用besides的话,可以是There are other things inside it besides ...
3.a most difficult lesson = one of the most difficult lessons 最难的之一
这题因为后面还有半句,前面用了the 特指的话,后面就矛盾了。
4.listen to the music 听那种、那类音乐
listen to music 听音乐(爱好) 泛指所有音乐


1..besides 包括..另个是除外
3..a 泛指 the 特指 Book2
4..琴类前要+THE 后面+the就特指了 在这择优选啊
5..不知道..我觉得 不+the 顺口

We all went to the park except Sam.这句是所有人都去了公园,就Sam没去
We all went to the park besides Sam.这句是所有人都去了公园,包括Sam


We all went to the park except Sam.这句是所有人都去了公园,就Sam没去
We all went to the park besides Sam.这句是所有人都去了公园,包括Sam
3.a most difficult lesson = one of the most difficult lessons 最难的之一
4.play the+乐器,固定搭配
listen to the music听那种、那类音乐,一般是前文提到的.


有几道让我疑惑的英语题,1.There is noting inside it____some charge and old photo.A.except B.besides(到底怎么区分,我查了很久一直弄不明白,头都大了.答案是选A的,为什么B不可以,意思什么不同?)2.____example 英语方面的疑惑 关于2道简单的英语题的疑惑1.If you don't know what_________it means为什么不能用does it mean?2._________to be no need to help the lazy people.There seems为什么不能用”It seems”? 谁耐心一点帮我解一下这几句英语句子语法和用词方面的疑惑,1.Go and get your coat ,it's where you left it ,这里的where 能不能用 there?2.He has been used to getting up early since his childhood ,这里的has been used to #儿时疑惑#我的前世是什么 如题~我对这个很疑惑~ 有十道我有疑惑的英语选择题,(好的话会追加分)①There ___some ice cream in the fridge.A.is B.are(标准答案) C.have D.has②There ___a football match tomorrow afternoon.A.will have(标准答案) B.are going to be C.have 2010小学三年级下英语期末试卷我才考完试,有一题有疑惑, 疑惑,There will is/are,有这种用法吗?我见过的都是There will be 关于英语的疑惑On the other hand,there were the fox terriers,a score of them at least,who yelped fearful promises at Toots and Ysabel looking out of the windows at them.这句活的解释我知道,我对比了中文解释和这句英文,我觉 用英语怎么说?标准哦.thank you my he 我在一篇演讲稿里看到的,很是疑惑。 学英语疑惑为什么我看得懂和会说的英语不对等?怎样才能像我看得懂的一样多的会说英语? 求助英语高手:翻译中介词问题例如:There are well established and improving programs of data collection and reporting that address pavement and bridges as discrete asset classes. 我的英语水平较低,我的疑惑是:1)那个of 滴定管,量筒上有使用温度标志?我做到这样的一题 话说很疑惑 21题 有疑惑 怎么来的 两个英语从句的省略问题的疑惑Much of Robert Frost's poetry is built on what he called sentence sounds derived directly from colloquial speech.Since Alaska attained statehood in 1959 no single party has dominated politics there.我总 By the way,_____ is there in today's newspaper.A.something new B.anything new By the way,_____ is there in today's newspaper?(问号哦)A.something new B.anything new原题就是这样的,所以我疑惑 can you tell me where there's a good place to eat?这个句子的成分,我有点疑惑!there is a good place to eat in somewhere. 这个句子是不是对somewhere 进行提问,