帮忙写个topic关于rising price的没有其他要求~

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 23:33:23

帮忙写个topic关于rising price的没有其他要求~
关于rising price的

帮忙写个topic关于rising price的没有其他要求~
Chinanews,Beijing,July 18 – According to a recent large-scale survey conducted by the China Youth Daily Social Investigation Center and QTick.com,about 90.9% of Chinese are aware of the recent price hike,and 70% of them complain about fast-rising food price.
The survey was conducted in 29 provinces,municipalities and autonomous regions,covering 2,538 people.
The statistics from the Chinese Association of Labor Studies show that average annual wage growth rate in China has been 12% in the recent 4 years (the fastest growth since the beginning of the Reform and Openning-up),and the booming market has brought great benefit to the Chinese people,too.However,nearly 60% of the respondents don’t think their disposable income has increased.All they know that is everything,particularly food,is becoming more and more expensive.
The National Development and Reform Commission has just released its latest report on price level in China,saying that pork price in 36 big and medium-sized cities has increased by 10% compared with the figure in last May.It is estimated that China might witness a 3%-plus annual CPI growth this year.

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