
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 15:46:13


英 语

听力(20×1.5=30):1—5 CBACA 6—10 ACCAB 11—15 CBBAB 16—20 CABCA
单选(15×1=15):21—25BABDC 26—30 ADACB 31—35 ACABD
完形填空(20×1.5=30):36—40 BCABD 41—45 CACBC 46—50 DBABC 51—55ADCBA
阅读理解(15×2=30):56—59DCAB 60—63 CDBD 64—66 ADB 67—70 ACBD

Dear David,

I have been expected to travel to the UK. Thus, I canexperience the English
Culture personal. I’m writingto ask for some advices. My family plan to travel there
personally advice
during a coming winter vacation.We were to spend a week in London,where is a
the are which
large city, and this is the first timefor us to travel abroad. I want to know what places of

interest there are worthwhile seeing. Can you offer to me some suggestionsand recommend
some attractions? I wouldappreciate ∧if you could reply to me soon. I’malso looking
forward to see you in London.
Li Hua
One possibleversion:
Inspite of the fast development of transportation in the major cities of China,more and more traffic problems are arising. A seriousone is heavy traffic. Very often, we see cars in front of us parked on bothsides of the street, or stuck in traffic with drivers waiting impatiently. Sowhat on earth causes this problem?
Inthe first place, a large population contributes to heavy traffic and growingnumbers of private cars add to the pressure on the severe traffic conditions.What’s worse, some people are unaware of the importance of obeying trafficregulations, so it’s not uncommon to see accidents blocking traffic.
Personally,it’s better to improve the public transportation system with scientific roaddesign and proper management than to promote private cars. More importantly,never can traffic jams be eased without self-disciplined citizens. (117 words)

M: Do you know the best wayto the Science Museum?
W: No. Why don’t we justgo? We can ask people on the way.
M: I don’t think that’s agood idea. Let’s look on the Internet. I know a site that gives roadinformation.
M: Could you give me a handmoving this cupboard, please?
W: I’m sorry. It looks abit heavy to me. Jim’s next door. Why don’t you ask him?
M: Good idea.
W: I hate my roommate. Lookat this! All the dishes still on the table from last night. And her clothes!She never puts them in her closet. They’re on the floor, on the chair,everywhere.
M: Why don’t you talk toher about it?
Text 4
M: Where shall I put theseplaying cards? By the TV?
W: No, I like to keep thattable clear. Can you put them on the bookcase?
M: Sure.
Text 5
M: Did you hear about whathappened with the elevator last night? A student’s coat belt was stuck betweenthe elevator doors. The elevator stopped, and didn’t move for one hour.
W: Oh, no! Do you think itcould happen to our elevator?
Text 6
W: So, you’re Olivier?Where are you from?
M: From near Paris, Orleans.
W: OK. What are your plansfor the future?
M: Well, I have justfinished high school and I would like to go to a business school.
W: I see. Why is that?
M: Well, eventually I wouldlike to get a job as a lawyer or something like that.
W: I see. And what do youdo in your free time?
M: I’m keen on sport. Ilike to play tennis and go windsurfing. I also like to take part in plays andact.
W: Really! I think we areready to move on to the next part …
Text 7
M: Who do you work for atthe moment?
W: Um, I work for the BBCWorld Service. I’ve been with the BBC for five years. Before that, I worked asan interpreter for the EU.
M: As you know, this job isbased in Geneva.Have you ever lived abroad before?
W: Oh, yes, I have. Infact, I was born in Argentinaand I lived there until I was eleven.
M: That’s interesting. Haveyou travelled much?
W: Oh, yes. I’ve been toall over Europe and many parts of South America.
M: Why did you go to theseplaces?
W: Well, mostly forpleasure, but three years ago I went back to Argentinato cover various political stories in Buenos Aires for the BBC.
Text 8
W: OK, so what are we goingto see today? There’s so much I want to do and we’ve only got two days left ofour honeymoon!
M: Yeah, we’ve already beenhere five days and we still haven’t been up the Eiffel Tower!First, I’d like to visit the Arc de Triomphe today. I’ve seen so many picturesof it. Now I want to see it in person.
W: Yeah, me too. And thenwe can see the art museum, the Louvre. I’d like to spend a few hours in there.
M: Sure, but that won’tleave much time for Montmartre. We can see thefamous church, the Sacre-Couer there.
W: OK, but I don’t thinkwe’ll have time for that today. Let’s do that tomorrow. We’ve got time to climbup the Eiffel Tower, though. Why don’t we go thereafter the Louvre?
M: Sure, OK.
Text 9
M: Hello?
W: Jack? Anna here. Listen,I’ve got a big problem here and I need your advice.
M: What’s going on?
W: You remember how Lisalet me borrow her necklace?
M: Sure. You were going tothat formal party at the Carlton Hotel. Hey, wasn’t that tonight?
W: Yeah, I just got homeand realised I didn’t have it. I lost the necklace! What should I do?
M: Why don’t you report itto the Lost and Found desk at the hotel?
W: Good idea. What if noone finds it?
M: Well, then, go overthere and find it yourself. Look under all the tables and …
W: No, I mean, what if noone ever finds it?
M: I think you should waituntil she talks to you about the necklace and then tell her you’ve never seenit.
W: You’re no help at all.I’m just going to call Lisa and tell her the truth.
Text 10
M: Good morning. This is Bob, your entertainment officerfor the day. I’d like to tell you what’s on today’s programme. First off, forthose of you who are feeling energetic, the keep-fit class meets in the Ship’sGym in 20 minutes at 9:00 a.m.If you missed yesterday’s competition in the swimming pool, then come alongthis afternoon at 3:00 p.m. for more fun and games. You don’t need to be ableto swim and it’s one way of keeping cool as it looks to be a really clearcloudless day, unlike yesterday, when you probably needed an extra sweater!Now, on to this evening and there’s a change to the advertised film programmes.Starting in the Ship’s Cinema at 8:00 p.m. — not 9:00 p.m. as advertised — isthe classic movie The Singing Moon. There are no tickets for this event, but asseats are rather limited, you’re advised to come along early.